Zod was terribly cast.
I didn't like him. He didn't have the look of someone that was in charge.Nah, he was cast perfectly, they just didn't do utilize him properly. The cast of the film was actually really good, they just had a weak script and director not known for getting good performances out of people.
The movie turned out to be Dragonball Z in New York City.
I mean successful as a movie, not financially. Look at the Rotten Tomatoes rating for Man of Steel (from public reviews, not critics' reviews)... even though everyone watched it, myself included, most people didn't think it was nearly as great as BB.
Which is really why I loved itBest quote regarding this movie so far:
Near the beginning of the film Lana's mom talk about all the crazy shyt Clark had done through the years. They had already seen what he was capable of. YEARS after the fact Lois Lane was interviewing people in Smallville that knew Clark had some sort of powers or was different.
You think after seeing him do odd things over the years AND them seeing him fighting an Alien invasion on main street isn't going to lead to them putting two and two together?
Plus it's not like Clark honored his father's wishes anyway. Dude was running around for years using his powers in places where he could be and WAS seen, that was how Lois tracked him down in the first place.
That kind of falls within the concept of the comic book. There's a selected few that know that Clark and Supes are 1. Pete Ross, Lana Lang, Lois Laine; all deriving from what we've seen in the comics and even smallville. And in the film, those characters are also aware of Clark and Supes being one.
And as far as honoring his father's wishes: he still was. Clark was using aliases and rocking a beard to disguise himself. It wasn't like he was outright telling everyone he's Clark Kent. And think of the beard and the glasses as one of the same.
No it doesn't.
Clark and Lana were his close friends and then he revealed his secret. In MoS they just sort of knew each other and saw him doing some superhuman shyt, they also weren't the only ones who saw him doing superhuman shyt. It wasn't just a close group of friends who shared a secret. Peter Ross dimed him out as soon as a reporter came looking.
No it doesn't.
No he wasn't. His Dad wanted him to not draw attention to himself no matter the cost. Even if you're under an assumed name doing Superhuman shyt is going to draw attention to you (which it did).
Yes it does. You know Superman's orgins have been retconned right? Pete Ross caught Clark changing into Super boy. I think it was Silver Age. There are other versions where Clark tells Pete as well. It's not a coincidence that the people that know Clark's identity while in Smallville were Pete and Lana. It all derives from the comic. And there are versions where Lana doesn't necesarilly know Clark and Supes are 1 but she swears up and down by it by always telling Clark they have to be the same person.
Yeah, don't draw attention as don't let people know that Clark Kent is superman. Which is why the disguise and alias comes to play later in the film. Pa never told him to never use his powers. Read superman: birthright to see were MOS got most of the source material from. Pa and Clark were always at odds over the use of his power during this retcon.
Saving people from bus accidents and oil rig fires is different than being in an actual fight with people who want to kill you and who have the same powers as you. Up till Zod and them showed up Superman hadn't been a "superhero" he was pretty much a first responder."He was a rookie, just learning how to be a Superhero"In what sense was he a rookie? Superc00ns's been saving folks on a sly since his balls dropped so he understands the value of Human life. How does that explain how he completely disregards his surroundings before, during and after his fratboy bro battles with Zod?