The key is this
besides the typical look your best take professional pics blah blah blah
Be sarcastic
Navigate to her interests/relate to her (if her page says she’s from California mention the Santa Monica beach)
Reply late (2-3 days later)
Get them to talk about themselves
it’s harder to pull off yes but this is your best bet unless someone else in here has a better formula.
I’ll wait.
nah I’ve gotten a few 8’s off there. And a lucky number 9 (I doubt I’ll ever get a true 10 off there tho). But 8’s arent hard to come by if you live in certain areas. Im in the DMV so we got alotta professional women that drink bottled water & eat cobb salads & frequently go to the doctor.Our hoes is swift. If you live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama , competition is stiff. So ofcourse they would be harder to bag if they the only 8 in 100 miles.But over here 8’s are dime a dozen in the DMV especially for sistas
exactly go in for the kill and be witty , the 8’s & up is where you really need game & can’t rely on looks anymore
It’s a true test of if you know what the fukk your actually doing. Kinda like capturing pokemon with ultra balls & master balls but these hoes can’t evade the mac ball