Amerikan Melanin
What a shameful action.
Y’all are being way too harsh in him.
He’s 22 she’s 29.
Mentally she’s a decade older.
He was clearly TARGETED and taken advantage of. He’s still immature and just wants to eat all day at that age.
It’s not psychotic, it’s actually logical. Yes it’s disgusting but if you take out morals and values it makes financial sense. When you consider that most women have that irresistible internal urge to be a mother and many of them fight like helll to get pregnant, this makes perfect sense. I know women with fertility issues spending $10,000+ just to get a baby that’s not coming with any money. So imagine a hoodrat who actually wants a baby stumbles upon a sucker who will have to pay her six figures a year for the next 18 years?Crazy to think women have a baby for a cheque. Thats some psychotic stuff do for real.
You sound like one of them birds that be like
“oh she’s only an innocent 25 year old and he’s old man at 28! that’s a huge age gap! HES A PEDOFILE!!”
What the hell are you talking about
When the hell do women get with men significantly younger than them? Women date OLDER
My point is that that age gap is nonsense argument.
She didn't "target" him in a predatory way as you insinuated. He's a grown man who made a terrible decision.
The blame rests solely on his shoulders.
People are too busy whining about these guys marrying or having babies with white or "exotical" women when what should be addressed is that most of these athletes go for the same low class women, regardless of race.The euro guys have a culture of going after either high class model Chics and white guys have one of getting married to a college sweethearts when they make or are going to make that kind of money and becoming a pro. For our people, we tend to have a propensity to prop up thick, outwardly egotistical and narcissistic women in the sports and entertainment circles because we’re more into exaggeration of the body, well at least I assume so.