Hey Nicole. An Open Challenge.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
bytch shut the fukk up I got family in Harlem team Aura shyt I can get you touched drop an addy I'll send a bytch to eat your food 5k go a long way
Back up - who are you talking to?


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation

the difference betwwwn you and others who post their info.. is you’re a manipulative sociopath who purposely is the type to withhold your true self and info, not for “security” and privacy reasons but because you’re legit mental ill and use others vulnerabilities to exploit when you feel slighted or offended. your MO is to lie, fake and withhold your real self, while others on here vulnerable with their selves and you clown em thinking it makes you the better person.. but it doesn’t.. it shows you a weak insecure bytch, esp given the amount of emotional novels you written “defending” yourself

your mask, yoor fraud character you play as “mysterious, but a boss bytch who on her shyt”.. is see through, you just a washed up old bytch who ashamed to be who she really is so she plays a whole alternative character to comfort who it really is
Bytch you don’t know me - I’m secure enough to know who the fuk I am and confident in knowing what I’m about without soliciting feedback from random dudes on a discussion board. This is not my life but I see that it’s been yours for many years. Bytch get to a position in life where you can have something to protect since you failed to protect what you have left of a rep behind some played out white woke womaning where you think you can evaluate when you can’t even get your character act together for a purpose other than pushing your ran through high body count p*ssy trying to gas for c00ns with a certain set of skills that don’t involve handjobs and lip service. Don’t you ever in your Fukkin life try to compare me, a Black woman to you when you have no say in how I conduct my affairs bc all you do is play online games thinking online names equates to you getting bodied offline. You are a white society reject who failed at fitting in now you try to pit and dip with what whatever dyck points in your direction. You’re whole purpose has been to intrude in black discussions bc some of these worthless c00ns and c00nettes need white worship since they lack any esteem. I read you and ended you - no longer Worth the time or effort for me to further address. That’s why you changed your username, renamed your twitter abd reacted to deactivate your Reddit after being aired out and disposed for YOUR fraudulence since you couldn’t play that role. Bytch nothing about me has changed thats why you can’t find nothing, not one note. except for what to invent. I don’t break or fold to anyone especially not a random white smut with bipolar identity issues and dysfunctional dumbed down diatribes bc your only peace of mind comes from online and being the coli’s pass around peace bc REAL thorough black men who are secure in themselves are not checking for great value Walmart white trash cac when they have a woman that is pro black and a proponent of all things black bc she actually is a Black woman - what you can NEVER be. log off and your just another worthless white bytch risking it all as you ho roam the streets ingesting drugs and sipping semen bc you failed at your life having worth after you failed to achieve with your white privilege, you went from the whorehouse to the warehouse. No we are not the same level intellectually or mentally. Where I’m from and how I was raised - whores don’t get validation or celebrated. You think that you’re doing something by writing your diaries for dialogue, you stupid bytch nothing but a self promoting ho looking for likes needing to justify her existence. All this talking and yet you are not the definition of a woman - just a bytch with a clit staying in messy shyt for looks, two clips away from catching sheik shyt off performances in Dubai after you’re done showing off for tricks online.

Shut the fukkkk up. You hold no weight or validity to assess anything but your flat ass and coke habit. Enough said. No Bytch you spread your bikini bottom all up and down social Media - so you need to make yourself look accomplished by coming at one of the only black women on here that is still in a place to not put up with your shyt since sex work and slutism is not part of my past, present or future. I protect what that fuk is mine, and keep my personal on a personal level - you have nothing to protect which is why you move reckless as fuk, you have nothing to LOSE because you lost already. since you are out here giving neck to any dude who dyck dives in your DMs or gives you attention. We are not the same, never will be. Don’t even Fukkin try it. Now because you and no one can dig up any dirt you pull whatever cac card of desperation is in your portfolio to come at my credibility - that shyt didnt work 2 yrs ago, bytch my reputation is intact unlike your mental or your family. Everyday you wake up you have to think or talk yourself out of a reason not to kill your self off validation from the coli and your keyboard , I wake up contributing but Im a constant reminder in your delusional head of about 6 reasons why you should. You don’t post here anymore, in case you forgot, which gives me the power to ghost you, bytch.

Thread is dead, like I Fukkin said 4 days ago, as you deal with another fail on your part, but you’ll go part your Legs to recover bc even these c00ns can’t cover for you, this time. Looking even worse than you did when you’ve started. But I’ll still be here watching the accumulating Ls that you keep bringing on yourself, Karen. In due time, we will see the “dearly departed” by your name since the only thing you seem to comprehend is Regret. But I digress.
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Jun 20, 2013
Bytch you don’t know me - I’m secure enough to know who the fuk I am and confident in knowing what I’m about without soliciting feedback from random dudes on a discussion board. This is not my life but I see that it’s been yours for many years.

Shut the fukkkk up. You hold no weight or validity to assess anything but your flat ass and coke habit. Enough said.

it is your life :russ:

you average 50-60 posts on here a day in 2 fukking years :mjlol:

majority include the words -


you aren’t secure, if you were you wouldn’t go off of the most insane mental illness rants full of insults, word calling and calling any black men who doesn’t kiss your feet a c**n, secure and confident people don’t argue back and fourth with others like you do

you are insecure as fukk and it’s all over this forum just as much as my insecurities :lolbron:


Jun 20, 2013

you posted this at 8:45... last edited 35 minutes ago, so you spent over a fukking hour into going back and editing this post continually adding shyt on :mjlol:

you wasted over an hour just writing back to a person you despise, never mind all the other weirdo shyt you do and hours spent going through mine and others posting history ...

and i didn’t read more than a sentence of what you wrote before i stopped reading :mjlol:



Supreme Chancellor
May 6, 2012
New York
That dude @Bigsuk NEVER posts in TLR. He’s a booth poster. He barely posted in TLR all year, now all of a sudden he’s 50 deep in this thread (pun intended). Check the last time he posted in TLR with any consistency. It’s been months - couldn’t be more obvious if he tried.
Then you have people dapping up like shyt is regular. If he doesn’t get his hyper ventilating ass back over to talk rap instead of going above his weight class in TLR. Did he really think that would go unnoticed. He has 10 posts in TLR with 2 threads that I’ve been on but all Of a sudden he’s that all knowing to be throwing out “facts” - whose man’s alt is this and he’s so invested too. Cast of c00nmedy Coli with special guest appearances; they make this same type of thread every 4 month cycle, like @idontposthereanymore ’s uterus dispensary when she’s not having abortions or getting knocked up
That bytch tried to come for me with that bullshyt “message” popping out bc I talked to him after his family member passed away to give condolences- how the fuk did I flirt with a group of dudes that I never met in person and never made plans to. Talked. Chopped it up, and kept it moving. They may say shyt about me but no one KNOWS me who I don’t want to know in my life. Period. You Fukkin lame ass bytch - you have to lie about me to get on. Like the rest of these no account lames.

Bytch I will end your life like you did your last unwanted child- after that boy child rawed in you, that you let knock you up. Fukkin white whore. Need a reminder?? Lies can’t offset the truth, you over medicated maladjusted crooked mouth addict - nothing you ever speak will discount my value cac especially when this is the sum total of your decisions .

you schizo bytch, Ethered yourself off your own words . Karma like a m’fer. I hate a Fukkin liar . How the fuk are you running online to tell people how to live their life when you were Fukkin for drugs at 16 and having abortions in 2020??

You got something in this thread right though - ugly as fukkkk.

You thought repeating that weak bullshyt was getting you somewhere - all of your shyt is on display no dispute and proven. Still making bad decisions from 2013 to posting Your Reddit woes through this year. Miss me with that “it was 2013” bullshyt.

Rehab at 16 and still can’t get your life at 35, dumbass bytch. Resorting to the coli for compensation deficit issues.

Bytch- you would fuk and suck a family member if they paid you enough.
This bytch types all these paragraphs but she isn’t bothered? :laff: go feed your fukking kids, be a better mother than yours was to you :pacspit:


Supreme Chancellor
May 6, 2012
New York
My dad’s second wife (not my mother) was such a bytch. I’ll never forget the day that he had surgery and I ended up taking him to the hospital bc she refused, talking about she had other plans. I stayed with him and brought him home to his house from the hospital. Fresh from his post -op surgery, as soon as I got him in the bed, with his medicines and everything, she started going off on him. Because of a bill that he forgot to pay before his hospital admission. I literally helped him laying down and she starts ranting, getting in his face. So of course, as his daughter i was having none of that, bc she was taking advantage of his weakened state. We exchanged words, she got in my face and I slapped the fuk out that bytch. I think I just blacked out. Mind you she’s like twice my size with her old lady weight obesity and was like 120lbs. Then with all that blah blah big shyt that she was on, she threatened to call the police on me lol. That was my dad’s wake up call. Needless to say he left that Nutty broad a few months later when he regained his strength and has been fine ever since. I advised him to get out of that situation before he received his settlement money from the army so she wouldn’t be entitled to any of the funds, had him transfer assets so that it wasn’t detected. Leave that reckless old ho, broke, busted and disgusted. She crossed the wrong one.

Your biological mom left your dad cause he was a bytch, your step mom came into your household and started running shyt, cause she could smell the bytch in him, you and all your brothers didn't do shyt, your stepmom is the realest one in the family, your dads a bytch he gonna die a bytch, your moms a bytch she gonna die a bytch, all your brothers bytches they gonna die bytches and you're gonna be left being angry as fukk posting on the coli. Stepmom had your house shook. :lupe::lupe:

How your bytchass daddy gonna come home from getting neutered and the first thing your stepmom do is bark at him for not paying the bills? Yo daddy straight p*ssy fukk your daddy, if I ever catch him in NY ima smack the shyt out of him :pacspit:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
This shyt is jokes - I can’t. 50 v Cam wars deluxe edition.
Shyt mannnnnn - I’m out here catching strays for Cam, goddamn somebody come get that British bloke of a man; my posts are something that he just can’t stand; expect nothing more from a 50 cent stan.


50 vs Cam was when NY was done with Curtis and his white supremacist gimmicks.

Speaking of.......CURTISSSSS, how much did Banks sell? CURTISSSSSS


Tha realest n***a
Sep 20, 2015
That dude @Bigsuk NEVER posts in TLR. He’s a booth poster. He barely posted in TLR all year, now all of a sudden he’s 50 deep in this thread (pun intended). Check the last time he posted in TLR with any consistency. It’s been months - couldn’t be more obvious if he tried.
Then you have people dapping up like shyt is regular. If he doesn’t get his hyper ventilating ass back over to talk rap instead of going above his weight class in TLR. Did he really think that would go unnoticed. He has 10 posts in TLR with 2 threads that I’ve been on but all Of a sudden he’s that all knowing to be throwing out “facts” - whose man’s alt is this and he’s so invested too. Cast of c00nmedy Coli with special guest appearances; they make this same type of thread every 4 month cycle, like @idontposthereanymore ’s uterus dispensary when she’s not having abortions or getting knocked up
That bytch tried to come for me with that bullshyt “message” popping out bc I talked to him after his family member passed away to give condolences- how the fuk did I flirt with a group of dudes that I never met in person and never made plans to. Talked. Chopped it up, and kept it moving. They may say shyt about me but no one KNOWS me who I don’t want to know in my life. Period. You Fukkin lame ass bytch - you have to lie about me to get on. Like the rest of these no account lames.

Bytch I will end your life like you did your last unwanted child- after that boy child rawed in you, that you let knock you up. Fukkin white whore. Need a reminder?? Lies can’t offset the truth, you over medicated maladjusted crooked mouth addict - nothing you ever speak will discount my value cac especially when this is the sum total of your decisions .

you schizo bytch, Ethered yourself off your own words . Karma like a m’fer. I hate a Fukkin liar . How the fuk are you running online to tell people how to live their life when you were Fukkin for drugs at 16 and having abortions in 2020??

You got something in this thread right though - ugly as fukkkk.

You thought repeating that weak bullshyt was getting you somewhere - all of your shyt is on display no dispute and proven. Still making bad decisions from 2013 to posting Your Reddit woes through this year. Miss me with that “it was 2013” bullshyt.

Rehab at 16 and still can’t get your life at 35, dumbass bytch. Resorting to the coli for compensation deficit issues.

Bytch- you would fuk and suck a family member if they paid you enough.
Haha doing it again nicole writing full essays to shoot back at nikkas go take care of your fatherless kids you mentally challenged tranny .,.. I thought u were done with us trolls ... aww what’s wrong starting to get under your skin rabbit ears .... go make the call to your big blood homies sure they will stop the bullying :bryan::bryan:


Tha realest n***a
Sep 20, 2015
G-G-G-G-Get their British asses better role models :dead:
Lol ... caping for a tranny keep living the dream bro .....:umad: wild self .... thanks for gassing Nicole’s tranny ego up it’s what he//she needed to have to courage to shoot back You gona look real stupid wen you find out u been getting played like a frisbee by caping for some fraud :bryan::krs:
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Tha realest n***a
Sep 20, 2015

the difference betwwwn you and others who post their info.. is you’re a manipulative sociopath who purposely is the type to withhold your true self and info, not for “security” and privacy reasons but because you’re legit mental ill and use others vulnerabilities to exploit when you feel slighted or offended. your MO is to lie, fake and withhold your real self, while others on here vulnerable with their selves and you clown em thinking it makes you the better person.. but it doesn’t.. it shows you a weak insecure bytch, esp given the amount of emotional novels you written “defending” yourself

your mask, yoor fraud character you play as “mysterious, but a boss bytch who on her shyt”.. is see through, you just a washed up old bytch who ashamed to be who she really is so she plays a whole alternative character to comfort who it really is
This someone already outted her for having mental issues enough said nothing the tranny says will take back the L she’s been giving ..... she talks dead slow aswell bless her/he .... I pray for recovery I think People sonning left and right is gona send her/he back to the nut house tho


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation

August 2020 - same rotation of names. Fukkkkkkk
These cacs are wildin - they are mad as shyttttttttt - still harboring that since August 8, 2020, WHITE BOY

Really?? Cause she don’t act like one .... she’s the most toxic idiot on the coil....she/he can’t even have a convo without throwing childish insults waste of space ....
Carry your bytchass back over to The Booth, lmao at people from whole other forums catching one and flock into TLR where they rarely post, fo exposing themselves on a whole other thread. This UK booth poster is still mad That he was ran over on a NY drill rap thread from days ago. Trying to comment on NYC culture all the way from London lol. After trying to show out like you know about NYC culture or part of the culture bc you watch random YouTube videos and think you know NYC street politics. Again, mad bc a girl put you in your place and you couldn’t run with your game anymore on that thread.
@Nicole0416 off topic abit , did you say your from Harlem ?? What’s people from that areas real opinion of alpo ?? Seems certain cats ain’t tripping then u got others like riches peoples like az or gangsta Lou etc that feel a way ... I seen a video of alpo on a yellow motor bike and the video said he was in Harlem what seemed dozens and dozens of people around and not 1 person batted an eye what’s the real ??

Emotional bytch that you are upset bc a NYC woman told you to mind your business and stop speaking on what you don’t know since you have no real connection to the topic to speak, even though you like pretending that you do.
I’m not from Harlem. I’m from Queens. I was like 6 yrs old when Alpo and the OGs were on the block- all I hear is stories from people around that way or family members who had more associations with that.

Could have saved your time and the rest of that paragraph had you stopped to let me answer the first 2 questions first but instead you thought you were trying to be cute with the shade and your little sassy synopsis like I was there or from there
Fuk do I know about him on a motorbike- you have the description and color of it down and everything, your harder on his shyt - dafuq. Lmao “yellow motorbike” - they hell?? That’s fed details- You ask him or them, yourself, studying his every move down to the color of his bike
go ask the people involved about it directly; ask them (and that’s among the few who are still alive or not currently in jail) - question the rest of them -see how that works out for you

Really?? Cause she don’t act like one .... she’s the most toxic idiot on the coil....she/he can’t even have a convo without throwing childish insults waste of space ....
Ohhhhh I know what your issue is. You’re that white boy from the UK, who got Real mad about NYC , now you want to vent :laff::laff:
Told me to “scurry” and do myself a faVOUR. Lmao - shut up Hairy Blotter- do yourself a FAVOR and stay out of Black American affairs? Go make yourself krumpets and a spot of tea, gwan now guv, scurry along.
What the fukk are you talking about you fuking idiot I was only asking a question.... back to your usual masculine feeling tough -self again ... all I see is u on here acting like some jumped up stuck up little bytch do me a favour and scurry back to the hole you crawled out of you roach :camby:
Oh you’re from the UK? Figures. All the way from across the pond
The Booth must be bored today, this is the 2nd thread I’m tagged on in this forum and I rarely even post in this forum if it’s not a NY rapper. Weirdo UK cac 50 g unit Stan fans- I’m out. How are you popping off about New York from across the pond. Thank you for giving us Axl Beats and 808 Melo to vibe with Pop Smoke - that’s the only UK import we claim.


I’d be wild froggy like you too if the biggest London producer in the history of ever from the UK said he only listens to Chicago and NY rappers - I see why y’all are in this thread hating
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The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Cacs gonna cackle. 0 for 2 in this thread. Interesting.

Talking nonesense ..... vlad channel has the best hiphop interviews on YouTube period the style the way he interviews how his layout is .. is way better then anyone else out there .... hate or love vlad your talking nonesense if you think people wouldn’t miss vladtv the platform ....

That’s your opinion bro .....I don’t really like or dislike vlad as a person but his actul platfrom I watch everyday ... no one yet black or white or Asian etc have come close to putting together the same dope structure his platform has ... you and who ever else’s says his platform won’t be missed is tripping ... the amount of amazing guests he has on there n the way everything works together is dope bottom line is until someone comes along and makes a platform on his level then his platform will be missed if it was gone tomorrow..... vlads a Jew you should know by now Jews in the media etc take everything so personal ... that part is hypocritical just in general look the way Muslims get bashed in the media but once one person says the slightest thing negative about Jews they raise hell ....



The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Black men don’t talk like this - anyone dapping him or co-signing is looking wild funny in the light

This .... it’s all empty talk by both of them ...... we will see how long this lasts .... they do need his platform more then he needs them or there platform ... vlads channel is half the reason anyone knows who jamar or Godfrey are to begin with ...

Realest post :salute:.... I never hear white folks or latinos constantly going on about there women only dating there own race unless they super racist but thats a small % etc who gives a fukk im mixed myself so i could not careless if a nikka wants to date anyrace ov women or if a black women wants to date any race ov man they attracted to :win:..... Let folks do what they wana do or be with who they wana be with n stop all this colour shyt its boring :russell:

Sure i would raher be called a nikka by a hispanic or asian more then a white person anyday but point is they not black

You enter ever Asap thread just to hate..but I'm the "bytch n*gga"? :mjlol:

BigsukTha realest n***a
Mixed folk are mixed ... Am mixed my father was black / middle eastern ... My mother white ... I dont consider myself either ... I look like a mixed race nikka ... That term isnt offensive at all whoever says it is is bullshyting .... Mutt or half breed are offensive :ufdup:also .... To some folks its based on skin colour .... Am light ....



They can never hide their whiteness. Tragic c00nlatto from the UK. It’s all comes together. White boy is mad that his whiteness was threatened by a black woman, white chick is threatened period. Him and Biscuitsbangbus have a whole LOT in common besides throwing around the n- word.
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