The Amerikkkan Idol
The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Revenue sharing is such a small part of team revenue especially large markets teams that’s it’s pretty much irrelevant. Plus there are multiple factors also. And like I said Sterling got outed as a racist and got outed. Hogan got outed as a racist and gets invited back for tributes
Dude, the NBA's TV deal is $3 Billion dollars. That's a pretty penny.
And I thought y'all were against putting ANY money in racists pockets?
I get dudes telling me that I'm still helping WWE by stealing PPV streams, but now it's okay to support the NFL,NBA,MLB racist establishment because revenue sharing is a "small part of team revenue".
So what is it?
And yeah, Sterling got outed as an IDIOT, not as a racist.
The whole system that only has one Black owner is racist.
Marc Cuban has said a whole bunch of