Say it with me. You're tired of your kids being at home.
No need for all the juelzing.
And there it is. I was waiting to see how long it took to bring that out. Once yall arguments fall apart - everything becomes an exercise in hyperbole. My personal favorite is being accused of "WaNTinG to KiLL aLL TeACheRS!"
Like many other issues/topics in this country, they almost always devolve into political loyalty/litmus tests. But unfortunately a lot of the ppl engaging have a pretty surface level understanding of the issues - especially if/when they jump in without having any real perspective. Much of this debate/war b/tn school districts and teachers are in fact just extensions of political battles they've been fighting for years before covid. When the Chicago teachers union put it up to a vote whether they would accept the City's proposal to gradually reintroduce in school instruction (hybrid plan) for Pre-K - 8th grade (while keeping the full remote option) - only 54% of members even voted. And even among that group only 30% opposed the plan. In other words, you're not even on the same page as the teachers anymore. They're already went home but you're still out here waving the flag