you are in green house with trees, bushes and grass.
you are wearing a doo-rag, t-shirt, camo shorts socks and a pair of timbs.
every 3 minutes 15 squirrels enter the room and all they want to do is kill you.
how long do you last and how many do you kill before you are squirrel food?
feel free to discuss strategy and the like.
I'm taking off the timbs for mobility, and then using them as a hammer-like object or projectile.
Du-rag will be used to wrap any major wound.
I'd break a couple branches off the trees to make spears and park myself on a sturdy tree limb.
The Timbs would be left on the ground in a corner for when I have to escape from the tree.
While taking refuge in a tree, I would spear from a distance and hammer-fist close-up. If they jump on me I will grab and bite their heads off.
If the tree tactic starts to fail. I'll hop out the tree, and just scramble while spearing.
If overwhelmed I then will run over to the corner with the timbs and begin hammering away.
At this point, there would be a chaotic pattern of me running from tree to corner to tree to corner, until I meet my demise.
I'd like to believe I would last at least 5 waves