African Peasant
Most black people speaking against Hip-Hop are doing that because they care about their people.
Never said they did. I said some of the specific narratives i posted in the OP stem directly from white supremacy and/or perpetuate it.
Never said anyone was told anything. Its the institution of white supremacy that leads to the ideas.
And I repeat OP wrote : "rap music has bad influence". Don't change his words.
I am the OP I'm not changing my words. "Rap music is a bad influence" refers to the talking point blaming black music for the ails of black people.
You keep changing your words. You clearly said ; "what white supremacy told people to think".
Nobody's blaming black music. Stop changing your words. We're talking about hip-hop. Nobody is saying that gospel or Soul is the cause of black people's problem.
People are pointing out the negative influence of hip-hop in our community, since it's the most influential aspect of black culture in America.