
Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012


We just kicked out the african union army

@FAH1223 make it sense for us...are they still tryin to overthrow current govt lol

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Never read so much nonsense. Ethiopia is a colonial project in itself.

The whole Somali region was handed over to Ethiopia by Britain because the Somalis were unruly and put up constant resistance whereas Ethiopia was Britain's ally and fellow christian nation.

Before that it was the Portuguese who backed them and more recently the Soviets/Cubans. Ethiopia is literally the darling of the West/white man breh don't tell me about colonials.

If Abiy succeeded he would have eventually integrated Somalia within Ethiopia and made us 2nd class citizens in our own land, just like those living in Jigjiga right now.

No Somali would ever back that but for the Amhara/Ethio nationalists it would be a dream come true therefore you're either a halfbreed Gurgura or a very naive young dude.

The disintegration of Ethiopia is the best news any Somali could get sxb get your head out your ass fukk is wrong with you
I'm a 30 year old 100% Darod Marexan Reer Diini nikka number 1 don't ever get me confused with anything else... we can get deeper in the Reer dini but lets leave it at that.

Number 2 I'm well aware the Somali's were spanking the British until they used the divide and conquer tactics that they're using today.

Number 3. the best news any Somali could get is the disintegration of Ethiopia... LMAO

That's really the best news for any Somali. A civil war with untold mayhem at the borders of a country who has suffered 30 years of mayhem. Am I the young and naiive breh or are you? Truly a paranoid suspicion of the ignorant that Abiy was trying to integrate Somalia (LMAO) into Ethiopia. That would have went over really well in Addis...making Al Shabaab a problem for them too. That's precisely what he wanted lol. Absolutely delusional as if there is some sick zero sum game between Somalia and Ethiopia. Somebody referencing the Portuguese Ottoman conflict in 2021 with relation to the TPLF conflict is someone who is easily fed the same bullshyt that the Amhara nationalists themselves were fed in the early 1900's.

And for the record I support Somaliland independence 100% before someone tries to side track this based on tribe, which I'm sure you would love to do. Perhaps we should hope for a Kenyan disintegration to retain Garissa? :dead:

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Only a true Somali nationalist would recognize the Amhara etc are our allies not our enemies. These are the same people from the Hijrah if you want to get deeper. There is only one enemy if you follow the story closely.


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Never assume ppl who rise to level of leading a country are naive. It's just that there are short and long term interests and alliances of convenience are made all the time if there is a shared enemy.

You can be shrewd enough to get yourself in position but keeping that position is a different story entirely. Abiy has made miscalculations which betrays an image of someone knowing what they’re doing.

So basically TPLF, OLA (who don't even have majority support amongst Oromos), and a bunch of nobodies. :mjlol:

The fact that they're announcing this in D.C. instead of Ethiopia amongst the people is more evidence of who's pulling the strings of this coup.

Name any legitimate gov't that was formed outside of the native country.

My mom saw these a$$hole bandas in the airport. I hope they go to 9th street with that same energy.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
So basically TPLF, OLA (who don't even have majority support amongst Oromos), and a bunch of nobodies. :mjlol:

The fact that they're announcing this in D.C. instead of Ethiopia amongst the people is more evidence of who's pulling the strings of this coup.

Name any legitimate gov't that was formed outside of the native country.
This should double Somalia’s gdp and landholdings according to some


Jul 7, 2015
The Bush
What are the TPLF scheming? Even if the TDF take Addis Ababa, I don't see how they can make this a win. They can't stop the OLA from holding a referendum to trigger article 39. If the Oromo secede, Tigray is fukked. I don't see how they can hold onto the SR. With the Oromo out of the picture, they'd be stuck with deeply hostile Amhara and Afar states without the ability to pit them against Oromos.


All Star
Oct 31, 2017
I’m 100 percent Somali and I support Abiy and a strong centralized and United Ethiopia because unlike some of you smooth brained ethnic warriors,
You literally contradicted yourself. What your saying is equivalent to a Palestinian supporting his occupiers.
Abiy was silent when the Afars and Oromos attacked Somalis.
He was silent when the Amharas were burning mosques and attacking Muslims but moved his military when Somalis attacked the Amharas in their region for vandalizing the statue of the Sayid.
Abiy threatened the territorial integrity of Somalia on multiple occasions.
He also hid the chemical poisoning of Somalis in the region due to oil and gas extraction.
There's more but you get the point... Hopefully.:francis:

Only a true Somali nationalist would recognize the Amhara etc are our allies not our enemies.:troll: These are the same people from the Hijrah if you want to get deeper. There is only one enemy if you follow the story closely.
Guess I was wrong. You're a clown. :mjlol:
You're cut from the same cloth as Illey and Mustafa. :hhh:

You were clowning @Ikwa for bringing up the Portuguese from 500 years ago but you're bringing up Najashi from 1400 years ago. :troll:

Truly a paranoid suspicion of the ignorant that Abiy was trying to integrate Somalia (LMAO) into Ethiopia. That would have went over really well in Addis...making Al Shabaab a problem for them too. That's precisely what he wanted lol. Absolutely delusional as if there is some sick zero sum game between Somalia and Ethiopia.
We're just crazy. It's not like these things happened

Ethiopia apologises for map that erases Somalia
Abiy: Eritrea, Ethiopia And Somalia Will Not Have Three Presidents "The New Horn" | Saxafi
Is Abiy's 'New Horn' a plan to bring Somalia, Eritrea under him? - SomTribune

There are many more examples of him speaking about integrating Somalia into Ethiopia. :stopitslime:

I mean gtfoh you act as if the Ethiopian Govt has been handled with kid gloves when it’s been ask to meet unrealistic standards with regards to the conflict.

We can agree to disagree on it but if you think what I’m suggesting is childish then tell that to the successful nations of the world that united amongst themselves and are now lording over us playing us like bytches.

We can agree that Somalis in the Ogaden have been mistreated at every turn by most of the govts in Ethiopia which has administered.

But it’s a question of at what point has there been leadership in Addis that is actually capable and willing to have honest dialogue, reconciliation, and a real integration of all peoples into one national identity?

Because let’s just say for arguments sake that Greater Somalia becomes a reality off of this, just how long do you think it would be before the West decided to break you guys up because you’re not following the white man’s program?
You might have a point since America is hosting the new Ethiopian government. :russ:
I still believe they supported him in the first place due to giving him a Noble Peace Prize but he fumbled the bag with the TPLF.

The ruling class of the strongest nations on the face of this earth are homogenous (America, UK, France, Russia, and China).
America is the most diverse out of all of those nations but the most powerful and richest people are cacs. .

You compared the treatment of Amharas to the plight of Somalis. That's like comparing a broken nail to losing an arm. :martin:
This forced unity created by cacs has been nothing but hell for us. That's why we are hoping an to see an end to this colonial project so we can go our separate ways.
That's the thing you're not getting. Us Somalis have no interest in integrating with Oromos, Amharas, and Tigrayans.
We are enough for ourselves. We have the largest territory, most resources, longest coast, etc.

Somalis are the most anti-colonial ethnic group in Africa. They would never allow us to make Greater Somalia.
But if we did brute force it and create it I doubt they would be able to break it up. We would be similar to Iran.

@2Quik4UHoes you sound like a good guy and you got bright ideas but preaching unity with Ethiopia to Somalis is kind of tone deaf.
We've had nothing but suffering for the last 100 years since cacs forced us to live under the Ethiopian flag.
Separation in some instances is healthier and stronger than unity especially if the unity was forced from the jump. :hubie:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
You literally contradicted yourself. What your saying is equivalent to a Palestinian supporting his occupiers.
Abiy was silent when the Afars and Oromos attacked Somalis.
He was silent when the Amharas were burning mosques and attacking Muslims but moved his military when Somalis attacked the Amharas in their region for vandalizing the statue of the Sayid.
Abiy threatened the territorial integrity of Somalia on multiple occasions.
He also hid the chemical poisoning of Somalis in the region due to oil and gas extraction.
There's more but you get the point... Hopefully.:francis:

Guess I was wrong. You're a clown. :mjlol:
You're cut from the same cloth as Illey and Mustafa. :hhh:

You were clowning @Ikwa for bringing up the Portuguese from 500 years ago but you're bringing up Najashi from 1400 years ago. :troll:

We're just crazy. It's not like these things happened

Ethiopia apologises for map that erases Somalia
Abiy: Eritrea, Ethiopia And Somalia Will Not Have Three Presidents "The New Horn" | Saxafi
Is Abiy's 'New Horn' a plan to bring Somalia, Eritrea under him? - SomTribune

There are many more examples of him speaking about integrating Somalia into Ethiopia. :stopitslime:

You might have a point since America is hosting the new Ethiopian government. :russ:
I still believe they supported him in the first place due to giving him a Noble Peace Prize but he fumbled the bag with the TPLF.

The ruling class of the strongest nations on the face of this earth are homogenous (America, UK, France, Russia, and China).
America is the most diverse out of all of those nations but the most powerful and richest people are cacs. .

You compared the treatment of Amharas to the plight of Somalis. That's like comparing a broken nail to losing an arm. :martin:
This forced unity created by cacs has been nothing but hell for us. That's why we are hoping an to see an end to this colonial project so we can go our separate ways.
That's the thing you're not getting. Us Somalis have no interest in integrating with Oromos, Amharas, and Tigrayans.
We are enough for ourselves. We have the largest territory, most resources, longest coast, etc.

Somalis are the most anti-colonial ethnic group in Africa. They would never allow us to make Greater Somalia.
But if we did brute force it and create it I doubt they would be able to break it up. We would be similar to Iran.

@2Quik4UHoes you sound like a good guy and you got bright ideas but preaching unity with Ethiopia to Somalis is kind of tone deaf.
We've had nothing but suffering for the last 100 years since cacs forced us to live under the Ethiopian flag.
Separation in some instances is healthier and stronger than unity especially if the unity was forced from the jump. :hubie:

Thanks for the words and likewise.

I think where we disagree is that I think a real honest try at creating an equal and diverse society is worth the try and effort and you feel that that doesn’t work. Believe it or not, I’ve always felt a way about Ogaden’s exclusion. Especially considering some of my favorite memories of Ethiopia when I went as a kid was all the cool ass Somalis in Merkato gettin money. Amongst the people things have always been generally cordial. Could things improve? Of course, and they gradually have but the problem is that bad leadership would offset those gains with more atrocities. I don’t think Abiy has that in mind. I could be wrong, but that can be something else we agree to disagree on.

For me, the borders themselves have always been subjective which is why I want deeper integration within the region. At different points in history each side controlled more or less land than the other. So we can talk grievances all day about whose land is whose or we can work with what we’ve got and strengthen our nations? I feel like there needs to be truth and reconciliation throughout the entire region because many people have been oppressed and it needs to be addressed whether we remain as is or new borders are arranged.


Apr 30, 2012
Oromo nationalists are indirectly allied with TPLF now. :skip:

I think Abiy wanted the conflict and opportunity to crush TPLF as much as they wanted the fight. But I don’t see how you can crush a party that the majority of the regions population supports. Maybe militarily they can be defeated but I don’t see how it’ll be simple or clean.
Said this on page 2 of this thread, it aged well. Clean quick operation didn’t materialize and TPLF and Oromo nationalists are openly allied now. Should’ve tried diplomacy rather than going along this route.


Apr 30, 2012
Thanks for the words and likewise.

I think where we disagree is that I think a real honest try at creating an equal and diverse society is worth the try and effort and you feel that that doesn’t work. Believe it or not, I’ve always felt a way about Ogaden’s exclusion. Especially considering some of my favorite memories of Ethiopia when I went as a kid was all the cool ass Somalis in Merkato gettin money. Amongst the people things have always been generally cordial. Could things improve? Of course, and they gradually have but the problem is that bad leadership would offset those gains with more atrocities. I don’t think Abiy has that in mind. I could be wrong, but that can be something else we agree to disagree on.

For me, the borders themselves have always been subjective which is why I want deeper integration within the region. At different points in history each side controlled more or less land than the other. So we can talk grievances all day about whose land is whose or we can work with what we’ve got and strengthen our nations? I feel like there needs to be truth and reconciliation throughout the entire region because many people have been oppressed and it needs to be addressed whether we remain as is or new borders are arranged.
Respect breh, you’re a good dude. Even when we disagree, appreciate your POV. Ethiopians and Somalis without a doubt have to learn to coexist and flourish together as neighbours, but what that looks like and what form it takes is the most important question (and not an easy one)


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Respect breh, you’re a good dude. Even when we disagree, appreciate your POV. Ethiopians and Somalis without a doubt have to learn to coexist and flourish together as neighbours, but what that looks like and what form it takes is the most important question (and not an easy one)

Breh you’re one of the best posters in HL if not the whole coli. I always check in when you’ve got something to say since your knowledge on geopolitics and international affairs is superb. And of course we don’t always agree but I’ve always felt that you’re coming from a genuine place intellectually. Admittedly, I can let emotions get the best of me especially in this situation.

I guess where all of us can agree on is that our people need better than what they’ve been dealt. How that work is done is very much an open question that hopefully one day we will answer. I just hope that whatever happens the bad actors go away and the needless violence and destruction can finally be over with in the wider region.


All Star
May 25, 2012
I'm a 30 year old 100% Darod Marexan Reer Diini nikka number 1 don't ever get me confused with anything else... we can get deeper in the Reer dini but lets leave it at that.

Number 2 I'm well aware the Somali's were spanking the British until they used the divide and conquer tactics that they're using today.

Number 3. the best news any Somali could get is the disintegration of Ethiopia... LMAO

That's really the best news for any Somali. A civil war with untold mayhem at the borders of a country who has suffered 30 years of mayhem. Am I the young and naiive breh or are you? Truly a paranoid suspicion of the ignorant that Abiy was trying to integrate Somalia (LMAO) into Ethiopia. That would have went over really well in Addis...making Al Shabaab a problem for them too. That's precisely what he wanted lol. Absolutely delusional as if there is some sick zero sum game between Somalia and Ethiopia. Somebody referencing the Portuguese Ottoman conflict in 2021 with relation to the TPLF conflict is someone who is easily fed the same bullshyt that the Amhara nationalists themselves were fed in the early 1900's.

And for the record I support Somaliland independence 100% before someone tries to side track this based on tribe, which I'm sure you would love to do. Perhaps we should hope for a Kenyan disintegration to retain Garissa? :dead:
Marehan reer diini :mjlol:

Now it all makes sense why you capping so hard for Abiy since Farmajo's survival depends on it.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Do you guys believe Eritrea committed human right violations last year?


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Do you guys believe Eritrea committed human right violations last year?

It’s possible, Eritrea has hated the TPLF for just about two decades now so the bad blood could’ve inspired acts like that. When the dust truly settles and things can be investigated I want to know who did what. This U.N. report wasn’t enough imo.