Why didn't they just stay as big as they were and just simply form a democratic country without communism?
like i said, those countries and territories existed before the soviet union, in some ways it was natural for them to break up
I am simply showing you the importance of having independent nations, for the people and by the people...not by colonialist, for colonialist.
i think colonial boundaries were created willy nilly, i dont think they were created as part of some devious plot to continue european domination
i definitely agree in having elections and referndums to determine new boundaries like in south sudan, i think thats fine, but that isnt the key to prosperity, the key to prosperity is free trade, the key is economic freedom and individual freedom
If the EU and Europe is a mess, than what is Africa?
africa is africa, with african problems and it needs african solutions
i think you can learn things from europe just like you can learn things from the US or any other country, i wouldnt go further than that
i dont think the explosion of countries after the cold war is necessarily a template for africa, if anything its a warning of what happens when you have too many countries
that explosion of countries falls under "shyt happens" and that explosion of countries is not a reason for European prosperity, most of those countries arent even part of the EU anyways and are facing the same problems that african countries face, of poverty, corruption related to natural resources, bad leadership and lack of democracy
i dont think you have done any real homework on the fate of these countries you mentioned, they arent exactly paradise
You have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. I have been to Africa a dozen times and have family that live in Ghana, Nigeria, and South Africa. I think I have a better understanding of what is going on than you do breh.
i dont think you have a better understanding of africa than the writer and i dont think you have a real grasp of what it takes to make a modern country, your main idea is to play the victim card