"We are the Fury"
So the question should be why those benefits aren't making it to blacks. Not trying to prevent immigrants. The systemic problems still exist. Attacking immigrants won't change them.
I already explained why immigration benefits don't make it to blacks but maybe you'll understand better from academics and researchers:
"Vernon M. Briggs, Jr., professor emeritus in labor economics at Cornell, has noted that both illegal immigrant and black workers tend to "cluster in metropolitan areas," thus increasing the likelihood that they will compete for the same jobs. Dr. Briggs adds, "there is little doubt that there is significant overlap in competition for jobs in this sector of the labor market. Given the inordinately high unemployment rates for low-skilled black workers (the highest for all racial and ethnic groups for whom data is collected), it is obvious that the major loser in this competition are low-skilled black workers. This is not surprising, since if employers have an opportunity to hire illegal immigrant workers, they will always give them preference over legal workers of any race or ethnic background..."
This is essentially what @marcuz 's example delineates is happening in LA when it comes to Mexicans taking black jobs.
Whites claim immigrants are taking their jobs too.
The numbers say that immigrants don't take much white jobs, but actually affect groups like black people more. This is not a question of opinion but facts and numbers. Blacks must do what is best for blacks and support what is best for blacks. Living with whites and Mexicans are two evils we would rather not have, but if we must choose one, we must choose the best one.
White supremacy is bolstered by the poor fighting over the scraps they throw out. Fighting immigrants for scraps gets us nowhere. Lets say we stop immigration, then we are still stuck doing shytty jobs for no pay. There's no real benefit to black people. I don't think we should be striving for the opportunity to keep immigrant jobs.
White supremacy is also bolstered by blacks being more impoverished and incarcerated as a function of immigrant ethnic cleansing and white favoritism. So it is one devil or another. Blacks in the South live better than blacks in the West and have more opportunities for employment and livelihood so obviously that devil is better than the immigration one. Blacks are not "stuck" with shytty jobs with less unemployment. Blacks have the opportunity to move up which will never happen if blacks are all but relegated to the furthest reaches of un-society when Mexicans take over what little jobs black may have. Ultimately blacks must work with what we have. Making things worse only makes things worse.