How many of you have no desire to get Married?


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
if any employer is looking at someone being single or married to work for there company need there fuking head examine..

there's positives and negatives to each situation. the shyt is so stupid

well i'm hiring john over robert because john is a married man and i feel he have a better understanding and more serious.. 2 months later john is getting a divorce because he been cheating on his wife with a co-worker... FOH

Exactly. They shouldn't even be allowed to run a bath much less a company.

The fact that something like that should even come into the equation is nonsensical.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
The unfortunate reality for men is that you all die much earlier when you're not married. Because I work in medicine, I see exactly how it plays out. Men can't manage their own health for isht. It's so confusing. If a guy comes into the ER or the doctor's office he is very unhelpful, he will literally tell you to ask his wife, even when it's questions about his own medical history. They never know what meds they're on, whether they've been screened for something, where their medical records are held, it's crazy. I see this play out win my parents, and I'm seein it play out in my own relationships.

Rather than throwing marriage under the bus, I think guys need to just do better about picking the appropriate partners. Someone whose goals and aspirations in life align well with yours, someone who is a good team player, etc. Things are always better when you have two people proof together towards something as opposed to working alone.

Guys choose women based on the dumbest stuff and then they wonder why they have such shytty relationships. It's sad.

um no you dont,

The most popular cheater method is to pretend that people who are divorced or widowed never did get married. (It is the same method used most often to make the bogus claim that getting married makes you happier or healthier.)

Now let me tell you the results of what is probably the longest-running study of longevity ever conducted. It is the Terman Life-Cycle Study, started in 1921. The 1,528 men and women, who were 11-years old when the study started, have been followed for as long as they lived. Two groups of people lived the longest: those who got married and stayed married, and those who stayed single. People who divorced, or who divorced and remarried, had shorter lives. What mattered was consistency, not marriage.

divorced men die earlier than single males who have never been married , but they are still classified as single and just raise the statistics.

not all men are bumbling idiots who cant read or take care of their health, THERE ARE MORE UNHEALTHY WOMEN IN NORTH AMERICA than there are males.

so you see it play out in your own relationships so your in your twenties and dating unhealthy men? disgusting

your mind is so fixated on marriage you cant see the picture, no one is SAYING NOT TO DATE, NOT TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP, NOT TO HAVE A PARTNER, you can have all of that be compatible etc. but marriage? :pacspit:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
It's not that people are "looking" for single vs married workers :comeon:, its just that there is a bias against single men after a you reach a certain point. It's not intentional, it's more unconscious than anything else. After a certain point, the quality of work you do matters, but your social capital and manuevering that the right way, also matters as well. women are just better than men at this IMO. Having a wife that can host a good holiday dinner, play nice with the other wives, get your kinds into the right schools that your fellow partners' children attend, schedule play dates for your kids with other kids in the office, this is an asset that you really cant put a price on. women are good at this type of thing in a way that men just aren't.

A lot of black ppl don't understand that what happens outside the office is just as important as what happens inside the office. They grind and wonder why they're efforts aren't noticed, but people promote people they like and want to work around.

so says a women who wants to get married so much, there is no bias against single men. Hell for teh first time in history SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLDS are more than two parent households .

Women are not better than men at this more feminist rhetoric.

one minute your talkinga bout being in the er, next minute your talking about corporate america and its under workings. is it oochie wally or is it one mic?

no one gives a damn if your married or single in the workplace, the only time they care is if you are a broad taking mat leave

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
The weird thing about this thread, marriage is more beneficial for the man. In the professional world, single men aren't taken seriously. After a certain point, People will not promote you to high level positions if they see you always bringing a new chick the office party. It's not a good look, it comes off as immature.

Honestly, wives are super helpful. Sometimes I wish I had a wife and I'm a woman. Husband's are just not as helpful professionally. For a woman, getting married is like taking on a second full time job, with no pay. Women take a hit professionally when they get married. We do most of the domestic work, and many of us work full time, and then there is maternity leave, marriage is terrible for a woman's career.

[citation needed]
Feb 14, 2013
Lol everything I'm saying is well-established in the literature, and I know that because I read. Here is a publication citing multiple studies backing up what I'm saying. It was written by ppl from Harvard Medical, which is the top ranked medical school in the US.

For you and @DaygoTaco, here are multiple articles that cite multiple studies on the associations between marriage and career success for men while postulating on why that might be the case. Some might be a little above your reading level, but asked for facts so....:

Journal of Social Research-- Why Married Men Earn More Than Unmarried Men. Do Married Men Earn More than Unmarried Men.pdf

TIME Magazine--Marriage: A Good Investment for Guys

The Regional Economist--For Love or Money: Why Married Men Make More

If you're curious about marriage is such a bad deal for women career wise, you can read this article out of Forbes. It's directed at women though. For the record, while I will concede marriage is bad for women professionally, I don't think we shouldn't get married. We just need to work to make workforce a less sexist place to be.

Forbes--Marriage: Hazardous for Your Career?

In terms of where I got my anecdotes from (I think that's what you were asking in the midst of all that vitriol), I work in medicine but my group of close friends have careers in demanding fields all across the bored. We share our experiences and insights with one another. Friends do that.

And no, I'm not thirsty to get married. I'm not even in a relationship right now. It's a gorgeous Chicago summer, I'm single, successful, and beautiful with a fun group of girlfriends. I date when I feel like it. guys are fun but not super necessary in my life right now. i'll probably go back to dating more seriously when the summer is over. and i wont have a problem because i'm a good catch. I'm pretty happy with my life. I hope you can get to that place some day.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Lol everything I'm saying is well-established in the literature, and I know that because I read. Here is a publication citing multiple studies backing up what I'm saying. It was written by ppl from Harvard Medical, which is the top ranked medical school in the US.

For you and @DaygoTaco, here are multiple articles that cite multiple studies on the associations between marriage and career success for men while postulating on why that might be the case. Some might be a little above your reading level, but asked for facts so....:

Journal of Social Research-- Why Married Men Earn More Than Unmarried Men. Do Married Men Earn More than Unmarried Men.pdf

TIME Magazine--Marriage: A Good Investment for Guys

The Regional Economist--For Love or Money: Why Married Men Make More

If you're curious about marriage is such a bad deal for women career wise, you can read this article out of Forbes. It's directed at women though. For the record, while I will concede marriage is bad for women professionally, I don't think we shouldn't get married. We just need to work to make workforce a less sexist place to be.

Forbes--Marriage: Hazardous for Your Career?

In terms of where I got my anecdotes from (I think that's what you were asking in the midst of all that vitriol), I work in medicine but my group of close friends have careers in demanding fields all across the bored. We share our experiences and insights with one another. Friends do that.

And no, I'm not thirsty to get married. I'm not even in a relationship right now. It's a gorgeous Chicago summer, I'm single, successful, and beautiful with a fun group of girlfriends. I date when I feel like it. guys are fun but not super necessary in my life right now. i'll probably go back to dating more seriously when the summer is over. and i wont have a problem because i'm a good catch. I'm pretty happy with my life. I hope you can get to that place some day.

:rudy: Did I hit a nerve with you? You concluded that single men aren't taken seriously, and your sources don't prove that. Do Married Men Earn More than Unmarried Men.pdf

You lead off with a study that was published over 20 years ago, during a time period in which gender politics and societal expectations of people were extremely different than they are now. And unless I read it completely wrong, it wasn't even very conclusive in its findings. In fact, it even states in its conclusions section that there might be unnamed variables that play a role in the higher earnings issue.

"Thus, although there was a significant wife effect in the cross-sectional models, it disappeared when the effects of omitted variables on marital status change were controlled by means of a longitudinal analysis. This
finding is inconsistent with the “wives’ effect” hypothesis common to the variety of explanations suggesting that men’s wages are affected by changes in their marital status.

"We have speculated above that one such unobserved characteristic may be conformity to social expectations. Another possibility is that good looking men are more attractive in both marriage and labor markets.There is evidence that physical features of men affect their success in some bureaucracies (Mazur, Mazur, and Keating, 1984), and it is reasonable to expect similar features (e.g., height) to affect their propensity to marry. It is also possible that these omitted variables are social structural rather than individual. Consider, for example, men’s positions within social networks. Both wives and high-paying jobs are known to be found via social networks. Hence, men who are well placed within the structure of social relationships are more likely to be both married and of higher wages than other men. To be sure, these are not the only possible unobserved characteristics affecting both wages and marital status. Future research, failing to detect wives or marriage market effects in longitudinal models, should try to identify such characteristics."

Even if the written sources that the study had cited in the beginning of the article were 100% correct (and I'm not saying that they were), this conclusion would be way too out of date to really be very applicable today. The only thing this study did was passively source the writings that other authors had postulated that built up the hypothesis that this particular study was testing.

This simply says that guys are better off financially because they can possibly have a wife that will add her income to his own and benefit him that way. It has nothing to do with him being taken more or less seriously at his own job or how it affects how much he himself gets paid. Personally, I'd rather not get married to have a sugar mama, but that's just me. :manny:


"We nevertheless cannot discount entirely the alternative explanations. Men might develop valuable skills while married that they retain even if the marriage breaks up. In addition, we cannot ignore that men who remain married tend to have higher wages than their divorced brethren. Will we ever know exactly why married men tend to make more money than single men do? Probably not."

All of these supposed reasons that you postulate (that are again, unsupported by these sources) that married men make more as the result of a marriage premium seem to be easily overridden by a guy with an affable personality and a genuine spirit of hard work and/or entrepreneurship. :comeon: If you're going to condescend to someone in your response and provide sources, at least try to to make it look like you didn't just use a hasty Google search to support your conclusions. I wasn't a dikk to you and absolutely do not warrant that from you.

It seems that we only agree that women shouldn't get married, but I say this because I don't think that anybody should be getting married. :manny:
Feb 14, 2013
@DaygoTaco whatever dude, you asked for sources. Yes, i did a google search... thats what google is for. what is your point. Married men are better of than unmarried men for multiple reasons. And there are data to back that up. Show me the data to back up your conclusions. I'll wait. If you want to go and make the ill-informed decision to live your life as a single man despite all the evidence that shows its to your detriment then do you.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
@DaygoTaco whatever dude, you asked for sources. Yes, i did a google search... thats what google is for. what is your point. Married men are better of than unmarried men for multiple reasons. And there are data to back that up. Show me the data to back up your conclusions. I'll wait. If you want to go and make the ill-informed decision to live your life as a single man despite all the evidence that shows its to your detriment then do you.

:why: You stated the positive claim that single men are taken less seriously in the workplace because they're single and provided a bunch of unrelated sources to back it up. The burden of proof lies with the person making the positive claim (you). I went through your sources (that you apparently didn't read) and showed how they didn't support your conclusion using direct quotes from the studies. All of this after you laughably said that they might be above my reading level. I criticized you for using Google in the manner that you had because you obviously didn't even read your own sources or understand them, or else you wouldn't have tried to use them to support your point. If you're going to act smug, at least read your sources before using them. :stopitslime:

You seem to have this idea that having a wife around is like some sort of lucky charm that magically makes men's lives better, but when you look through how married men's lives might compare to single men's lives, these are things that single men can take control over for themselves if they decide to assume responsibility for them. I don't know why this seems to offend you so much.

If you want reasons for men to stay unmarried, here's a couple places that are a decent place to start:

Now these are just opinion piece and should be taken with a grain of salt, but they're a half-decent foundation to explain why I think it's a terrible idea for men to get married.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
@DaygoTaco I asked for data not opinion articles. Still waiting.

Burden of proof was on you to show that men who are single aren't taken as seriously as married men. You haven't done that as I have actually read your sources (unlike you) and showed that nothing you presented supported your conclusion. Whatever is asserted without evidence, in this case your claim about single men not being taken seriously in the workplace, can be dismissed without evidence. You had no evidence, so I don't have to be proving anything (in this case a negative) you're asking of me right now. And before you go declaring victory (laughable as you didn't even read what your posted) remember that I said that all I asked was that you needed to provide sources for your claim. I didn't agree or disagree right off the bat. After your poor showing and lack of evidence from any source to support your claim, I can simply dismiss what you put as an opinion. In fact, if anything your first source seems to support my opinion that you would be wrong about married men being taken more seriously after reading that study.

What now? Are you gonna try to tell yourself you won this one after posting sources that would more likely back up my supposed contention rather than yours?
Feb 14, 2013
Burden of proof was on you to show that men who are single aren't taken as seriously as married men. You haven't done that as I have actually read your sources (unlike you) and showed that nothing you presented supported your conclusion. Whatever is asserted without evidence, in this case your claim about single men not being taken seriously in the workplace, can be dismissed without evidence. You had no evidence, so I don't have to be proving anything (in this case a negative) you're asking of me right now. And before you go declaring victory (laughable as you didn't even read what your posted) remember that I said that all I asked was that you needed to provide sources for your claim. I didn't agree or disagree right off the bat. After your poor showing and lack of evidence from any source to support your claim, I can simply dismiss what you put as an opinion. In fact, if anything your first source seems to support my opinion that you would be wrong about married men being taken more seriously after reading that study.

What now? Are you gonna try to tell yourself you won this one after posting sources that would more likely back up my supposed contention rather than yours?
Dude what is there to win? Used asked for my sources, I gave them. You interpreted them differently than I did. How the hell is that my problem?

Now where are your sources on how marriage is more beneficial for women vs. men, because it's an obvious lie that been disproven over and over again. Don't try to deflect. I'm still waiting.

Zapp Brannigan

Captain of the Nimbus
Sep 11, 2012
Dude what is there to win? Used asked for my sources, I gave them. You interpreted them differently than I did. How the hell is that my problem?

Now where are your sources on how marriage is more beneficial for women vs. men, because it's an obvious lie that been disproven over and over again. Don't try to deflect. I'm still waiting.

You interpreted your sources in a completely wrong way. That's not an opinion at this point. You drew conclusions from sources from a cursory Google search that didn't match the information and conclusions provided in them. It's an issue because it means that everything that you were contending isn't supported.

Why do I have to say how marriage benefits women more than men? I stated before that women shouldn't get married, either. :leostare:
Feb 14, 2013
You interpreted your sources in a completely wrong way. That's not an opinion at this point. You drew conclusions from sources from a cursory Google search that didn't match the information and conclusions provided in them. It's an issue because it means that everything that you were contending isn't supported.

Why do I have to say how marriage benefits women more than men? I stated before that women shouldn't get married, either. :leostare:

Nope. Fact is, I'm right you're wrong. :stylin: whether you admit or not, we both know the reason you won't post sources because there are none. You're completely pulling isht out of your ass and you're mad because you and cronies have been called out