Dude didn't sellout,he got on that muslim shyt like a bunch of nikkas do bcuz they like what it stands for on certain principles but don't like to follow it.....nikkas only point out Cube for bein lax in his following of the muslim religion....but say nuthing about rappers who claim to love god and thank him in speeches,when they run around doing nuthing but sin and embarrass they pastors.
But its that way in general in the black community,black folks always lookin for a reason to call they family member who has become a muslim fake or a fraud....they just be waitin behind a tree or a door to catch him eatin a bbq pork sandwhich....but say nuthin about the fake christians that fill they family tree......I think its more to do with the fact black folks believe in god so fiercly but don't wanna obey the rules.....strying to downplay symbody else religion on sum "see u eatin bacon,allah can't be real" is like our own ignorant way of trying to get that person to come back to god bcuz we don't want them to go to hell,its the least we can do
might get us sum points with god
....whatever it is for sum reason muslims are held to higher standards in the black community
But its that way in general in the black community,black folks always lookin for a reason to call they family member who has become a muslim fake or a fraud....they just be waitin behind a tree or a door to catch him eatin a bbq pork sandwhich....but say nuthin about the fake christians that fill they family tree......I think its more to do with the fact black folks believe in god so fiercly but don't wanna obey the rules.....strying to downplay symbody else religion on sum "see u eatin bacon,allah can't be real" is like our own ignorant way of trying to get that person to come back to god bcuz we don't want them to go to hell,its the least we can do