Nah, the woman he was talking about was 6' and was between 200-220 (i forget) and that is big for that size as well, especially if no weight training is done.This is a lie
The thing about black women outweighing men is wrong but they weigh damn near the same which is a problem.
Here is a article talking about the weight changes from 1999-2016:You’re Not Getting Much Taller, America. But You Are Getting Bigger.
It says in 2016 BM averaged 198 pounds and BW 186. Those are not good numbers. Here is the study from the National Center for Health Statistics that they got the info from:
Also here is an excerpt from this study by about how black and white people differ on weight perception:
We found a notable difference in weight perception between blacks and whites, particularly among black women. Despite being more often obese, black women were less likely to describe themselves as obese compared with white women. When taking into account fat distribution by utilizing WC as a measure of visceral adiposity, the observed difference in obesity underestimation between black and white women decreased but remained significant. Differences in weight underestimation were not due to underestimating weight measurement, since there were no differences in weight underestimation when BMI calculated from self-reported height and weight was considered. Therefore, racial differences in weight underestimation appear to be due to differences in weight perception, presumably secondary to cultural differences or a knowledge gap in interpreting what constitutes excess body weight and body weight satisfaction, thereby making an individual's culture a potential risk factor for obesity.
There is a problem with how both black men and women view obesity and it has gotten to the point that suggesting someone becomes thin is unhealthy, or only something white people like.