There are willfully ignorant people everywhere, abhorrent behavior isn't something to tolerate
but naming a mentality after a place pretty plainly attaches those negative views to the people who live there.
True, the hood here is a slang term for neighborhood but we know that "Hood" is pretty much a synonym for
"Ghetto" and that's how it's being used in this thread.
And by "Ghetto" we mean not just a low income area but a set of behavior's and world views that are attached
to living in that low income area and to make sure we have very little room to think it could be something else the
OP made sure to let us know he's directing this thread at Black People he even specified that several times afterwards.
I mean
@7Revo has pretty plainly painted "The hood" as a place where people rob & kill others and aspire to nothing.
And if my post isn't clear enough, it's not the word that bothers me.
It's the idea that these issues spring up simply because people don't want to do better.
It implies that for all intents and purposes things are equal, "hood minded" (black) people just aren't taking
advantage of their situation because *insert right wing talking point here*
It wasn't "many posters", it's the same posters who toe the line and insinuate that some sort of nefarious street culture is
damaging African Americans. It's a view that implies that there is nothing else impacting these neighborhoods and the people therein.
I mean you're getting dapped up by a dude who attributes these problems to "Hip Hop Culture" while you're calling it "Hood mentality"
what's funny is Trump calls it a "Lack of spirit" and Geraldo calls it "Thug culture".
The naming changes but the rhetoric stays the same anyone with a pair of eyes can see this.