How can you claim to be against white supremacy, but still perpetuate its legacy?


May 2, 2012
Why do the cacs never talk about Russian-on-Russian crime? @marcuz
what type of dumbass question is this? they dont discuss african on african crime either. i've already acknowledged whites use black intraracial crime as a deflection.


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
I agree with this notion. Black crime needs to decline but the term "black on black crime" is a prejudicial and loaded term. Crime happens everywhere and blacks have never died out for black-on-black crime, ever. The obstinate focus on black-on-black crime is a distraction whites and c00ns use to variously demonize black people on one hand and deify whites on the other. I'm not even sure black Americans have the worst "black on black" crime in the world. In some countries the crime is actually worse yet you never hear anything about those countries. I think Russia's murder rate is equal or above black America's. Why do the cacs never talk about Russian-on-Russian crime? @marcuz
If we owned our own media we could coin all the "so on so crime" terms we wanted also

Again, we dont control our own image, so we are pretty much susceptible to be painted however anybody chooses to paint us.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
what type of dumbass question is this? they dont discuss african on african crime either. i've already acknowledged whites use black intraracial crime as a deflection.

Cacs actually mention violence in Africa all the time and use it to minimize their own historical crimes. They don't mention Russian-on-Russian crime because it doesn't suit any agenda of theirs. While I acknowledge the importance of black-on-black crime, I have lived in places where blacks don't commit much crime and blacks are still at the bottom of white society (i.e. Canada and Europe). Thus solving black-on-black crime is not a panacea to black issues in white society. Black Canadians don't commit an overwhelming amount of crime yet arguably live less black representative lives than black Americans. They're just pussier than black Americans and get pushed around more. Less crime in black neighborhoods often just leads to gentrification and black erasure anyway. It's one evil exchanged for another.


May 2, 2012
It absolutly does come from white folks and its always been a talking point. White people purposely broke up black families and then pointed fingers to call them savages. This has been going on since slavery. Nothing has changed.

Any real study on the subject turns up that black fathers are present, and that the make up of single parent homes are not what the propaganda suggests.

once more, black people were discussing the break down of the family unit before it became a talking point. we're done talking about the origins, we know why/how it started. the question is, is it a problem or not? you seem to think it isn't.

Who ever said foreigners are our friends?

But if you can take a situation and then generalize that all immigrants are bad, then you must make the same generelisation about black folks.

Plenty of black folks exploit black communities.

Are black folks "not our friends" as well?

the overwhelming majority of black folks are NOT exploiting black communities, or we would have a higher amount of wealth circulating within black neighborhoods. regardless of the community, you will find more "outsiders" vacuuming wealthout, then you would someone of your own race.

You have this fantastical romantic view of black life in the past, but in reality the life of the average black American in 2015 is much better than it was then.

yeah, because we're living in a technological age. have we gained a higher percentage of land, wealth and businesses? no

As I said you have to look at the cause if you want change on a macro level. There's nothing wrong with talking to kids on a personal level about avoiding crime. But when it comes to the community overall, you have to address what causes the problems.

Since the beginning of time humans have fought over resources. People in impoverished neighborhoods have limited acces to resources, so they fight over them. That's true the world over. Has nothing to do with race or "culture"

you can't fix ANYTHING on a macro level, if you refuse to admit that it's a problem. we know we live in a finite planet with finite resources, and limited resources + miseducation breeds crime and immorality. we get that. but how do we address that when you're telling me crime isn't an issue, broken homes isn't an issue, and all these goddamn foreigners vacuuming wealth out of the black community isn't an issue?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
What? It's irrelevant whether minorities are treated badly in every country. The fact is that bringing more immigrants into America doesn't help black people, and can only make things worst. At best it does nothing and at worse it does harm.
Any study on the subject shows that immigrants stimulate the economy and do not take jobs from native citizens.

White supremacy wants you to view other minorities as the enemy because the more immigrants that come here, the more power they use.

Immigration is not our fight, it doesn't affect the average black life. Its simply a distraction, a diversion tactic by those in power.

Just because the economy is globalized doesn't mean we have to accept non-black immigration. The options aren't ALLOW ALL IMMIGRATION and PROSPER or REFUSE ALL IMMIGRATION and DECLINE. That's an oversimplification. Cuba failed not for refusing immigration but because the USA imposed harsh sanctions on them, so your mentioning them as a country which fails for not allowing immigrants is wrong.
Black people decide to only do business amongst ourselves, we are placing voluntary sanctions on ourselves.
Furthermore the Native Americans died out for lack of technological sophistication, infighting and racial warfare, not anything to do with "closing off their economy". The Natives actually OPENED their economy to Europeans and traded with the latter, which in the end was their downfall.
Isolating yourself from the rest of the world leads to technological stagnation. Any society that has alienated itself has fallen behind. That's the point of integration.

Contrary to your assertions, there are a plethora of countries and regions, including Scandinavia and China and Korea,which restrict immigration but otherwise encourage positive and foster good international business practices. So a country does not need to encourage all immigration to have a good economy.

The average quality of life in those countries is far less than the average American. Poor Americans live better than middle class Chinese. I wouldn't want to emulate the conditions of those countries. And your implication of their economic success is a bit overblown. Never said immigarants are needed. I said allowing immigration is not inherently a bad thing.


May 2, 2012
Cacs actually mention violence in Africa all the time and use it to minimize their own historical crimes. They don't mention Russian-on-Russian crime because it doesn't suit any agenda of theirs. While I acknowledge the importance of black-on-black crime, I have lived in places where blacks don't commit much crime and blacks are still at the bottom of white society (i.e. Canada and Europe). Thus solving black-on-black crime is not a panacea to black issues in white society. Black Canadians don't commit an overwhelming amount of crime yet arguably live less black representative lives than black Americans. They're just pussier than black Americans and get pushed around more. Less crime in black neighborhoods often just leads to gentrification and black erasure anyway. It's one evil exchanged for another.
bruh, you're not from the US, just stop. the news doesn't cover anything africa related unless it has to do with some boko haram type shyt.

i don't even know what the hell you're trying to debate at this point. i've already acknowledged whites use black on black crime as a deflection.


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
I find it rather insane that people are trying question @PhonZhi and his Blackness. What's even more insane is that the viewpoints of him and the opposition are not even that far apart. Yet you guys attack each other with such vitriol. I feel what the OP is trying to say and White supremacist definitely take the worst aspects of the community and use them for their talking points. But fact of the matter is a lot of those sayings and stats are accurate and there is a cultural divide within the Black community. For us to say hip-hop has a marginal influence especially on the under 30 crowd is disingenuous. It has the same effect on white people and this is true but again like I've said in other threads as someone who has older children and someone who deals with whites on a regular basis, they have a structure in place that shields their children from the harmful aspects of hip-hop culture, there is a counter-measure however subtle. We as Blacks do not have that because the vast majority of us have lived under the thumb of supremacy and can't see beyond the shadows that have been cast before us and that's really the grand point @PhonZhi has been making. I myself left a successful career in television production and went into business for myself (making less money) once I saw how the sausage was made in a sense and how I couldn't change things as they were just working as a cog in the machine.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
once more, black people were discussing the break down of the family unit before it became a talking point. we're done talking about the origins, we know why/how it started. the question is, is it a problem or not? you seem to think it isn't.
"The break down of the black family" IS the talking point, it always has been, and it has never been based in reality.

Its just empty rhetoric. That doesn't really mean anything.

the overwhelming majority of black folks are NOT exploiting black communities, or we would have a higher amount of wealth circulating within black neighborhoods. regardless of the community, you will find more "outsiders" vacuuming wealthout, then you would someone of your own race.
The overwhelming majority of immigrants aren't either, but hat didnt stop you from generalizing all of them as doing so.

White supremacy taught you to do that.

Its done it to us for hundreds of years.

yeah, because we're living in a technological age. have we gained a higher percentage of land, wealth and businesses? no
Yes we have. Less poverty, less drugs, less suffering, more education, more wealth, more access to healthcare, higher life expectancy, lower infant mortality, less drugs, less crime.

By any measure you can think of black people are better off in 2015 than they ever have been.

you can't fix ANYTHING on a macro level, if you refuse to admit that it's a problem. we know we live in a finite planet with finite resources, and limited resources + miseducation breeds crime and immorality. we get that. but how do we address that when you're telling me crime isn't an issue, broken homes isn't an issue, and all these goddamn foreigners vacuuming wealth out of the black community isn't an issue?
Those are symptoms. Treating symptoms does not fix the disease


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
has the same effect on white people and this is true but again like I've said in other threads as someone who has older children and someone who deals with whites on a regular basis, they have a structure in place that shields their children from the harmful aspects of hip-hop culture

Therefore its not the music. Its the societal structure of America.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
bruh, you're not from the US, just stop. the news doesn't cover anything africa related unless it has to do with some boko haram type shyt.

I was born in the USA, have American citizenship and have went to school in New York, Canada and the Carribean. My family lives in all 3 countries. That aside, I never said anything about the news covering anything in Africa. I said cacs use African violence as a way to justify their own historical crimes, which is a common internet talking point.

i don't even know what the hell you're trying to debate at this point. i've already acknowledged whites use black on black crime as a deflection.

I am arguing that the focus on black-on-black crime is prejudicial and to a certain point, irrelevant. Even if black and black crime were reduced to some arbitrary level that is not necessarily the panacea to black problems, as evidenced in black communities all over the world. There is more to black success than crime or not-crime. You have not acknowledged or addressed anything about this point.


May 2, 2012
I am arguing that the focus on black-on-black crime is prejudicial and irrelevant. Even if black and black crime were reduced that is not the panacea to black problems, as evidenced in black communities all over the world. You have not acnowledged anything about this point.

there's nothing to acknowledge because you're arguing shyt i never said. where have i implied the reduction of intraracial crime would solve all black problems? i'm saying we have a disproportionate about of crime in black neighborhoods, and that is a problem.