History of Why Other Minority Groups Will Always ‘Outwork’ Black People.


Jan 26, 2015
Sounds like a denigration of the merits of Asian culture to me.

When they arent doing well it's because of whites.

When they are excelling it's because whites are allowing them to.

How about no.[/QUOTE/]

Read the article and some comments in this thread. Your ignorance won't be allowed to circulate here swine

Larry Lambo

Sep 5, 2015
Comments like this are the reason why the article gave specific time parameters.
White supremacy is not the reason behind the Indian, Japanese, and Chinese state successes. White supremacy is the reason why from 1940 to 1970, East and South Asian immigrants were allowed to succeed in America on par with Whites, as opposed to Black people who were still suffering under the indignity of Jim Crow.
They would be successful in the US now, regardless of due to their own state success (like how West African and Caribbean, Pakistani, Syrian and Turkish, and many other nationalities are), because of outside influence. But for the time period listed, a necessary boost was given to the Asians in the US.

Exactly. I had to grow up competing with a bunch of kids from wealthy immigrant families and saw the 1st/2nd generation immigrants shyt on everybody else academically.

That's not a product of White Supremacy. That's a product of the type of people that make it over here to begin with.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Asians are the ones researching the data as well as the ones writing the article.

There are no black people involved. You just can’t deal with the honest truth from your own educated people:mjlol:
thanks for the race update that nobody asked for.

The author dances around the timeframe of the civil rights movement to make his points. On some, "Suddenly [when anti discrimination laws began to be enforced] asian wealth began to rise"

Prime examples

At the time of the 1940 census, Hilger found, California-born Asian men earned less than California-born black men. By the 1970 census, they were earning about the same as white men, and by the 1980 census, the native-born Asian men were out-earning white men.
The picture became much clearer when he compared people with similar levels of education. Hilger found that in the 1940s, Asian men were paid less than white men with the same amount of schooling. But by the 1980s, that gap had mostly disappeared.
In 1980, for instance, even Asian high school dropouts were earning about as much as white high school dropouts, and vastly more than black high school dropouts. This dramatic shift had nothing to do with Asians accruing more education. Instead, Hilger points to the slow dismantling of discriminatory institutions after World War II, and the softening of racist prejudices [THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT]. That’s the same the explanation advanced by economists Harriet Orcutt Duleep and Seth Sanders, who found that in the second half of the 20th century, Asian Americans not only started to work in more lucrative industries, but also started to get paid more for the same kind of work.

Besides that I have my own idea that explain the difference between black folk and asian folk developmentally in the US

- The data counts how much asians made but not what jobs they had. Work discrimination was not about wages like it may be today, it was about hiring people in the first place. Black people historically suffered from hiring discrimination the hardest while asians and jews are some of the best examples of minorities using group economics. Not surprisingly the groups that practice group economics are far outpacing the ones making themselves dependent on america's power structure. (Black americans)
- The shift culturally (not the best word) from a large amount of chinese laborers to larger amounts of business owners and people in educated fields
- Most importantly the difference white involvement made in either group's development was that there was proactive effort to hinder black advancement specifically. That's it. There's nothing that supports that asian progress was boosted for the sole purpose of being snide to black americans.


Jun 22, 2014
Exactly. I had to grow up competing with a bunch of kids from wealthy immigrant families and saw the 1st/2nd generation immigrants shyt on everybody else academically.

That's not a product of White Supremacy. That's a product of the type of people that make it over here to begin with.
The US government pulled back on racist policy toward them, and they were able to rise to the economic level of whites, and their culture/state support allowed them to rise above.
Black peoples in the US face an even more difficult path, because bias against AAs is systemic, removing the laws wouldn’t allow us the same boost, there would need to be an outside and internal push to alleviate our current place as a semi-permanent underclass.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
thanks for the race update that nobody asked for.

The author dances around the timeframe of the civil rights movement to make his points. On some, "Suddenly [when anti discrimination laws began to be enforced] asian wealth began to rise"

Prime examples

Besides that I have my own idea that explain the difference between black folk and asian folk developmentally in the US

- The data counts how much asians made but not what jobs they had. Work discrimination was not about wages like it may be today, it was about hiring people in the first place. Black people historically suffered from hiring discrimination the hardest while asians and jews are some of the best examples of minorities using group economics. Not surprisingly the groups that practice group economics are far outpacing the ones making themselves dependent on america's power structure. (Black americans)
- The shift culturally (not the best word) from a large amount of chinese laborers to larger amounts of business owners and people in educated fields
- Most importantly the difference white involvement made in either group's development was that there was proactive effort to hinder black advancement specifically. That's it. There's nothing that supports that asian progress was boosted for the sole purpose of being snide to black americans.
You didn’t read the article.

The time line is a progressive timeline, this is hard to understand. The timeline moves progressively and Asians improve progressively because of factors listed in the article. There is no jumping around, read the article.

Your theory has no research. This article had research and peer analysis from several decades. Jobs were already mentioned in the article, a college educated Asian was likely to end up as a food washer.

Over time, government propaganda created an acceptable environment for whites to socially and economically be less racist against Asians.

Your argument that Asians created their own societies in America, skips over the fact that whites were burning down successful Chinatowns like they were burning down successful black communities where they felt jealous economically. Many Asians were lynched.

Read the article, Asians didn’t change much over time, white people’s racism towards them is what changed. That was lead by government propaganda and was effective.

Most people will take the research of Ivy League educated Asians on this topic more seriously than the hypotheticals of a message board poster

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Other than Mexicans (who can jump on a truck or cross a river to get here) what other immigrant group isn't successful??

Korean/Japanese may be the most successful, but Indians, Arabs, Africans, Cubans, are all coming over here and doing better than the average American (black or white). But a ton of people in their homelands are poor as f**k.

Also factor in that Japan and Korea are countries that were propped up by the US after wars. The US spent a ton of money investing in their infrastructure and helping build industries. That led to a class of wealth and business culture that doesn't exist in other countries that people immigrate from.

I don't think that immigrant groups are generally doing better than the average American. The rare ones that probably do significantly better than the average American are Koreans,Japanese,Nigerians,Indians, & jews from various countries(when it comes to test scores,education level,etc) The rest of the immigrants to this country probably aren't doing better than Americans.

What those successful groups have in common are cultures that promote education. Free public education and social mobility are things that exist here that do NOT exist in many parts of the word. So people have access to resources here that they do not have back home.Parents didn't come here and make sacrifices for their kids to NOT take full advantage of the opportunities available here.

I don't buy the idea that US occupation of Korea/Japan had much impact on the tenets of their cultures that promote success. What country has the US NOT occupied at some point? What was the net result of the country for the inhabitants?When you see how Japan and Germany were humiliated after WW2....only to become strong economic powerhouses after US occupation...it says more about the identity/culture of those people than anything else.


Dec 8, 2015
It's elementary and like I said nobody believes they are a different race , they just use the term as an ethnic indicator, just like the fbi does.

Youre not one of those posters that are going to start critiquing grammar and punctuation are you?
Nah what I said had nothing to do with grammar and pronunciation and yes they are using it to mean race Hispanic is barely even an ethnicity at that.


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
it's con game according to whom?
The government created this con game to push white supremacy further. The model minority is a government propganda tool to dismiss black protests and equality demands and reparations requests.

Read the OP and read the article


Jun 26, 2015
The government created this con game to push white supremacy further. The model minority is a government propganda tool to dismiss black protests and equality demands and reparations requests.

Read the OP and read the article
fukk the article, it was written by someone who does not have a clue. the black community already took the position that we should employ our own. it's the 85 percent of the community that wants to support white supremecy


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
This post is so tru
It’s not about Education. They controlled for education. Asians were getting college educated and only being allowed to do minimal jobs such as washing carrots/cleaning products with educations.

They were on the same pay scale as blacks and were even called “colored” propaganda is a powerful tool. Most people are sheep, look how easily the Russians were able to get all these cacs fires up and angry. White people have always been the most susceptible to group think, that’s why they all stay on code.

Being easily manipulated by the government and propaganda to think and feel a certain why like everyone else does is part of the drawbacks of white people being on racial oppressive codes


May 1, 2012
what if i told you the author is Asian?
The article posits that the Asian American success in this nation comes from 1)less discrimination in the post WWII / Civil Rights Era, 2) lessen proliferation of anti Asian rhetoric in the media, and 3)influx of high skilled high educated Asian immigration.

None of yall have been able to challenge these points
you all sound like cacs

Who cares if the author is Asian? A lot of these new school Asians are on the uber liberal wave of today, where the white man is the perpetual boogeyman who should be simultaneously despised and begged from.

Asians are successful because they view their culture as superior in many aspects, especially in terms of education and cohesion of the family unit. This is what has enabled them to succeed despite their minority status. Other groups of people resent them for it, but it won't change the facts.

Every culture should see itself as superior to others. If I sound like a cac oh well, because guess what, the white man didn't get on top by thinking his culture was equal to others.