Looks like Joe is putting together a really good cabinet, no Lizzie Warren or Bernie in sight
#EstablishmentSet, word to @wire28From the team that brought you The Obama Years...
By not electing themHold corrupt actors to account.
#EstablishmentSet, word to @wire28
I'm curious what metrics are you using to judge these picks. Which of these picks is "solid" or "better than solid" to you, and why?These are all solid picks and in some cases better than solid. Any "outrage" over the above choices is just noise...
If you want to know where your new NSA is coming from, this is a good essay he wrote in the Atlantic.
What Donald Trump and dikk Cheney Got Wrong About America
Yep, just your average, regular citizen. I mean, who among us isn't a former Deputy Secretary of State and Deputy National Security Advisor who then went to start a boutique "consulting" firm catering to the most powerful, influential companies on the face of the planet and then gets named incoming Secretary of State. Just your everyday man on the street.A man who lives in society.