How Can We Address Anti-intellectualism in Our Communities?


Jul 24, 2013
So now its a bad thing to own a barbershop?
Of course there's nothing wrong with it. My point is that you're trying to give the impression that blacks own something in this country by saying its a black owned barbershop. However, blacks for the most part do not own anything.

Also there are many black owned businesses that produce hair products.
That is patently false. I've never seen one. And if you want to prove me wrong don't give me one or two exceptions. I'm saying 90% of beauty supply stores are not black owned. I don't see how you disagree with this.

You act like its an easy feet to take over an industry thats ran by a couple of multibillion dollar companies
No one said it should be easy. All I'm saying is it should be done, one way or another. And I'm just using the beauty supply stores as one example. Fact of the matter is blacks own nothing in this country because they don't have any skills to do anything.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

Are you having a stroke.....?

How did you come to that conclusion.....?

In all honesty, I wasn't even thinking about white folks helping......I'm along the lines of Global Pan Africanism and was referring to political shakers(with that gwap) of African ancestry from other countries to invest in the most untapped human resource in the world, which is the African American....

But you too short sighted and slow to see that.....You just "assumed" I was talking about white folks, and didn't even care to discuss the obstacles entailed with starting a school like this........You aint really built for a movement anyway so I don't even know why I bother....
Oh my bad, I just assumed becuase all you had been talking about this whole thread is white people, I'm glad we agree that black people can fix our schools without white people

I'll make sure and reference this post whenever education reform comes up and people start crying that we can't get good schools without white people


Jul 24, 2013
Your statistics are wrong as hell. This is why a conversation with you is futile, the original information you are starting with is so flawed that any type of conversation fails before it can get anywhere.
The statistics I quoted are straight from lol. So I guess you don't think that's a valid source? Ok.


Jul 24, 2013
It's all over fukking Drudge, the conservative websites, Breitbart, the hate websites, the white whatever. So you are aware, the majority of hate crimes are white-on-black not the other way around. You'll also notice a million white phaggots defending the racist murderers in articles and comments. I don't give a fukk about white victimization. Blacks are victimized everyday.
Honestly I don't even know why are argued with you on who gets the most hate crimes. Its completely irrelavent. I don't care if blacks do get more hate crimes than whites. That still doesn't account for the fact that 50% of homocide victims are black when we only make up 13% of the population. 93% of those homocide victims were done by black people. So again I don't know why you're going off on tangents talking about hate crimes. Hate crimes has nothing to do with all the violent crime we have in the black community.

I don't think you get it. White liberals serve a function I want them to function in revealing these racist cac thoughts and crimes. They SERVE me because that's what I want done anyway. If they didn't exist I'd just look else where for the same thing. You should undestand that I and many others don't give a fukk about fake white victimization and I'll take a black issue whereever I can get it.


Jul 24, 2013
The solution is not to say 1) blacks can't run citiesI want constructive and productive criticism, not inflammatory gotchas.
So posting facts that cannot be deconstructed is an inflammatory gotcha? Me holding a mirror to the face of black america is an inflammatory gotcha?

I am pointing out facts not to hate on black people, I'm pointing them out to show that we are not on the right track and there ought to be something we can do to get us out of this hole we're in. But we cannot even BEGIN to have the discussion of how we can save our communities when black people don't want to take accountability for our actions.


Jul 24, 2013
This clown @bigDeeOT is quoting
statistics from VanguardNewsNetWork and st0rmfr0nt
and he expects us to take him seriously :dead:

I'm sitting here :mindblown: from this shyt.
I guess is in bed with st0rmfr0nt huh? Ok. I guess the Bureau of Justice Statistics is in bed with st0rmfr0nt huh? Ok


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Funny how people keep ignoring what I write. I already said there are racists people who are racists for no other reason than the color of a black man's skin or the fact that he's black.

No you didn't. In the beginning you said there were always logical reasons for why people hate blacks relating to class and behavior. I provided a counter example and now you're backtracking. Nice. So you're aware, black people are discriminated against not just because of their skin color but because of their features, generally how disparate they are to the white norm. People like you are too simplistic in your thinking so you just latch onto one piece of the puzzle while missing the rest.

People of dark skin get discriminated against in EVERY country in the entire world. So I see your point there.

The issue is not dark skin per se, it is visercal difference between a person that would be dark skinned (with accompanying features) versus one that would be normal in that society.

But here is my point. Beyond the fact that some people are racists just because they want to be, there are also some people that are racist because of what they see a large majority of a population doing. If you look at blacks, lets say only 20% of them are bad and 80% of them are good. Well the white man sees that 20%, and they make generalizations about black people. But guess what, it doesn't end there! The other 80% of black people EMBRACE the culture of the thugs on the street. The music and entertainment black people love is basically an advertisement to the world that says LOOK everyone, this is what it means to be a black person.

Breh, there is no reasoning that justifties whites generalizing and stereotyping blacks. You can explain why you think some whites must be more disposed to racism but it's not like everything is fair all around. Whites would never do the generalizing and stereotyping to themselves regardless of whether 20% of them were criminals, because they know they are individual humans and want to be looked on as innocent before guilty. Many whites do not look at blacks as humans in the same sense they look at themselves, and so they are OK with guilty before innocent. This is their ethnocentrism. The base of it.

2. Black people are partially to blame because they are the ones who created the stereotypes in the first place. Not only is the stereotypes of black people perpetuated by the on going crimes and out of wedlock pregnancy rate you see all the time, but the rest of the black community EMBRACES this degenerate culture. I don't EVER see any black leaders denouncing this kind of buffoonery and when they do, they're suddenly an uncle tom.

No one forces whites to dislike blacks, period. They often don't see blacks as innocent individuals because whites are ethnocentric and see themselves as existing on a higher more individualistic plane tha blacks. This doesn't make them demonic. It's a natural reaction and true of many peoples around the world.

Honestly I don't even know why are argued with you on who gets the most hate crimes. Its completely irrelavent. I don't care if blacks do get more hate crimes than whites. That still doesn't account for the fact that 50% of homocide victims are black when we only make up 13% of the population. 93% of those homocide victims were done by black people. So again I don't know why you're going off on tangents talking about hate crimes. Hate crimes has nothing to do with all the violent crime we have in the black community.

I've already dismissed this notion with analogy. You can't dismiss the effect of hate crime by asserting that most crime is intraracial. This is true for everyone and doesn't damper hate crime against black's significance as an issue worth talking about. Absolute black-on-black crime is worth talking about as well but that stuff doesn't embolden cacs as much as hate crime does.

So do you understand now? You think white liberals control people like me but they don't. I don't agree with everything liberal but I do agree with some of it and I personally like the coverage liberals give minorities that racist conservatives wouldn't otherwise do. So in that respect their agenda is my agenda. Similarly, conservative agenda is oftentimes a white nationalist's agenda too.
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Jul 24, 2013

TBH your whole argument has been nothing but a sea of generalizations like all black people are scrubs, thugs, and unproductive members of society.
This is proof that you haven't been reading a single thing I've posted. You're simply skimming over it for "key words" to label me as a neo-nazi.I've already pointed out that the percent of blacks that give us a bad name is in the minority. However the whole black community is still to blame because the other blacks, like you and everyone else on here, REFUSE to denounce the actions of thugs. You refuse to criticize the black community because you're afraid you'll come across as a neo-nazi st0rmfr0nt. That's the problem. Black people can't have an honest discussion about the state of the black community because the hivemind group-think mentality says "we're all victims of white people and slavery" and anyone who disagrees is a c00n.

Most black people I know are hard working cats regardless of their education or situational status. As it stands the economy isn't in a favorable position regardless of ones educational attainment. At the end of the day there's only one faction of society that reign supreme through any economic hardship; and that's understanding laws of supply and demand. While I'm not against brothers and sisters pursuing the ropes of higher education, seeing another avenue of success, whether it be through owning businesses or committing to a trade, can not be denoted as anything less than a worthy title. Especially seeing as the contemporary system of achieving higher learning education revolves around hustling backwards(taking out a loan) just to move forward, which still might not pan out in the end. What's the difference between someone developing a business plan that requires an initial investment of 20-50k from investors, and taking a loan out loan from the bank for 20k-100k to go to school?

Also you seem to systematically ignore the facts of how blacks are targeted at a higher rate for certain crimes than people from other races.

Race is still very much sohh a problem breh :beli:
I understand very well racism and discrimination exists. I'm not ignoring anything. None of those statistics account for the fact that we have too much violent crime and out of wed lock birthrates in our communities. Stop crying racism. Yeah its a problem, but its at the bottom of the list.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
It's all over fukking Drudge, the conservative websites, Breitbart, the hate websites, the white whatever. So you are aware, the majority of hate crimes are white-on-black not the other way around. You'll also notice a million white phaggots defending the racist murderers in articles and comments. I don't give a fukk about white victimization. Blacks are victimized everyday.

I don't think you get it. White liberals serve a function I want them to function in revealing these racist cac thoughts and crimes. They SERVE me because that's what I want done anyway. If they didn't exist I'd just look else where for the same thing. You should undestand that I and many others don't give a fukk about fake white victimization and I'll take a black issue whereever I can get it.
Exactly. When I see "white liberals" publicly shame others people for being racist, sexist, etc. I just ( :leon: ). Like I'm really going to be against them relentlessly harassing some bigot to the point where they're in fear of their livelihood. ( :heh: )


Jul 24, 2013
No you didn't. In the beginning you said there were always logical reasons for why people hate blacks relating to class and behavior. I provided a counter example and now you're backtracking.
Dude, you're literally making this up as you go along. I never said any of that. Show me where I said it and I swear to god I will admit fault. You can't do it because I never said any of that.


May 21, 2012
I guess is in bed with st0rmfr0nt huh? Ok. I guess the Bureau of Justice Statistics is in bed with st0rmfr0nt huh? Ok

I see you've got this c00ning down to
a science.

bigDeeOT apparently has a history of c00ning.
Just look at his post history on Reddit.

This gem right here tells you all you need to know :

"Why does it only seem to apply to our sisters?"

I'll make this very clear. The reason is because white women are prettier than black women.

I'll tell you I go through phases with what kind of girls I like. Right now I'm attracted to black girls more than anything. But if you put the average black girl next to the average white girl, the average white girl is almost always prettier. Matter of fact if you take the top 5% of black girls and compare them to the average white girl, the black girl will only be slightly prettier.

I just think beauty has some objective and subjectiveness to it. The reason why I like black girls more is because that's just my subjective preference. But if I were to try and find the prettiest girls on earth, black women wouldn't make the top ten unfortunately.

Now this is all just my opinion but I feel very strongly about it based on a few reasons.

  1. By unanimous consent among most non black people, black women aren't as pretty as other women. Even a lot of black men agree with this unless they grew up in the hood.

  2. If you look at the so-called prettiest "black" women, 99% of them have caucasian features. It starts with the hair and that's a huuuuge factor to how pretty she looks. Notice how most black girls, or at least the pretty ones, try to emulate non-black hair. Also, if its not the hair that makes her pretty then its the skin tone. Most of the so-called pretty black women either have caucasian hair, or lighter skin, and in most cases the finest ones have both.
I think most readers would find it very challenging to find me a picture of a very pretty black women without any caucasian features, that look just as pretty as the finest white women. If someone can prove me wrong on this then that's great, I really hope you can.

But anyway my point is that since all of the prettiest black women have caucasian features, why not just put the real thing on stage? Instead of putting on a black women who's trying to look caucasian, it makes more sense to just straight up put the caucasian on there.

And I know I'm gonna get down voted and reported for having a different opinion because that's what y'all do around here. But it is, what it is. So please if you disagree with me, attack the argument not the messenger.

Apparently he doesn't have the nuts to tell his white "friends" to fukk off when they're stereotyping
him because his tone might cause him to lose said "friends".
As for the bitterness towards white people. The next time they say something about you acting white, straight up say "Hey I'm an individual. You can say I act like this or that but at the end of the day I know I'm black." And if they try to argue with you, joking or not, tell em to cut it out because you don't like it. But its all in your delivery. If you come across as too serious you might make it awkward between people and lose friends. If you come across as not serious enough, they'll keep calling you oreo.
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Cali born Cali bred
Jun 8, 2012
So. Cal
Fact of the matter is blacks own nothing in this country because they don't have any skills to do anything.
Ban this fukking CaC. Its obvious this clown is trolling. Mods do your job and ban this piece of shyt


Jul 24, 2013
Whites would never do the generalizing and stereotyping to themselves regardless of whether 20% of them were criminals, because they know they are individual humans and want to be looked on as innocent before guilty.
What about if 20% of them were criminals and the other 80% embraced an entertainment culture that revolves around criminality and over sexualization, AAAND, they refused to EVER criticize the 20%.

See, that's the difference.


Jul 24, 2013
Apparently he doesn't have the nuts to tell his white "friends" to fukk off when they're stereotyping
him because his tone might cause him to lose said "friends".

I have the balls and the BRAINS to address people in a constructive manner. I never said I should turn the other cheek. I said to talk to people sensibly instead of talking like a thug saying "fukk off."