You answered the question, so I respect that.
I, personally, don't see how identifying the enemies of progress does anything except enrage American voters. Let me put it this way: the enemy of progress is the American voter at large. I do agree that Bernie and Warren would've more egregiously used EOs to make tangible differences, however, I studied what conservatives, lobbysists, and moderates were doing during the Obama era, post democratic controlled congress, when Obama famously used "the pen and phone", and they absolutely crushed him propaganda wise for doing it. Does nobody remember "King Obama"? If anything, conservatives seem to be superior at using the mechanism of law (and more evil law groups) to destroy our governmental institutions via law. Look at their whole supreme court strategy. Big business owns Washington, and would find every opportunity to help Republicans and anti-Warren/Bernie Democrats attack their own party if EOs are used to attack their bottom line. We would never see a "progressive" president again for a generation. Or at least until all the Boomers and old Gen X are dead anyway.
Of course, I don't think Bernie or Warren would've ever won simply because America wouldn't have voted for them (because, once again, Americans have shytty ideologies). Didn't Elizabeth Warren lose her own state? Like third or fourth place in 2020?
But, then again, I get your point. I had a crazy and ridiculous idea, pre-pandemic, that Bernie should win the Dem nomination in 2020 but lose the presidency, all so that Bernie could popularize his ideas more and Trump would run the country into the ground during his second term all to lay the foundation for a progressive Presidency and congress in 2024. Strategically I thought it was sound. Instead, we had to get Trump out at all costs because of pandemic fukkery...sadly. Obviously the political apparatus didn't want Bernie to win. I do think it was a lost opportunity for a gigantic win in 2024, a la Obama and Dem congress in 2009.
At this point, and probably for a decade or two, I just don't see how progressives figure out this conundrum. A Biden presidency slows down inevitable accelerationism, a delayed Trumpism encourages the spread of stupid fascism, Boomers, now that they are retiring, have more time to vote than before, millennials are getting burnt out, gen x is checked out, Gen Z is depressed and suicidal and full of 4chanism, conservatives own the supreme court and are going for broke with their shytty ideologies in their states, crony capitalism is running amok totally unchecked, and all the countries around the world are changing at warp speed.