HL 2016 WORST Poster of the Year is @CACtain Planet

Who is the WORST Poster of the Year?

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All Star
Jul 13, 2015
compared to what I read in this forum daily, this is equivalent of 'nas lost' in the spot, and looks like you misquoted dude too :manny:

him III and Meph shouldnt be on that list
Watched out, cactain cares way too much about his e-rep. Neg him for a garbage ass thread and he goes to your profile and hits back on a post in my case from a week ago. Hey @CACtain Planet your shyt is obviously much more important to you than me, so enjoy the hit you have coming from this nobody of a poster until I'm in the red from you and you only


The American

Defending America against cacs
Jan 21, 2016
1. Failed arguments when both links start out with Donald Trump in it's sentences. Try something with substance of history.

2. HRC supports the same racist actions as the Right. This is why you are so brainwashed, it's laughable. All presidents are selected not elected by the people either so why are you voting like a true white american?

3. You will vote like a good slave that you are. Good job proving you aren't being radical at all.
1.That doesn't make em failed arguments. I won this argument.

2.No she doesn't. Back this up w receipts, she would not have appointed Sessions nor had any contact with Bannon.

How are presidents selected then, fill us in. Tell us about these secret meetings we don't know about :lupe:

3.Voting isn't slavery, you just showed your whiteness again by trivializing the struggle.

Never said I was radical. Burning the flag is pretty benign, it hurts no one, it's a peaceful expression against racism. Keep in mind that that flag was rejected since the day it was created. Not a single native or slave fukked with it. During the civil rights movement, cacs used that flag to physically harm protestors. The KKK and White Nationalists wave that flag all the time. Garvey created the GOAT flag because he knew the cac flag wasn't for us. Never has been, never will be


Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple

:sas2: Face it youre a racist...but not a regular racist..youre a circular reasoning racist..you actually think youre gonna fight white supremacy using Black supremacy.

The falseness of kind of reasoning is easy to expose using simple substitution..its like fighting against Crack use by smoking as many bowls as you can...

the average 10 year old can easily see this but you cant...it leads me to believe you must have some kind of neurological damage.
I was just minding my own business enjoying the fukkery but I had to stop when I read this

Black Supremacy?? :what:

Seriously dog??

How you slipped past the WOAT poll is mind boggling to me..


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Evidence posted. No response. Goodnight, little one. :therethere:

What actual evidence is there of that?

Telling a few almost all white crowds that he'll improve the black community (to convince them he's not racist and make them feel better about voting for him) while simultaneously posting tweets demonizing blacks and other minorities and nominating blatant racists to his cabinet?:mjlol:

I got a bridge to sell you if you honesty believe Trump is sincere.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
What actual evidence is there of that?

Telling a few almost all white crowds that he'll improve the black community (to convince them he's not racist and make them feel better about voting for him) while simultaneously posting tweets demonizing blacks and other minorities and nominating blatant racists to his cabinet?:mjlol:

I got a bridge to sell you if you honesty believe Trump is sincere.
Motherfukker posted a gif in one of his tweets that said that Black people commit 81% of all White murders

STILL won't apologize about or to the Central Park 5

I can't even verbalize what I wish upon any black person that votes for or rolls with Donald Trump...

And the best these motherfukkers can come up with is "But Hillary..." "But Obama..."

But we're supposed to take THEM seriously

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
What actual evidence is there of that?

Telling a few almost all white crowds that he'll improve the black community (to convince them he's not racist and make them feel better about voting for him) while simultaneously posting tweets demonizing blacks and other minorities?:mjlol:
Before I get started, two points:
1. The statement I made was about the black community, not other minorities.
2. It's a campaign, so the evidence you'll find are statements. He has no voting record.

By "tweets demonizing blacks" I assume you're referring to the single tweet he made on November 22nd, 2015 in which he retweeted an image containing false interracial and intraracial murder rates? You'll find no opposition from me in calling that tweet racist. It props up a false and disturbing narrative. My contention is that that single tweet is not indicative of the entirety of Trump's campaign, and to give it the same weight as the numerous statements, policy proposals, and speeches he gave in the subsequent year is disingenuous. Unlike a lot of people who were shocked that Trump won (and still yet cannot comprehend the demographics of his electoral victory), I watched almost every Trump speech and rally direct and live. The MSM by and large didn't report on Trump saying things like:

The Democratic Party has trapped millions of African-American and Hispanic youth in failing government schools that deny them the opportunity to join the ladder of American success. It is time to break up that monopoly. I want every single inner-city child in America who is today trapped in a failing school to have the freedom – the civil right – to attend the school of their choice. Our government spends more than enough money to easily pay for this initiative, with billions left over. It’s simply a matter of putting students first, not the education bureaucracy.

One of the greatest betrayals has been the issue of immigration. Illegal immigration violates the civil rights of African-Americans. No group has been more economically-harmed by decades of illegal immigration than low-income African-American workers. Hillary’s pledge to enact “open borders,” – made in secret to a foreign bank – would destroy the African-American middle class.

Every African-American citizen in this country is entitled to a government that puts their jobs, wages and security first...The Clintons gave us NAFTA and China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, two deals that de-industrialized America, uprooted our industry, and stripped bare towns like Detroit and Baltimore and the inner cities of North Carolina. This state has lost nearly half of its manufacturing jobs since Bill and Hillary’s NAFTA, decimating the African-American middle class...I will also pursue financial reforms to make it easier for young African-Americans to get credit to pursue their dreams in business and create jobs in their communities. Dodd-Frank has been a disaster, making it harder for small businesses to get the credit they need. The policies of the Clintons brought us the financial recession – through lifting Glass-Steagall, pushing subprime lending, and blocking reforms to Fannie and Freddie. It’s time for a 21st century Glass Steagall and, as part of that, a priority on helping African-American businesses get the credit they need.

He said things to this effect at almost every rally and speech. In his Convention speech, which are considered to be the apex messaging moment of a presidential campaign, he addressed African-American youth unemployment, African-American childhood poverty, and explicitly tied his primary campaign issue (immigration reform) to aiding the African-American community. His "New Deal For Black America" (can be watched in its entirety here or summarized here) alone would qualify my original proposition. So to act as though Trump's sole, or even primary, message w/r/t the Black community was that inaccurate crime statistic tweet he posted in the early months of the Republican primary is wrongheaded. There is an abundance of content Trump pumped out post-November 22nd, 2015, so relying on that single tweet as evidence kind of undermines your case.

But anyway, my original statement was that this was the most explicitly pro-black campaign in modern Republican history. It's not a rhetorical statement, there are a set list of candidates you can choose from to counter my claim. I'd honestly be interested to hear which one was consistently talking about AA childhood poverty, AA unemployment, AA communities plagued by violence (note: Trump inverted the typical Republican talking point w/r/t crime and the AA community by painting AAs as the victims of crime as opposed to the perpetrators), and AA betrayal by the political establishment.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
Before I get started, two points:
1. The statement I made was about the black community, not other minorities.
2. It's a campaign, so the evidence you'll find are statements. He has no voting record.

By "tweets demonizing blacks" I assume you're referring to the single tweet he made on November 22nd, 2015 in which he retweeted an image containing false interracial and intraracial murder rates? You'll find no opposition from me in calling that tweet racist. It props up a false and disturbing narrative. My contention is that that single tweet is not indicative of the entirety of Trump's campaign, and to give it the same weight as the numerous statements, policy proposals, and speeches he gave in the subsequent year is disingenuous. Unlike a lot of people who were shocked that Trump won (and still yet cannot comprehend the demographics of his electoral victory), I watched almost every Trump speech and rally direct and live. The MSM by and large didn't report on Trump saying things like:

He said things to this effect at almost every rally and speech. In his Convention speech, which are considered to be the apex messaging moment of a presidential campaign, he addressed African-American youth unemployment, African-American childhood poverty, and explicitly tied his primary campaign issue (immigration reform) to aiding the African-American community. His "New Deal For Black America" (can be watched in its entirety here or summarized here) alone would qualify my original proposition. So to act as though Trump's sole, or even primary, message w/r/t the Black community was that inaccurate crime statistic tweet he posted in the early months of the Republican primary is wrongheaded. There is an abundance of content Trump pumped out post-November 22nd, 2015, so relying on that single tweet as evidence kind of undermines your case.

But anyway, my original statement was that this was the most explicitly pro-black campaign in modern Republican history. It's not a rhetorical statement, there are a set list of candidates you can choose from to counter my claim. I'd honestly be interested to hear which one was consistently talking about AA childhood poverty, AA unemployment, and AA betrayal by the political establishment.
Yeah but it's a personal vendetta. I argued with dude and his arguments were just so much Juelz.Gif I got frustrated and nominated him. He just goes in circles and creates a strawman Trump that suits whatever narrative he's trying to push.

Eddy Gordo

Nov 18, 2016
Let's be honest here. As much as I hate to say it. @King Kreole and his titangraphs are correct. The trump campaign has been the most pro black Republican campaign in modern American history. Which is basically saying Trump has not presented himself as working against ALL African American interest. Might as well make the best of a bad situation.

I still say fukk this con man. And find it suspect that his team couldn't rustle up a endorsement from Jennifer Hudson. But he got markets moving and black folks should take the opportunity.


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
I was just minding my own business enjoying the fukkery but I had to stop when I read this

Black Supremacy?? :what:

Seriously dog??

How you slipped past the WOAT poll is mind boggling to me..

:francis: I find it more difficult to believe that you actually satisfied some school districts graduation requirements

Black supremacy or black supremacism is a racial supremacist belief that black people are superior to people of other racial backgrounds. The term has been used by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an American legal advocacy organisation, to describe several fringe religious groups in the United States.

Groups associated with black supremacist views

Central portion of Tama-Re, a village in the U.S. state of Georgia built in 1993 by the United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors, as seen from the air in 2002
Several fringe groups have been described as either holding or promoting black supremacist beliefs. A source described by historian David Mark Chalmers as being "the most extensive source on right-wing extremism" is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an American nonprofit organization that monitors all kinds of hate groups and extremists in the United States.[1][2] Authors of the SPLC's quarterly Intelligence Reports described the following groups as holding black supremacist views:

Jun 24, 2012
1.That doesn't make em failed arguments. I won this argument.

2.No she doesn't. Back this up w receipts, she would not have appointed Sessions nor had any contact with Bannon.

How are presidents selected then, fill us in. Tell us about these secret meetings we don't know about :lupe:

3.Voting isn't slavery, you just showed your whiteness again by trivializing the struggle.

Never said I was radical. Burning the flag is pretty benign, it hurts no one, it's a peaceful expression against racism. Keep in mind that that flag was rejected since the day it was created. Not a single native or slave fukked with it. During the civil rights movement, cacs used that flag to physically harm protestors. The KKK and White Nationalists wave that flag all the time. Garvey created the GOAT flag because he knew the cac flag wasn't for us. Never has been, never will be


1.The only argument you won is with yourself.

2. You got to be a no older than 21 years old. Rwanda Genocide, Haiti donation money grab, put more young black people in jail which helped create a more revenue for the PIC( Prison Industrial Complex), had cocaine shipped in the states and put them on the streets of Black Communities.

You a slave to White Liberals and it shows.

Electoral College is 'vestige' of slavery, say some Constitutional scholars

4. You know there were dozens of Flags before this right? Even KKK has burned the flag...so does that make you a supporter of their actions? Garvey is Jamaican, not American. Stop posting kid. You need to learn history.