1.5 billy box office easilyi can freestyle story arcs easily lol
post credits for that movie is a middle aged man watching the news and sees sabastian shaw addressing congress talking about "ENDING THE ANTI HUMAN EXTINCTION AGENDA!!" and how "MUTANTS SHOULD BE UNDER OUR CONTROL AND AT OUR DISPOSAL"
he quietly says "...Interesting"
my magneto:
and the camera pans down and you see:
trailer for the next movie starts with this shot:
second movie:
Wolverine is smoking a cigar at a biker bar and a big ass dude walks by him and stops in his tracks...he sniffs....and says "LOGAN." and immediate slices wolverine's THROAT with his claws. You know who it is
Wolverine wakes up at the mansion and he has no idea what happened. He asks professor X to help him remember more about his past. This is a subplot that leads to an eventual Wolverine Movie.
Main plot is that Magneto sees the clear and present danger to the mutant existence, and believes that mutants need to have an organized army to protect itself from the us government threat. He meets with Xavier and shares that he has direct information about a program to hunt mutants and force them to join the mutant defense force. He talks about the SENTINELS as mutant hunters. Xavier finds it far fetched. Magneto leaves an ominous warning that his father also thought the threat of the Nazi occupation was far fetched.
The school has grown and many mutants we know are students. Everyone i listed above, but also night crawler, jubilee, kitty pride, etc. Magneto's children are as well, although Magento protests.
Mutants start disappearing. Jean Grey disappears particuarly. which Magneto visits the mansion again...as he arrives SENTIELS bust in and of course, destroy the mansion. thats where the shot in the gif above is from.
Professor X is out of commission from the attack. Magneto recruits mutants from the mansion to join the Brotherhood of mutants. The typical Brotherhood of mutants do, with the exception of scarlet witch, who says she will rally the avengers to help.
The brotherhood tries to take out the sentinel factor but Mastermold fukkin destroys them. scarlet witch tells cyclops and he assembles the core X-men blue and gold team. Magneto and cyclops conflict and magneto views cyclops and xavier as holding mutant progress back. The groups battle, and magneto rips wolverine's adimantium claws out his fukkin hands [the bones would be too much for disney lol].
eventually the final battle has the rival groups put their differences aside to take on mastermold, and the director of the sentinel program - NATHANIEL ESSEXHe reveals that the true prize was jean grey, and that he's glad to meet Scott Summers and his brother Havoc who he has met so much about. [that is a tease for the 3rd movie].
They destroy mastermold, beat Mr. Sinister, and the x-men and brotherhood go their separate ways for now.
Post credits has wolverine drinking a beer and smoking a cigar outside the mansion, and sabretooth slicing him up unexpectedly.... "Happy birthday RUNT"
i should really get to work![]()

Shannon a good pick, never considered him