How much more in your face racism do y’all need to let WWE go?

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
And the biggest crime of them all is Sasha Banks...who was more over than her in 2016 and they used her as a buffer to push Bliss and Charlotte...and those who hate her guts loved that bullshyt booking...those at WRESTLING FORUM. They be praising Bliss like shes Trish Stratus

alexa bliss IS trish stratus reborn tho.

two ridiculously over-pushed blondes that aren't particularly good.

exactly..ive watched AWA, GWF, ICW/IWCCW, crappy ass AWF, ECW (back when it was eastern championship wrestling), USWA, SMW, NWA/WCW, well as watched New Japan when they had its shows on PPV working with WCW, All Japan through tapes while watching WWF/WWE through through the years

AWF?? the tito santana promotion?

yea, I never understood how people can be devoted to one league, like its a hometown team or somethin. especially when people complain about the product being bad, but don't bother to give a fair shot to another league.


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
AWF?? the tito santana promotion?

yea, I never understood how people can be devoted to one league, like its a hometown team or somethin. especially when people complain about the product being bad, but don't bother to give a fair shot to another league.

yeah that shyt was kinda aired for like a month or 2 i think in my area

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
yeah that shyt was kinda aired for like a month or 2 i think in my area

I remember catching some of it one night. they had like a rankings system or something intriguing.

but afterwards, I kept falling asleep before it came on every week. and I think it only aired here for about a month, MAYBE 2, like in your area.
Aug 21, 2014
Anyone black and still watching this shyt needs to take a step back to analyze themselves, and not only because of the flagrant racism. WWE doesn't even put out a quality product. Their product gets worse every passing year, there is 0 reason to still watch them. shyts sad really that some of you got such a twisted sense of loyalty to a company that hates wrestling and their fans

Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
Simon Millers Ups and Downs is how ive watched WWE wrestling for about 2 yrs now:yeshrug:


Nov 21, 2016
I’ll play devils advocate..

Expecting people to abandon their favorite wrestlers, entertainers, athletes, musicians, ETC. because of the company signing their checks is asking a lot, and even in running with this rhetoric, you CONTRADICT yourself to the fullest extent.

It’s like boycotting hip hop because it’s distributed and completely owned by racist, rich Jews who clearly don’t give a fukk about black culture..

Lyor was on record saying he doesn’t have a problem packaging music that encourages drug use and is detrimental to our culture, specifically because he has a family aka he makes a ton of money off it..

Does that mean I’m boycotting any music that came out of Def Jam during his tenure? Am I gonna abandon using YouTube and spotify because of his involvement? Should I not listen to Nas, Jay, etc. because of the label imprint on the back of their albums?

Are you nikkas seriously gonna sit here and tell me you don’t use youtube now?

With that said, I personally don’t watch WWE like that anymore. Not because of Hogan, but because the shyts GARBAGE. I’m am, however, a big fan of specific guys (Daniel Bryan) so I typically catch a stream link after the fact through dailymotion, FF to his segments/matches and keep it moving.

I’m not gonna stop enjoying Daniel Bryan because of the questionable nikka signing his checks. The ring is his canvas and he’s making art in that bytch..

If you got a problem with that, it’s waves. I really don’t give a fukk my nikka.. I’ll be whatever c00n ya’ll wanna call me..

Ayo, sometimes you gotta walk away to prove a point. I get what you're saying breh, really I do, but sometimes you gotta move on if you feeling some kind of way about it. Some have with the #BoycottNFL movement since they've made it painfully clear the dollars from their white fanbase matters more than the lives of their black ones, some stopped fukking with music when everything became even more self destructive with it's promotion of self medication and glamorizing a hazardous lifestyle to the youth and community since the start of the decade.

For some black wrestling fans? Walking away from the WWE after they continue to misuse and underutilize black talent while showing overtly racist & xenophobic tendencies was a long time coming. The product (if we're going by the threads being made and the show threads being like 5 pages at max) being straight ass cheeks only helps make the decision that much easier.

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
Take it from a breh who played college football.... the NCAA is far more exploitative toward black people than the WWE on a much larger scale

We can't complain about any form of media being "racist" or "against black people" unless we critically look at all of them. Picking and choosing for the sake of calling people out is silly. If we cancel the WWE, we gotta cancel Rap music, the NFL, the NBA, NCAA football and basketball, most media outlets, Instagram, etc. etc. because there are tons of places where black people are either mistreated, exploited, marginalized or preyed upon

This x100

And notice nobody's had a good comeback to this one

I don't even watch sports but those shows entertain. They don't intentionally insult their own fanbase in addition to unbridled racism and prejudice. Also the top stars in iin those leagues are black. WWE has NONE of that going for it.

How come they dont?

The lack of Black coaches, GMS, and especially owners and how they've treated the kneeling situation isn't blatant racism?

I mean, the NFL BLACK BALLED Colin Kaepernick & somewhat did Eric Reid, and only brought him back to drug test him and harass him, THEN they accused him of lying when he spoke out about it

The NBA has banned protest period because Mahmood Abdul Rauf protested racism in the '90s.

They have the blackest league but only ONE Black owner.

What are you talking about? I’m not compelled to watch just the mavs. There are 31 other teams. So unlike WWE, which is one centralized company, I can watch other teams. That’s what I mean when I say the mavs don’t effect me. Stop comparing WWE to NBA. You will lose every time

Dude, there's a such thing as REVENUE SHARING.

That's why Donald Sterling was able to put out such a shytty product for so many years and continue to make money hand over fist.

There's no way to support one team and not another, because they all share TV money & when there's expansion teams, they share that money as well.

Any revenue that comes into that league is split 30 ways.

Same in NFL, MLB, and other leagues.

They're all in it together.

I agree WWE's storylines are sometimes racist, but so is Hollywood.

The capitalist system itself is built on racism.

All I do is try to not spend my money on any of these motherfukkers (WWE, NBA, NFL, HOllywood) and keep it movin'.

What I can get for free, I will:yeshrug:

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
This x100

And notice nobody's had a good comeback to this one

How come they dont?

The lack of Black coaches, GMS, and especially owners and how they've treated the kneeling situation isn't blatant racism?

I mean, the NFL BLACK BALLED Colin Kaepernick & somewhat did Eric Reid, and only brought him back to drug test him and harass him, THEN they accused him of lying when he spoke out about it

The NBA has banned protest period because Mahmood Abdul Rauf protested racism in the '90s.

They have the blackest league but only ONE Black owner.

Dude, there's a such thing as REVENUE SHARING.

That's why Donald Sterling was able to put out such a shytty product for so many years and continue to make money hand over fist.

There's no way to support one team and not another, because they all share TV money & when there's expansion teams, they share that money as well.

Any revenue that comes into that league is split 30 ways.

Same in NFL, MLB, and other leagues.

They're all in it together.

I agree WWE's storylines are sometimes racist, but so is Hollywood.

The capitalist system itself is built on racism.

All I do is try to not spend my money on any of these motherfukkers (WWE, NBA, NFL, HOllywood) and keep it movin'.

What I can get for free, I will:yeshrug:

Revenue sharing is such a small part of team revenue especially large markets teams that’s it’s pretty much irrelevant. Plus there are multiple factors also. And like I said Sterling got outed as a racist and got outed. Hogan got outed as a racist and gets invited back for tributes

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
So he came back and didn't even have the decency to lie about an apology? :gucci:

You're playing yourself if you keep watching this garbage. Raw, Smackdown, WWE Network, ALL OF IT.

Ol school ban hammer just like for any and all rap sellouts.

Flodge and you banned.

Art Barr


Krs being.a pedo enabler.
made the ban hammer'n even easier for everybody fake'n jax.

Man this shyt feels so liberating. It is back to how I felt.
before rap was commercialized in April of 93 from the change in radio
Since I banned WWE for so long as a shawty and there will be no scsa or Bryan Danielson gracing that door again. I don't forsee any reason.
to ever turn it on, ever again.
to spite my word faith and face.

shyt is easier than ban'n nas in 1996.

Art Barr
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