Your narrative was destroyed with the first responses of informing you that Muslims don't worship a man named Muhammed.
Exactly right breh
Muslims worship the legend, the mythological figure and tall tales of the man who is “greatest example for mankind” and “mouthpiece of “Allah”
The last “prophet” although he never claimed to be. And the previous scriptures never prophesied coming or even mention.
This fabricated “comic book” superhero image and idea of “Muhammad” is who the Hadiths and Seerah tell muslims to worship
Not the historical man who actually was just a business man/hustler/scammer turned warlord and religious nut who thought he was a “warner” to the Arabs
He was just another apocalyptic “end times”prophecy street corner preacher who gained followers from the gullible and uneducated, got some power and eventually sparked an Arab supremacy/Pride movement that became a hate group for the Jew/Christian communities and anyone who didn’t believe in his theology and submit to his cult unlike the LGBT or Hebrew Israelite movements today
If Muhammad didn’t succeed in war nobody would’ve agreed to his cult initially
Islam thrives off conflict and confrontation leading to power and control over others
That’s what Muhammad represents: domination
THATS what he represents. And idea:
“ I have been made victorious through TERROR”
ALL in the name and image of Muhammad
That’s what makes Islam so successful over the years.
Without him you Muslims have NOTHING
But then again most words/teaching attributed to him can’t be really proven nor is their great evidence for it.
So what do we really know.
That’s why his legend is so important and he must be protected and shielded from
Criticism to the extent elevating him to the state out right worship
He is ISLAM.
He is your ALLAH.