Hi, guys

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Which definition?There can be two.. the 5 percent who are woke through self discovery trying to awaken the 85 or just generally understanding or knowledge of real black history, black empowerment/pride & love. That's my vague understanding of it through what I've picked up on :yeshrug:
The term originates from the 5% Nation to describe their ideology.

It has been adopted to describe a general understanding of black history and black empowerment by some, but that is vague like you said and can be subjective.

You just said you had a vague understanding of a term used by black people born of collective black experience, yet you described the coli as being compromised "predominantly of black people who have knowledge of self."

I'm not sure why you insist on throwing around terms that are restricted to black internal dialogue, such as "nikka," "uncle tom," "knowledge of self" "black love," and "woke" (sidenote: I hate that term) so casually and loosely.

You can be aware of systemic racial oppression and even fight to end it without trying to act and speak as if you understand black experience on a personal level. I guess you are aware of your white privilege like you said, but in a smug elitist wannabe white savior way. You're not content with just being against white supremacy. You feel you are entitled to acceptance and being a part of black internal discussion that you could never fathom. That's white privilege.


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
You don't even know your own peoples history. You're more Greek than I am! Macedonians are one of the most ancient tribes of Greece that turned on Greece. :mjlol: bytch bye

I'm SLAVIC. Pick up a history book. You seem to only be focused on some political issues, but remain ignorant on others. Macedonian is a minority group in Greece that the Greek government fails to recognize. SOME of those minority Macedonians that live in Northern Greece like Florina/Lerin, Thessaloniki etc identify as Greek because that's all they know. The Greeks made them change their last names to that of Greek names and they were only allowed to speak Greek, not our own language. Even though they are ethnically Macedonian, they weren't allowed to identify as such and those that did, had their villages burned down. That's why there are so many displaced ethnic Macedonians - they ended up in Czech Republic, Poland, Uzebekistan etc because they had to flee the war. Sound familiar? The same shyt you supposedly stand against in these forums when it comes to one ethnic group/race vs you condone it being done to another. Like I said, you're a fraud.


Jun 20, 2013
I'm SLAVIC. Pick up a history book. You seem to only be focused on some political issues, but remain ignorant on others. Macedonian is a minority group in Greece that the Greek government fails to recognize. SOME of those minority Macedonians that live in Northern Greece like Florina/Lerin, Thessaloniki etc identify as Greek because that's all they know. The Greeks made them change their last names to that of Greek names and they were only allowed to speak Greek, not our own language. Even though they are ethnically Macedonian, they weren't allowed to identify as such and those that did, had their villages burned down. That's why there are so many displaced ethnic Macedonians - they ended up in Czech Republic, Poland, Uzebekistan etc because they had to flee the war. Sound familiar? The same shyt you supposedly stand against in these forums when it comes to one ethnic group/race vs you condone it being done to another. Like I said, you're a fraud.

They were displaced due to the war, Macedonia was created after the Yukoslavian war. :stopitslime:

Macedonia was a province of Greece. FOH.


Sep 2, 2014
I like all of you for the most part . . .but i'll watch the fukkery as well :popcorn:

I don't have a problem with either @biscuitsnbangers nor @Desirous I hardly know them . . .they both responded kindly to me thus I respond the same to them, it should be that simple but on thecoli it can somehow tarnish ones character or make others question their blackness. I mean at least bring me some quotes of them ragging on black people so I can say "okay this user on that bs, blocked" but you want me to go hard at them for being white?

it's baffling cause on one end users will claim fukk these cacs, but on the other end they research and analyze every reply down to the fukking core, it's hard to keep up with crazy:ohhh:

if I dislike someone I block and ignore their post and anything related to them, I don't sit around watching someone on a forum who signed up years ago waiting for them to appear again so I can pop-up on some "WELCOME BACK MOTHAfukkA I HATE YOU:damn:"

. . . Alright my eggrolls are done
you guise be @Bless't :o:

jesus christ fam, you really had to write an essay justifying why you sweat white bytches?


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
They were displaced due to the war, Macedonia was created after the Yukoslavian war. :stopitslime:
Yo how fukking dense are you?

This goes WAY back, before the Yugoslavian war in the 90s. Don't just link a fukking Wikipedia page, but maybe try to read it, too.


Let's go panthers
May 1, 2012
I'm SLAVIC. Pick up a history book. You seem to only be focused on some political issues, but remain ignorant on others. Macedonian is a minority group in Greece that the Greek government fails to recognize. SOME of those minority Macedonians that live in Northern Greece like Florina/Lerin, Thessaloniki etc identify as Greek because that's all they know. The Greeks made them change their last names to that of Greek names and they were only allowed to speak Greek, not our own language. Even though they are ethnically Macedonian, they weren't allowed to identify as such and those that did, had their villages burned down. That's why there are so many displaced ethnic Macedonians - they ended up in Czech Republic, Poland, Uzebekistan etc because they had to flee the war. Sound familiar? The same shyt you supposedly stand against in these forums when it comes to one ethnic group/race vs you condone it being done to another. Like I said, you're a fraud.
I could of sworn you were from yogoslavakiana
My bad