Horizon Forbidden West (PS4/5) & Burning Shores DLC Out Now! Complete Edition - 10/6, PC - Feb 2024

Bubba T

Jul 24, 2015
im gonna give the story a 6/10. really didnt add much to the story at all. but it was a fun lil play through. id even say the last boss was more exciting that Forbidden West's last boss.here's my summary
Gayloy gets a call from Sylens*

Slylens: hey lackey, im sending you to Hollywood to do a book report and take out this PAAGer who escaped at the end of Forbidden West.

Gayloy goes to the Burning Shores. Gets shot down, sees a woman named Seyka. Gayloy thinks "a PAAG?:ohlawd:" Seyka thinks "a PAWG?:banderas:" They go back to Seyka's camp and the leader goes "a PAWG and a PAAG up to no good, jail time?" Gayloy and Seyka convince him to let them help find missing villagers, including Seyka's sister, who is also a PAAG. The find some dead bodies and realize the evil Paager man is responsible. They find out Paager man is brainwashing surviving villagers and making his own PAAGin cult. To get to Paag island, they need to avoid some tower that shoots beams n shyt, so they gather parts and hijack a Watering. you mix flying with diving to avoid the beams. eventually, they confront evil paager as he's choosing between Seyka's PAAG sister and some generic blonde PAWG.he chooses the PAAG, planning to take her in his escape rocket so he can PAAG in space. Seyka jumps out and says "not my sister you nasty man". Then Gayloy jumps out and says "Only one PAAGin in these Burning Shores is ME:ufdup:". Paager man tells em if he cant Paag, nobody can Paag, as his escape rocket will pollute the planet with radiation. Paager man sicks a Dino robot on them to escape, they defeat it but unfortunately generic blonde PAWG gets stepped on. Seyka and Gayloy, realizing that both PAWGin and PAAGin is in danger, decide to go stop the man and head out to confront him. he summons some big ass robot thing called Horus that has tentacles like Doc Oc from Spiderman. Seyka distracts the big ass robot from above while Gayloy sneaks in from the belly after blowing up coils. She confronts Paager man, destroys his machine, and kills him. "No PAAGs for you:scusthov:", she says. Afterward Gayloy and Seyka get a hi five from the village leader on a job well done. Seyka tells Gayloy to meet her where they first met🥰 When they meet, Seyka tells Gayloy she has a passion for PAWGs. Player is then given 3 choices. 1.PAAG Life. 2. Not sure if im into PAAGin. 3. I done enough PAAGin on this vacation:whoa:.

I chose option one, and Gayloy and Seyka swapped spit and gave each other hugs. Gayloy goes back to Sylens and starts to talk about her PAAG adventure before Sylens says "I dont care, what'd you learn from evil Paager man?:unimpressed:" Gayloy gives him the notes and he learns more about Nemesis. Gayloy tells Sylens he stayed back because he has to stroke his ego. Sylens shoos her away and she says she thinks hes warming up to people.

the end

This is the most Coli synopsis of a story I've seen yet :dead: