How will Joe Biden GOVERN? General Biden Administration F**kery Thread

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Now all of sudden, you're saying people are dumb for believing something you yourself believed :heh:
I don't think you're paying very close attention to the debate you're participating in.

1. We're talking about Republican support because during his speech Biden mentioned surprise at the lack of bi-partisanship and Republican help for his agenda. That's the dumb shyt he was promising during his campaign that Progressives were rolling their eyes at. Go back to the 2020 primary thread and check the records, me and many other progressive posters were saying that was a terrible, impossible strategy and executive actions were going to need to be a primary way of enacting change whoever was President due to structural gridlock in Congress.

2. My (poking the bear) post you quoted is about the degree to which Biden couldn't even eke out a dribble from his own party, and had even less sway than previously believed. It's about how Democrats Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema have been punking him and embarassing him. But that's not what's in contention here. Like, I don't know any Progressives who were saying the Georgia runoffs and control of the Senate were completely inconsequential, even though we all knew Manchin and Sinema would be standing in the way of making substantial progress if the Democrats controlled the Senate. Literally no one thought Joe Biden would get M4A passed Joe Manchin, but to receive such flagrant disrespect from the moderate coalition of his own party while trying to get his own watered down BBB plan passed was :leon:. No one is saying the disrespect was predictable, but it is a symptom of a broader failed political ideology that Progressives have been pointing out.

So no, I never believed Biden would be a Republican whisperer, and yes, you're dumb if you believed he could get Republicans buy-in for his agenda and revive bipartisanship in a clearly collapsing socio-political system.


Jan 28, 2013
Except he didn’t do any of what I suggested for his own damn party, which was the context of my post. :heh:

Mans out here shytposting with full on cognitive dissonance, thinking he made a point. :heh:

You really are a dull one.

Lets break it down step by step for yall.

1. Biden made a comment in a speech this week that he didn't realize Republicans and Manchin would be this intransigent.

2. You, @King Kreole and other posters with cheeto stains and funyun breath said everybody should have known better and were naive.

3. Posters called yall out for Monday Morning Quarterbacking and acting like yall know everything.

4. I posted screenshots of you months ago asking why Biden wasn't getting the Senate in line and of @King Kreole acknowledging he thought Biden was the Senate Whisperer implying both of yall at one point also assumed the Senate would play ball.

I.E. Shut up breh :gucci:


Rebirth is upon Us 2025
Feb 2, 2014

look at this clown running away from questions like a little bytch :scust:

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Lets break it down step by step for yall.

1. Biden made a comment in a speech this week that he didn't realize Republicans and Manchin would be this intransigent.
Wrong. Biden never made a comment in that speech about Manchin's intransigence. This is the comment we've all been talking about:

Here's the transcript of the entire presser: Remarks by President Biden in Press Conference | The White House

The first two questions he receives deal with being blocked by Manchin and Sinema and his response isn't surprise or frustration with them, it's to say he's content with what Manchin and Sinema have allowed him to pass and pivot to crapping on Republicans.

Look, I didn’t overpromise, but I think if you take a look at what we’ve been able to do, you’d have to acknowledge we made enormous progress.

But one of the things that I think is something that — one thing I haven’t been able to do so far is get my Republican friends to get in the game of making things better in this country.

2. You, @King Kreole and other posters with cheeto stains and funyun breath said everybody should have known better and were naive.
This has been the mainstream take in response to Biden's presser. But yea, if me and other posters with cheeto stains and funyun breath easily predicted at the beginning of his Presidency that he would not be able to garner Republican support for his agenda and that the Congressional process was a fundamentally broken (ie. filibuster) method for enacting substantial change so extra-Congressionals means (ie. EOs) would be needed to be deployed, then yeah Biden and apparently you were incredibly naive to not know that. This was a large part of Elizabeth Warren's entire pitch, and we've been touting the First Day Agenda since before Biden was elected. We were talking about the need to get around Manchin's veto since even before the Georgie runoffs. You just weren't paying attention.

4. I posted screenshots of you months ago asking why Biden wasn't getting the Senate in line and of @King Kreole acknowledging he thought Biden was the Senate Whisperer implying both of yall at one point also assumed the Senate would play ball.
That's not what those posts were implying. No one is surprised that Biden got ARP and BIF passed because they're not fundamentally transformational legislations and were within the bounds of what Manchin and Sinema were easily willing to swallow. When Biden had to do some arm twisting to get the bigger pillar of his already watered down agenda passed, he got tossed around like a hoe. That level of disrespect was surprising. We knew it was always a ridiculous joke when Biden said he could bring the country together and get Republicans on his side with bipartisanship, and the punchline is he couldn't even get his own party together to pass his tepid agenda. You get it now?


One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
What executive orders will Biden start throwing out to try to appeal to ppl?
None…. That’s the funny part. :francis:

Most would get shot down in the SC anyway. He could get tricky and makes this a dog fight and put the screws to Republicans using their own states first policies “such as support Californias attempt to sue gun manufacturers using he same logic as Texas trying to sue people who get abortions.

,:picard: but Biden isn’t built for that.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Wrong. Biden never made a comment in that speech about Manchin's intransigence. This is the comment we've all been talking about:

Biden thought he'd be treated better than Obama and Republicans would work with him, I guess because he's white. I'm sick of Dems being so naive all the damn time. :beli:

One day I'd love to vote for a Dem that doesn't try to suck up to Rethugs. Didn't like it from Clinton, didn't like it from Obama, and don't like it from Biden. Stop being scary and start calling these people out. :pacspit: