humongous facts .Shiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd there's a bunch of young people who are computer illiterate I'm talking bout 50 on down
Another opportunity to make money
And these people on here wonder why they broke

humongous facts .Shiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd there's a bunch of young people who are computer illiterate I'm talking bout 50 on down
Another opportunity to make money
Man I'm 43, I know what lay-a-way is.
I'm saying you're taking your own personal experiences and making it seem like they were common for everyone.
Built a computer in 1993.
Was on the 'net in the military in 1988.
These are not common activities, at all, back then.
Like ol boy above pointed out only 35% of America owned a PC in 1997.
In 1990? 15%
So saying you built a PC in were in the extreme minority.
No it isn't "no one" like people are saying but it damn sure wasn't common.
Old people can't order from touch screens. As soon as they see a touch screen they spazz out and immediately go I dont know how to do this/dont want to do this. Which is cool with me however old ppl hypocrites for that type of behaviour.
Pure facts. I vividly remember my family getting a PC in '97. The shyt cost $2000. In '97 money. If we're being completely honest, back in the 90s, that was a LOT of money for a lot of households to spend.
People conflate PC usage becoming a mainstream cultural moment with the marketing blitz behind Windows 95 with PCs being an attainable purchase for the average family. There's a reason Gateway and Dell were still cooking heavy into the early 2000s. They made buying a PC cheaper and more accessible than some of their competitors.
Cereal_Bowl_Assassin said:Just teach them..there was a time where someone had to teach you...
This I gotta agree on, some of my students can't do basic shyt like attach a file to emails, like wtf u on them devices all day for![]()
yall laughing now, but watch when social media becomes standard in business and tvs require vpn setups and social media profiles to setup, and various menus to do the same shyt you were doing a decade before.
your time is coming, believe that.![]()
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiddddd there's a bunch of young people who are computer illiterate I'm talking bout 50 on down
I'll get on myrant on how if its not the latest app to communicate to your friends (ie modern age telephone), there's a lot of people, young and old, who are computer illiterate.
But I do have concerns about everything being automated. I have to take care of a lot of my mom's bills and such, because talking to a human is non-existent. And even I get tripped up trying to set and remember passwords, that each need to be changed every 12 minutes. I have to do this when I'm 65?