Hood mentality


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Let's be real

"Hood mentality" is "Thug Culture" by another name.
IF you genuinely feel a large amount of Black people subscribe to this culture and aspire to it
then clearly you are no different than WN's and WS's who push this rhetoric.

I mean this is literally the same shyt that Trump was saying before he got in hot water with the mexicans.
I never said that I felt this way.

The difference between me and Donald is that I want black people to rise and he doesnt.


Sep 2, 2014
He's not consciously saying it. Hood is just slang for our neigborhood. White people make you think that's negative cuz it's something we came up with.

That's what they always do :heh:

He spoke to the mentality though no? Would you agree that there are willfully ignorant people in the hood? Should that mentality be ostracized or praised?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Lol lot of yall sound like u never stepped foot in an urban environment. Same as the dudes talking about every dealer in the hood is doing it out of survival ha
Werd its like I have to ask the guys who asked me if I live in the hood if they actually live in the hood lol.

They sound like undercover racist white guys who are trying to promote ignorance in the black community


May 21, 2012
I never said that I felt this way.

The difference between me and Donald is that I want black people to rise and he doesnt.
So there's no difference in your rhetoric but I'm supposed to believe Donald is worse because
what exactly ?
Is it because you claim to be black and thus your statements get a pass while his don't ?

Let's not play dumb breh, these are views that are indeed right wing and/or straight from fox news.

Example what you said :
Well then you wont benefit the black community much if you wont try to resist the hood mentality.
Youll end up robbing from your own, youll end up killing your own cuz of colors, youll never want to start a black buisness and support your own and youll never want to build up black areas.

Now your words versus Trump and Geraldo.
A right wing politician running for a chance at the president and a fox news anchor.

FoxNewsAnchor said:
“There’s too much, in the minority culture” who “embraces the ‘thug ethic’ — no belt, so your pants are down around your butt,” said shirtless selfie man. “Or, remember how much trouble I got in about the hoodies?” he added, referencing the time he blamed Trayvon Martin’s death not on George Zimmerman — but on his hoodie.

“The point is, if you want to embrace that failure, you will be a failure, and your children will be failures,” said Rivera.
Source :
Geraldo Rivera Uses Racist Code Words Like ‘Thug’ and ‘Minority Culture’ Because He Can’t Say ‘N*gger’ –But That’s What He Means

Trump said:
Mr Trump said that African-American youth had reached "a point where they've just about never done more poorly, there's no spirit, there’s killings on an hourly basis virtually in places like Baltimore and Chicago and many other places.

Source :
Donald Trump says African-American youths have 'no spirit'

I've seen you refer to yourself as a "nerd" as a dude who is no doubt a "nerd" when this computer shuts off.
I'm telling you right now, this is not a constructive mentality at all and you should really reconsider your stances
if they align with @PhonZhi
Lol lot of yall sound like u never stepped foot in an urban environment. Same as the dudes talking about every dealer in the hood is doing it out of survival ha

lolWhat ?
I have fam in the hood, hell I lived right smack dab in LA and went to school in watts before
my family got enough money to move us out of there.
Are you under the impression that the "urban environment" only has criminals and drug dealers ?
Are you under the impression that because someone's family makes less money they're inherently "Bad" ?
Are you under the impression that America is some egalitarian meritocracy where success is guaranteed
for those who work hard ?
Do you have any idea how difficult it is to change your SES ? Or to gain wealth to pass it down ?
Do you not understand that this is part of the reason that capitalism has failed Black American's ?
Racism mixed with Classicism and people with positions in political institutions to act on their beliefs
is the main reason black Americans are in the positions they're in.
Last edited:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
So there's no difference in your rhetoric but I'm supposed to believe Donald is worse because
what exactly ?
Is it because you claim to be black and thus your statements get a pass while his don't ?

Let's not play dumb breh, these are views that are indeed right wing and/or straight from fox news.

Example what you said :

Now your words versus Trump and Geraldo.
A right wing politician running for a chance at the president and a fox news anchor.

Source :
Geraldo Rivera Uses Racist Code Words Like ‘Thug’ and ‘Minority Culture’ Because He Can’t Say ‘N*gger’ –But That’s What He Means

Source :
Donald Trump says African-American youths have 'no spirit'
Your right that we shouldnt play dumb.

I said many times that racists whites have a part in all of this

Now point me to where Donald trump and that next idiot talks about racist whites part in all of this like I did.

I'll wait..


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
Lemme cut the bull. I been in this thread lowkey:troll:

As well as many jewels in between the lines :sas1:

Hood is slang literally. All hoods are different. You got hoods in the city, the burbs, and the country. When it's majority us it's our hood. You got some violent ones and you got some that ain't. There's plenty of black communities throughout my state alone. I know nikkas who grew up in historically black communities in the country. Guess what they call they're neighborhood? These nikkas weren't killing each other and they were poor.

I wonder why violence rates are lower in the hoods of small country towns :jbhmm:

Maybe becuz the population is less dense:pachaha:

Y'all are smart so y'all already know the definition of the word "ghetto". Yes the majority of us have been relegated to the ghetto. When you have a population density that's isolated and oppressed of course there's gonna be ignorant shyt.

It happens all over the world :ld:

I'm with you tho brehs I'm sick of this ghetto mentality too:to:

Y'all so jaded by the white man y'all let him make y'all think your own slang was evil

Lemme get back to my blunt:win:


May 21, 2012
Imply that "the hood" a slang term coined by minorities is a mentality that is inherently destructive
then get mad when people call you out brehs.

Imply that being in "the hood" is clearly a matter of choice, a view point that mirror's "Boot straps" bullshyt
from republicans then get mad when people call your stance Right wing brehs.

Imply that criminal actions can only be motivated by faults in culture or character and not economically pressing situations then get mad when people say your stance is painfully simplistic and lacking in nuance brehs.

Your right that we shouldnt play dumb.

I said many times that racists whites have a part in all of this

Now point me to where Donald trump and that next idiot talks about racist whites part in all of this like I did.

I'll wait..
Make posts like this brehs

So let me get this straight :ohhh:
It's okay when you say it but it's not okay when Trump does.
Thanks for letting me know.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Lemme cut the bull. I been in this thread lowkey:troll:

As well as many jewels in between the lines :sas1:

Hood is slang literally. All hoods are different. You got hoods in the city, the burbs, and the country. When it's majority us it's our hood. You got some violent ones and you got some that ain't. There's plenty of black communities throughout my state alone. I know nikkas who grew up in historically black communities in the country. Guess what they call they're neighborhood? These nikkas weren't killing each other and they were poor.

I wonder why violence rates are lower in the hoods of small country towns :jbhmm:

Maybe becuz the population is less dense:pachaha:

Y'all are smart so y'all already know the definition of the word "ghetto". Yes the majority of us have been relegated to the ghetto. When you have a population density that's isolated and oppressed of course there's gonna be ignorant shyt.

It happens all over the world :ld:

I'm with you tho brehs I'm sick of this ghetto mentality too:to:

Y'all so jaded by the white man y'all let him make y'all think your own slang was evil

Lemme get back to my blunt:win:
Arguing semantics is useless.

I never implied that the hood aka black areas was negative

I am talking about a mentality as ive said many times.


Sep 2, 2014
Lemme cut the bull. I been in this thread lowkey:troll:

As well as many jewels in between the lines :sas1:

Hood is slang literally. All hoods are different. You got hoods in the city, the burbs, and the country. When it's majority us it's our hood. You got some violent ones and you got some that ain't. There's plenty of black communities throughout my state alone. I know nikkas who grew up in historically black communities in the country. Guess what they call they're neighborhood? These nikkas weren't killing each other and they were poor.

I wonder why violence rates are lower in the hoods of small country towns :jbhmm:

Maybe becuz the population is less dense:pachaha:

Y'all are smart so y'all already know the definition of the word "ghetto". Yes the majority of us have been relegated to the ghetto. When you have a population density that's isolated and oppressed of course there's gonna be ignorant shyt.

It happens all over the world :ld:

I'm with you tho brehs I'm sick of this ghetto mentality too:to:

Y'all so jaded by the white man y'all let him make y'all think your own slang was evil

Lemme get back to my blunt:win:

you sound upset that he used the word hood. relax, i dont think it was a shot at your hood appreciation thread :francis:


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Imply that "the hood" a slang term coined by minorities is a mentality that is inherently destructive
then get mad when people call you out brehs.

Imply that being in "the hood" is clearly a matter of choice, a view point that mirror's "Boot straps" bullshyt
from republicans then get mad when people call your stance Right wing brehs.

Imply that criminal actions can only be motivated by faults in culture or character and not economically pressing situations then get mad when people say your stance is painfully simplistic and lacking in nuance brehs.

Make posts like this brehs

So let me get this straight :ohhh:
It's okay when you say it but it's not okay when Trump does.
Thanks for letting me know.
I am describing a specific mentality

I'm sure you know the different between a mentality and a physical place.

Do you?

What makes them wrong is that they give racist whites a pass and I don't. They dont want black people to rise and I want my people to rise. They blame harmless clothing when I blame counterproductive behaviors.

If you can't see the difference between me and them then your intelligence is lacking