How can you claim to be against white supremacy, but still perpetuate its legacy?


May 2, 2012
It's definitely a problem but there are degrees of importance and a hierarchy of importance. Perhaps solving education is more important than crime. Or encouraging entrepreneurism is more important than crime. Maybe we should focus on both.

bruh, you can't even begin to solve the crime issue without fixing the disparity in education and opportunity. i'm not out here acting like crime is birthed in a vacuum, but i wont act dumb as if it isn't an issue either


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
i'll ask again since you avoided answering. is the breakdown of the black family a problem or not?
The "breakdown of the black family" doesn't exist.

Its empty rhetoric based on a flawed premiss, brought to you by white supremacy.

what? :heh: white supremacy taught me that foreigners come to black neighborhoods to vacuum out wealth? really? where did that lesson come from?
It taught you divisiveness and generalizations.
here is NOT less poverty. the poverty rate has remained unchanged. blacks have NOT built more wealth. furthermore, the racial gap between races has increased. don't let your lil xbox and hdtv fool you, there has been NO progression.

you can't cure a disease, if you ignore the symptoms.
Uhh, yes you do

Academic and peer reviewed evidence that illegal Mexican immigration hurts black Americans and increases black American incarceration and unemployment rates (particularly black men):

- A joint paper by professors at the University of California, University of Chicago and Harvard for the National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that
immigration has measurably lowered black wages. One author, Dr. Gordon H. Hanson of UC San Diego, said, "Our study suggests that a 10 percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a skill group is associated with a reduction in the black wage of 4.0 percent, a reduction in the black employment rate of 3.5 percentage points, and an increase in the black institutionalization [incarceration] rate of 0.8 percentage points."10

- Dr. Hanson also testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that, "The economic adjustments unleashed by the large 1980–2000 immigrant influx, a labor supply shock that increased the number of workers in the United States by nearly 10 percent and the number of high school dropouts by over 20 percent, reduced the employment rate of low-skill black men by about eight percentage points. I
mmigration, therefore, accounts for about 40 percent of the 18 percentage point decline in black employment rates. Similarly, the changes in economic opportunities caused by the 1980–2000 immigrant influx raised the incarceration rate of black high school dropouts by 1.7 percentage points, accounting for about 10 percent of the 20 percentage point increase observed during that period."11

- Dr. Harry J. Holzer of Georgetown University and the Urban Institute has addressed evidence from
two studies showing that employers may have a preference for hiring immigrants over black citizens, noting the studies show "that employers perceive stronger work ethic among the immigrants, and a greater willingness to tolerate low wages... Some of these perceptions and the hiring behavior they generate might well reflect discrimination, especially against black men whom employers generally fear…"15

- Vernon M. Briggs, Jr., professor emeritus in labor economics at Cornell, has noted that
both illegal immigrant and black workers tend to "cluster in metropolitan areas," thus increasing the likelihood that they will compete for the same jobs. Dr. Briggs adds, "there is little doubt that there is significant overlap in competition for jobs in this sector of the labor market. Given the inordinately high unemployment rates for low-skilled black workers (the highest for all racial and ethnic groups for whom data is collected), it is obvious that the major loser in this competition are low-skilled black workers. This is not surprising, since if employers have an opportunity to hire illegal immigrant workers, they will always give them preference over legal workers of any race or ethnic background..."

No "white supremacy", just facts.
theres also countless studies that show immigrants make the economy better. A better economy benefits black people.

You have to take a step back and ask yourself why black people and poor immigrants are competing over the same jobs. And why its beneficial to white supremacy that black people fight with immigrants.

This really isn't our fight. We help white supremacy by joining in on it.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
theres also countless studies that show immigrants make the economy better. A better economy benefits black people.

You have to take a step back and ask yourself why black people and poor immigrants are competing over the same jobs. And why its beneficial to white supremacy that black people fight with immigrants.

This really isn't our fight. We help white supremacy by joining in on it.

No, it is our fight. You are engaging in "the sum of all parts helps us all" fallacy whereby you think a rising tide helps all, but this is not necessarily true as a function of the US population relates to the US economy.. While studies show immigration helps the country, this does not necessarily mean those benefits stretch to blacks and overcome the negatives which concurrently occur as a function of immigration. The majority of the country is WHITE and they DON'T COMPETE with Mexicans nor face the same challenges black men do.

Illegal immigration enriches and helps white employers and white people (ergo, the country since most of the country is WHITE) who don't compete with Mexicans for jobs but disdvantages and disenfranchises black people and black men whom compete with Mexicans for jobs (black men only make up 6% of the country and blacks only make up 12%). The overall benefit Mexicans provide to the economy does not transfer enough to blacks to overcome the negative effects Mexicans have on blacks. Thus immigration ultimately harms black people more than it helps. If this were not true, the studies would not correlate black unemployment and incarceration with increased illegal immigration.

Now, as respects your "why are blacks even competing with Mexicans" point, that doesn't matter. Blacks all around the world compete with people like Mexicans for jobs. Winning those jobs for blacks is how we win. Losing those jobs is how we lose. Asking "why" is pedantry.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
No, it is our fight. You are engaging in "the sum of all parts helps us all" fallacy; this is not true. There are evidently two shock effects which happen when immigrants enter the country: a benefit to the country and a hindrance to blacks. While studies show immigration helps the country, this does not necessarily mean those benefits stretch to blacks and overcome the negatives which happen as a function of immigration.

Illegal immigration, for example, enriches and helps white employers and white people who don't compete with Mexicans for jobs but disdvantages and disenfranchises black people and black men whom compete with Mexicans for jobs. The overall benefit Mexicans provide to the economy does not transfer enough to blacks to overcome the negative effects Mexicans have on blacks. Thus immigration ultimately harms black people more than it helps. If this were not true, the studies would not correlate black unemployment and incarceration with increased illegal immigration.

What jobs are Mexicans taking that Black people want to do?

I see Mexicans posted in front of Home Depot and Lowes on the regular, they're also doing construction work, they're not taking these jobs away from Black people.


May 2, 2012
What jobs are Mexicans taking that Black people want to do?

I see Mexicans posted in front of Home Depot and Lowes on the regular, they're also doing construction work, they're not taking these jobs away from Black people.

as someone in LA, they take plenty of jobs blacks traditionally held. now their anchor babies are sitting in the same classrooms as black students, outnumbering them, prepping to take careers and jobs from the next generation of black people


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
What jobs are Mexicans taking that Black people want to do?

I see Mexicans posted in front of Home Depot and Lowes on the regular, they're also doing construction work, they're not taking these jobs away from Black people.

I'm not some job knowledge savant and I don't know everything about the job market but the studies correlate black losses with Mexican immigration, so evidently Mexicans are taking jobs that blacks do, or else the correlation wouldn't exist in stud after study. This is an undenieable fact. The data says what it says. It's like you need to see into a crystal ball and see every black man lose a job before you believe the numbers.

In your example, maybe if Mexicans weren't doing the constructions, some blacks would ultimately do it. What kind of jobs do you think many black men do anyway?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
No, it is our fight. You are engaging in "the sum of all parts helps us all" fallacy whereby you think a rising tide helps all, but this is not necessarily true as a function of the US population relates to the US economy.. While studies show immigration helps the country, this does not necessarily mean those benefits stretch to blacks and overcome the negatives which concurrently occur as a function of immigration. The majority of the country is WHITE and they DON'T COMPETE with Mexicans nor face the same challenges black men do.
So the question should be why those benefits aren't making it to blacks. Not trying to prevent immigrants. The systemic problems still exist. Attacking immigrants won't change them.

Illegal immigration enriches and helps white employers and white people (ergo, the country since most of the country is WHITE) who don't compete with Mexicans for jobs but disdvantages and disenfranchises black people and black men whom compete with Mexicans for jobs (black men only make up 6% of the country and blacks only make up 12%). The overall benefit Mexicans provide to the economy does not transfer enough to blacks to overcome the negative effects Mexicans have on blacks. Thus immigration ultimately harms black people more than it helps. If this were not true, the studies would not correlate black unemployment and incarceration with increased illegal immigration.
Whites claim immigrants are taking their jobs too.

White supremacy is bolstered by the poor fighting over the scraps they throw out. Fighting immigrants for scraps gets us nowhere. Lets say we stop immigration, then we are still stuck doing shytty jobs for no pay. There's no real benefit to black people. I don't think we should be striving for the opportunity to keep immigrant jobs.


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
has more to do with what's being promoted, imo

But promotion only occurs to a receptive audience.

Public Enemy wasn't being promoted when they got big, people reached out for that. In fact would you believe they used to open up for the Beastie Boys? who were promoted and yet Public Enemy became the international sensation. We as a collective hear what we want to hear.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
as someone in LA, they take plenty of jobs blacks traditionally held. now their anchor babies are sitting in the same classrooms as black students, outnumbering them, prepping to take careers and jobs from the next generation of black people

You can't take something from someone unless they already possess it.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
But promotion only occurs to a receptive audience.

Public Enemy wasn't being promoted when they got big, people reached out for that. In fact would you believe they used to open up for the Beastie Boys? who were promoted and yet Public Enemy became the international sensation. We as a collective hear what we want to hear.

The most popular rappers are not the ones promoting destruction.


Aug 17, 2015
It's not even about the jobs

We can't break down white supremacy without addressing all the groups who enforce white supremacy.

Asians, Arabs, Latin and so on do enforce white supremacy

Yes some blacks do as well but they're us and can contribute to our race. Yellow and brown people do nothing for us at best and harm us at worst