i understand that most of this board ir pro-WWF and started out in that bret/shawn era but yall gotta just come to grips with the fact that those guys werent draws. theyre 2nd-tier main eventers at best. you cant build a company around them. it doesnt matter who they beat.
people watch these documentaries and think hogan made such & such by losing to them.
in reality, dudes like warrior and goldberg were ultra-over before beating hogan.
warrior was out-popping hogan regularly in '89.
also, bret went over a bunch of icons in WCW. whats the excuse for bret being lukewarm?? and f you know you didnt watch WCW, please dont bother pump-faking with these generic WWE-influenced revisionist arguments.
people watch these documentaries and think hogan made such & such by losing to them.
in reality, dudes like warrior and goldberg were ultra-over before beating hogan.
warrior was out-popping hogan regularly in '89.
also, bret went over a bunch of icons in WCW. whats the excuse for bret being lukewarm?? and f you know you didnt watch WCW, please dont bother pump-faking with these generic WWE-influenced revisionist arguments.