How do people typically get fired at work


Jul 25, 2018
This is number one with a bullet. Showing up to work speaks volumes to employers. You could even be a little trash at your job and if your attendance is good in their eyes they will let a lot of shyt slide. Don't let you have a schedule nobody else wants and you show up religiously. You'll damn near have to strangle somebody in the break room to get canned. :mjlol:

To add to this being on time but constantly bytching, complaining and carrying on about people's schedules like a diva can also get you canned just out of spite I feel.

I work in TV production. We're all very close, work crazy 24 hour a day cycles, we're afforded A LOT of freedom about how we spend our work shifts as long as we're attentive to our productions, and we definitely work as a big closely-knit team. So it's rare to see anyone get fired here.

The only guy that did get fired in recent memory was a dude one liked...because he was constantly bytching about the job, bytching to managers about scheduling, and broke all good faith that was extended to him.

bytched about his schedule in general until he got a new one. Then bytched about his schedule cus he felt he wasn getting enough breaks. bytched about other peoples schedule because they had more breaks than him apparently. bytching about how often he got his requested days off compared to others. Wad always making a big disruptive stink about having to work a holiday when that is something everyone in this industry deals with.

They really tried to make this motherfukker happy even at the expense of everyone else just doing what they suppose to do. He complained so damn much that they stopped extending little hush hush privileges to peoples schedule (like being able to leave a lil early or come in a little later depending on if you was "needed" any longer

Just way too entitled for an industry like this.

The dude was so confident in his bytching he really thought everyone else was on his side about "these managers" and "the schedule" even after he fukked everyone over with his whining. Dude was the most tone deaf, cant-read-the-room motherfukker I ever worked with.

But eventually he flew too close to the sun with constantly barking at managers likeif he runs the show and disappeared. I'm sure they found some loophole or reason to fire him beyond saying "the guy was just fukking annoying."
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Coli N Calisthenics
Jun 9, 2012
This goofy hoe Julia was laying in the fukking bed on zoom and got caught one day last year...

"Are you in bed Julia?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Zoom meeting about 80 deep.....shyt was so funny

Soon as it was time for cuts she was mysteriously one of the few with tenure let go with the group of newbies

I knew she fukked up the day it happened

White girl too.....but my first thought was you just gone let these crackers see you off in the bed knowing what type of money we make? Why you playing hoe? Come on now don't you see people out here hurting with no money?

Silly ass 😭😭😭 she didn't even have to turn her camera on if she didn't want too


Jul 25, 2018
Also, just speaking from my career experience, I once worked for a local news station here in NYC.

At some point while I slwas there we switched up and upgraded our entire master control system.

Without getting to technical, the master control system is responsible for triggering and running commercial breaks, as well as scheduling and recording the live broadcasts, and playing back pre-recorded programming. All on this sort of "playlist" grid that can always be adjusted and edited. Most stations have an independent master control department, but we were a small staff and they made broadcast directors responsible for it on top of producing their newscasts.

For a while we had issues getting accustomed to this new system. We'd be off the air in black because we fukked up something. Commercial breaks or programming would not trigger automatically. All types of shyt.

One morning a director was prepping for the top of the next hour. While they're doing so they're engaging in all types of joking amd banter, which is normal. Except the director and the anchor at the time was 2 white boys going off with their racist jokes.

The top story for the newscast, if I remember correctly, was a local mothers group in the Bronx fighting for more traffic officers in the daytime for kids going to school. Sounds like the most inoffensive activism a black woman can do for her community. But these white boys was going off bantering and bytching about these welfare queen mothers always asking for more "handouts" and more shyt. Just classic cac talk I guess.

They, and all of us in the station at the time, had no idea the master control system was fukked. It tripped up and put us to broadcast without us knowing. That entire "prep", including the banter between the anchor and director was all seen live, on the air...and someone did record and upload the racist outburst.

They both got fired...but I felt so sorry for this black-Dominican reporter we had that morning. She got vaguely caught up in the situation because she was the "A block" reporter for the hour and was egged on by the director and anchor to laugh at their dumbass racist jokes while standing by being checked for the top of the show. It's one of those rare moments when not only does a black woman in a predominantly white industry have to deal with and navigate all types of offensive micro-aggresions, but she even got penalized for it.

She wasn't fired but she was moved from a Monday - Friday morning reporter shift to a Weekend reporter shift, which is a worse fate than being fukking fired, believe me.

Was just one of the biggest nightmare meltdowns at a job I ever seen.
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All Star
Jun 22, 2014
Technically I was laid off instead of being fired, but I found out I got let go from my Amazon warehouse job when my job badge didn't open the door. There were about a dozen other people who also couldn't get in, so it was obvious what was happening even though no one told us anything.

One of the supervisors told us to just sit tight and wait for a manager to come, and somehow I was the only person there who just immediately left. It was a college summer job, it was 5 am, and I really didn't like the place, so I wasn't trying to hear whatever bullshyt the manager was gonna say.

I was a little annoyed by how impersonal it was, but it was Amazon so I honestly would've been surprised if they did it any other way. I'm pretty sure they're thinking we'd steal shyt if we got any notice, which honestly I'm pretty sure a lot of us would've considered doing.


Jul 25, 2018
This goofy hoe Julia was laying in the fukking bed on zoom and got caught one day last year...

"Are you in bed Julia?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Zoom meeting about 80 deep.....shyt was so funny

Soon as it was time for cuts she was mysteriously one of the few with tenure let go with the group of newbies

I knew she fukked up the day it happened

White girl too.....but my first thought was you just gone let these crackers see you off in the bed knowing what type of money we make? Why you playing hoe? Come on now don't you see people out here hurting with no money?

Silly ass 😭😭😭 she didn't even have to turn her camera on if she didn't want too

Hold up. I'm curious, what job is it that requires you to broadcast yourself live on Zoom all through your shift? How the hell she ain't just turn her camera the other direction...or off...if she knew taking a nap on the camera can get her in some stuff?

I guess im more privileged then I thought, cus during lockdown I was sipping wine and smoking weed like a motherfukker if I ain't had to talk to no one.

WFH felt like enduring one big lunch break with a few hours of work between instead of one big work shift with a few lunch breaks between. I was good and low key hated going back to the studio every day.



May 25, 2015
Houston, Texas
Has to be attendance. One of my coworkers got let go due to attendance a few months back. I’m even on thin ice with my attendance, legit can’t be late again the rest of the year or I’ll get a write up :lupe:

I’ve never had a write up for attendance but I’ve also never worked a job that cared so much :pachaha:

They'll try to use that as leverage later, so watch your back :ufdup:
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All Star
Nov 21, 2013
Poor attendance never made sense to me, where is your money coming from!?! Why even take the job if you're not gonna show up consistently to make money? I always assumed it was some government assistance/proof of work type situation.

Clark Wayne

Jul 22, 2013
One dude I worked with got hit with the Jamal Adams hard knocks shyt :francis:

Couldn’t get in the building. Someone let him in and when he tried to log on his laptop he was unable to.


Jan 3, 2018
One time I put in my 2 weeks notice in the afternoon right before logging off (while WFH). Next morning my manager told me to come in and bring my computer, got walked out. Couldn't even say bye to anybody. :francis: Wasn't a firing but it felt like it. And yeah it seems they prefer to do it in person.
Wouldn't that mean you qualify for unemployment?