How will Joe Biden GOVERN? General Biden Administration F**kery Thread


The Sauce Apostle
Jun 15, 2022
Based on what? It’s the end of congress. Elections are over. They have no insensitive to pretend to be anything other than they are.

Besides, they’d just vote against it and go into 2024 campaign mode about how the Biden administration ruined Christmas and don’t care about blue collar workers. You do live in this country right? :heh:

They didn’t though for a variety of reasons. One the rail companies had the same leverage as the workers. Whether it were a lockout or a strike congress was always going to force the issue and send them back to work, especially during the holidays.

The reason I am confident is based on 100 years of examples of rail strikes playing out exactly that way.

I think it’s a very interesting topic and I’ve been reading up on since September.

meh, rail workers got a significant pay raise and more time off and they’ve had the opportunity to shine a spotlight on their lack of sick days.

Activist should continue to move forward with applying pressure on conservatives to approve national sick day legislation.

Change doesn’t happen over night. It also doesn’t happen when you vote against your own interests.
I don't see a reason why the repubs who voted for the agreement Biden suggested wouldn't also vote the same if the sick days were included. A hard line was never drawn on the issue, and if they were going to do what you're claiming they could have done so with the current vote, but they didn't. This wasn't something dems pushed through by the skin of their teeth, the vote was 80-15. I just don't believe 20+ flip their vote over sick days.

Again, you're framing government support for industry over workers as the default. Rail companies only had more leverage because of government intervention. Without that the unions had the upper hand. There is no law that says government must always screw over workers, it was a choice that was made. In the past rail workers might have gotten screwed, but the future doesn't have to be the same. History doesn't mean much when we're talking about a choice. The self proclaimed pro labor President simply made the choice to go against labor. It is what it is.

When I say we're getting nowhere, I mean this conversation. You keep framing the situation as "of course the government will side with the rail companies", and I keep telling you they didn't have to. For change to happen, even incremental change, different choices have to start being made. I appreciate you keeping your usual trolling to a minimum, but I can't keep going with this conversation. Biden made a decision, I criticized it, and there's not much more I have to say on the matter. Have a good day :salute:


Nov 19, 2016
I don't see a reason why the repubs who voted for the agreement Biden suggested wouldn't also vote the same if the sick days were included. A hard line was never drawn on the issue, and if they were going to do what you're claiming they could have done so with the current vote, but they didn't. This wasn't something dems pushed through by the skin of their teeth, the vote was 80-15. I just don't believe 20+ flip their vote over sick days.
My guy, you playing willfully ignorant. :heh:

gain, you're framing government support for industry over workers as the default. Rail companies only had more leverage because of government intervention. Without that the unions had the upper hand. There is no law that says government must always screw over workers, it was a choice that was made. In the past rail workers might have gotten screwed, but the future doesn't have to be the same. History doesn't mean much when we're talking about a choice. The self proclaimed pro labor President simply made the choice to go against labor. It is what it is.
I've actually framed it as the government acting in the interest of the greater good. Which, objectively speaking keeping the railways open is the case.

I understand you want to frame it as a black and white labor vs capital argument, but I don't think a reading of the situation plays out that cut and dry. In part because labor gained many of their top talking points when negotiations started. Another poster explained that the sick leave requests were one of the newest request in what he described as 5 years of negotiations.

Doesn't change my reading of its value nor the right for workers to have it, but it's a negotiations and that's how they play out.

Regarding historical context it showed us a few things:
  • Biden can be one of the most pro union presidents without doing much for unions
  • Why congress has the ability to stop a strike or lockout
  • And why congresses historical use of that power always meant rail workers were operating from a disadvantage
When I say we're getting nowhere, I mean this conversation. You keep framing the situation as "of course the government will side with the rail companies", and I keep telling you they didn't have to. For change to happen, even incremental change, different choices have to start being made. I appreciate you keeping your usual trolling to a minimum, but I can't keep going with this conversation. Biden made a decision, I criticized it, and there's not much more I have to say on the matter. Have a good day :salute:

If you just want to complain without anyone discussing it then maybe HL isn't the place for you Bernie


Nov 19, 2016
There's that famous @Pressure charm. Love you too, buddy.

If you're looking for another response, just read my previous posts and you should be able to extrapolate from there.
You can dap this but wax poetic to me saying damn near the same thing :mjlol:
It really was a right down the middle deal. It was more friendly to labor than the railroads but it didn’t address a lot of concerns we had. It was the equivalent of throwing money at a problem and thinking it was the key.

You’re not Bernie you’re Mephistopheles