Horizon Zero Dawn | PS4/PC | Out Now

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Need to know how the mission/world/story/quests are done.

Swear to god if this follows the ubisoft blue print of open world im gonna sell my ps4.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Guerilla Games Pounds Their Chest with Horizon: Zero Dawn
By Chan Moore on December 19, 2015 on Articles PS4, horizon zero dawn, E3 2015


Horizon: Zero Dawn is a game I will DEFINITLY be rushing home from work to play next year. After watching video of the demo shown at this year’s E3 Convention, I’m on the bandwagon so far. The folks over at Guerilla appear to have really been putting in the overtime on this title and I believe, it will breathe some new life into their studio. The Killzone series was the Netherlands based publishers “flasgship” series and I must be honest and say I wasn’t really a fan. Not saying it was a bad game, I just couldn’t get into the storyline. Imagine my surprise when I found out that this intriguing title was their new lovechild…my mind was BLOWN!

So Horizon is an action role playing game that will include some kind of leveling points system and a vast open world environment. We get to take control of Aloy, a young woman who has been deemed the champion of her tribe. She is a hunter, crafter, and now the protector of one of the last civilizations to have stayed behind on earth. Our planet is in a post-apocalyptic state more than 1,000 years from today, finding your local Walmart and Starbucks just isn’t going to happen. Everything has been reclaimed by mother-nature and her nurturing touch has turned the landscape into a picturesque Bob Ross tribute. The lush, vibrant colors will no doubt have your undivided attention, adding an extra level of realism to your adventures.

Aloy has a kind heart that you get to see right from the beginning of the story as she hunts down what are known as “watchers”. These smaller creatures scan the area and are a warning system for the surrounding mechanized inhabitants. Aloy uses numerous methods and weapons to disable, dismantle, and straight up own her aggressors with a very interesting critical hit system. From silencing smaller beasts to picking apart a much larger adversary called the Thunderjaw using it’s own weapons against it. Aloy uses a few of her native weapons including a bow and arrow and a bow caster which can immobilize larger prey for a short period of time.

Guerilla is staying very hush hush about certain aspects of the game. No doubt this is to build anticipation and create some surprise in the lead up to release. I did however hear them use the word “franchise” when talking about Horizon, so I’m hoping that means this is just the beginning of an amazing story, could there be a big cliffhanger ending in the works or being left with that feeling of having some unfinished business.
Some specific things I felt left in the dark about were:
• How and why the dinosaurs are here?
• What the green canisters of liquid are used for?
• How leveling works?
• What kinds of additional weapons/items can be crafted?
• Will there be other human adversaries?
Guerilla Games Pounds Their Chest with Horizon: Zero Dawn | Where Gamers and the World of Gaming Collide

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
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