Stop after season five. You'll see the gradual decline of the show during that season.. after that the show totally goes far left of what originally made it a dope series.
I agree with after season 5. The Perfect Week was the last fully fantastic episode, IMO.
I already finished season seven. I threw this suggestion all the way in the bushes.

I'm glad I did, though. Season six was actually one of the better seasons of the show. It wasn't the most hilarious, but it had some GREAT character arcs in it (Marshall losing his father, Barney and James meeting theirs, Ted and Zoey was OK too).
Season seven I wasn't a huge fan of, though. The Ted/Barney/Robin stuff was tired, although I do feel it needed to happen at some point to give some definitive closure. But the rest of the season was ehh. Quinn was completely unlikable and had almost NO redeemable qualities, and while I can believe someone like Barney would fall in love with her, I don't believe he would be so oblivious to her playing him like that.
The closure on the slutty pumpkin made no sense to me. It would have worked if she actually thought what she was doing was normal, but still didn't think she and Ted were hitting it off. Her purposely trying to scare him off made it hard for me to believe that they would both still be single, still remember each other, and would both be looking for each other TEN YEARS after they met at some party.
Also, Zoey got no closure at the end of season six. The last time we see her, she says she wanted to get back with Ted, but we have no idea why after the way they broke up. Plus, she had become an integral part of the group by the end of the season that it was shocking she got no mention at all in season seven. So I feel like the whole arc with Victoria should have happened with Zoey.
Also, the whole Victoria storyline just pissed me off in general. Ted doesn't even think about Robin that way anymore until she brings it up. Then we get to the end of the season when she's supposed to get married, and he runs off with her? 
After how he went into such a downward spiral after Stella left him, there is NO justifiable reason he would do that to someone else. It just shows that Ted is completely unlikable and unsympathetic, and he only cares about himself finding love at the expense of anyone else's happiness. What an a$$hole!

After how he went into such a downward spiral after Stella left him, there is NO justifiable reason he would do that to someone else. It just shows that Ted is completely unlikable and unsympathetic, and he only cares about himself finding love at the expense of anyone else's happiness. What an a$$hole!