Stop the cap breh. America only talked shyt for 9+ months just like they talk shyt about Saudi Arabia. They didn't do anything to Ethiopia until recently by placing sanctions and ending Agoa.
You guys fumbled the bag by not ending the TPLF quickly.
Kwame Nkrumah was a confused fellow who believed in pan-africanism but also supported the colonial borders. Quoting him is meaningless on this subject since he supported Ethiopia's claim to Western Somalia.
Unification is something you can trick children with but not grown people. Africa is way too diverse for unity.
Habeshas and Somalis are more distant than the French and British but they couldn't even stay "united" under the EU for 50 years.
We have different cultures, religions, values, and ideologies. We also have centuries of bad blood. There will never be any unity between us.
There's a better chance that China and America unite before we do (willingly).

Does that mean we should hate each other? NO! We can definitely can work together on certain things because we will be neighbors forever.
Are you serious?
Everyone in Ethiopia is poor and destitute. Your GDP per capita is similar to Somalia.
Somalis in Ethiopia have don't have a vioce in government like Amharas. They were economically sidelined, have been ethnically cleansed/genocided more than any other ethnicity by far, and have been under military occupation until 2018.
You Amhara brehs can't even hide your inner hatred.

This same breh is talking about unity.