HEY...lets ruin our favorite tv show/movie with common logic *THE SEQUEL*

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Man of Steel

Why did Clark allow his father to die all because he did:whoa:

Why did'nt Clark mom's say "fukk that shyt....go get your dad"?

Who gives a fukk if somebody see me fly over to save my father's life?

that entire scene is so dumb it's funny

first off he sacrificed his life for a fukking dog :mjlol:

second this muhfukka got super speed, telling me that he couldn't have just scooped his dad and ran?

and finally his dad was so paranoid about what would happen that he died to protect his son's secret, then when clark came out as superman no one really gave a fukk so he pretty much died for nothing lol

This.....had me :what: and :stopitslime:

To play devils advocate (And fukk it, because I like Man of Steel)....this scene isn't *just* about Clark hiding his identity. It's about the fact that he obeyed the wishes of a being "lesser" than him....he didn't just use his powers and bull ahead because he could....even though he may have thought it was the right thing to do...he STILL respected the wishes of his dad.

The most powerful being known....obeyed a human....obeyed his FATHER...even if it meant that Pa had to die...that concession is extremely important...it hints to the kind of hero he will become.

Also...it's funny that you brought up the fact that he died to save a dog. *Just* a dog.... So this "higher" form of life is willing to sacrifice everything for this "lower" form of life? Sound familiar? Think that maybe there is something thematic there? Pa Kent valued that dog's life...the same way Superman values human life.

We don't get to see the rest of the scene play because the video cuts off, but we get to hear him say what's important in this clip : I let my father die...because I trusted him.

People seem to dislike Pa Kent in this movie because he tells Clark to hide his powers for the time being (Emphasis : "I have to believe you were sent here for a reason...and even if it takes the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is"), he was safe but consider his perspective. He knew the implications of Clark and sheltered him accordingly. What would Clark have been like if they let him run wild? You think he doesn't snap that dude in the bar in half? You think he doesn't tell the military to fukk off at the end of the movie instead of appeasing them and working with them?

People get on the Kent's for that shyt...but (And this may be delving deep....but for discussion's sake), I personally think that Jor-El may also have been worthy of some critique. How...he'll be a GOD to them....you can read a lot into how Jor-El approaches his son.... Although, as with Kent, he is clearly good and you can't deny that he is 100 percent against Zods plan and pro-humanity.

The Kent's taught him restraint (Aside from his father, note how his mother straight up shows him how to suppress his senses) and to respect all life on equal terms, Jor-El taught him to test both himself AND humanity, and that he is ultimately must lead humans "into the sun".

That dichotomy is what makes him Superman.

Or maybe it really was dumb....:manny: I dunno...I just dislike how most people read into this film. I don't think it's "Pa Kent was holding him back, thank god Jor El ushered him onto the correct path" the way I've seen many describe it.

My apologies for writing a book....:ld:

Silver Surfer

May 1, 2012
To play devils advocate (And fukk it, because I like Man of Steel)....this scene isn't *just* about Clark hiding his identity. It's about the fact that he obeyed the wishes of a being "lesser" than him....he didn't just use his powers and bull ahead because he could....even though he may have thought it was the right thing to do...he STILL respected the wishes of his dad.

The most powerful being known....obeyed a human....obeyed his FATHER...even if it meant that Pa had to die...that concession is extremely important...it hints to the kind of hero he will become.

Also...it's funny that you brought up the fact that he died to save a dog. *Just* a dog.... So this "higher" form of life is willing to sacrifice everything for this "lower" form of life? Sound familiar? Think that maybe there is something thematic there? Pa Kent valued that dog's life...the same way Superman values human life.

We don't get to see the rest of the scene play because the video cuts off, but we get to hear him say what's important in this clip : I let my father die...because I trusted him.

People seem to dislike Pa Kent in this movie because he tells Clark to hide his powers for the time being (Emphasis : "I have to believe you were sent here for a reason...and even if it takes the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is"), he was safe but consider his perspective. He knew the implications of Clark and sheltered him accordingly. What would Clark have been like if they let him run wild? You think he doesn't snap that dude in the bar in half? You think he doesn't tell the military to fukk off at the end of the movie instead of appeasing them and working with them?

People get on the Kent's for that shyt...but (And this may be delving deep....but for discussion's sake), I personally think that Jor-El may also have been worthy of some critique. How...he'll be a GOD to them....you can read a lot into how Jor-El approaches his son.... Although, as with Kent, he is clearly good and you can't deny that he is 100 percent against Zods plan and pro-humanity.

The Kent's taught him restraint (Aside from his father, note how his mother straight up shows him how to suppress his senses) and to respect all life on equal terms, Jor-El taught him to test both himself AND humanity, and that he is ultimately must lead humans "into the sun".

That dichotomy is what makes him Superman.

Or maybe it really was dumb....:manny: I dunno...I just dislike how most people read into this film. I don't think it's "Pa Kent was holding him back, thank god Jor El ushered him onto the correct path" the way I've seen many describe it.

My apologies for writing a book....:ld:

nah bruh...it was bad enough his dad went back for the dog....its no way Im letting him die like that.

at the bar "so how ya pops die?"

"nicca went back to get the dog during a tornado"
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TSC's Ric Flair | Heel
Jun 8, 2012
Negativity (Kayfabe)
To play devils advocate (And fukk it, because I like Man of Steel)....this scene isn't *just* about Clark hiding his identity. It's about the fact that he obeyed the wishes of a being "lesser" than him....he didn't just use his powers and bull ahead because he could....even though he may have thought it was the right thing to do...he STILL respected the wishes of his dad.

The most powerful being known....obeyed a human....obeyed his FATHER...even if it meant that Pa had to die...that concession is extremely important...it hints to the kind of hero he will become.

Also...it's funny that you brought up the fact that he died to save a dog. *Just* a dog.... So this "higher" form of life is willing to sacrifice everything for this "lower" form of life? Sound familiar? Think that maybe there is something thematic there? Pa Kent valued that dog's life...the same way Superman values human life.

We don't get to see the rest of the scene play because the video cuts off, but we get to hear him say what's important in this clip : I let my father die...because I trusted him.

People seem to dislike Pa Kent in this movie because he tells Clark to hide his powers for the time being (Emphasis : "I have to believe you were sent here for a reason...and even if it takes the rest of your life, you owe it to yourself to find out what that reason is"), he was safe but consider his perspective. He knew the implications of Clark and sheltered him accordingly. What would Clark have been like if they let him run wild? You think he doesn't snap that dude in the bar in half? You think he doesn't tell the military to fukk off at the end of the movie instead of appeasing them and working with them?

People get on the Kent's for that shyt...but (And this may be delving deep....but for discussion's sake), I personally think that Jor-El may also have been worthy of some critique. How...he'll be a GOD to them....you can read a lot into how Jor-El approaches his son.... Although, as with Kent, he is clearly good and you can't deny that he is 100 percent against Zods plan and pro-humanity.

The Kent's taught him restraint (Aside from his father, note how his mother straight up shows him how to suppress his senses) and to respect all life on equal terms, Jor-El taught him to test both himself AND humanity, and that he is ultimately must lead humans "into the sun".

That dichotomy is what makes him Superman.

Or maybe it really was dumb....:manny: I dunno...I just dislike how most people read into this film. I don't think it's "Pa Kent was holding him back, thank god Jor El ushered him onto the correct path" the way I've seen many describe it.

My apologies for writing a book....:ld:

A lot what you post is on point.

The only that doesn't fit is; Clark respecting a lesser life, as Pa Kent did. :huh:

Pa Kent put his life on the line...Clark just watched. I still content that Superman should have been able to snatch his dad and dog and this would have still been a decent film without Clark's mama being single. It would have made for a great scene.

Have Mama Kent, at home alone, crying. She thinks she just saw her husband die over a dog and her son die trying to save 'em.

The doggie starts barking. She opens her eyes and walks to the screen door...BOOM...on the front porch is the dog.

She opens the door. Cut to the dog...the same dog Pa Kent tried to save. Then to the horizon. Clark and Pa Kent (who has a leg injury and needs help walking).


The "you're not my real dad" thing works better if Pa Kent lives throughout the movie.

Like some reviews said; this movie was unnecessarily dark--that scene been a main culprit.

:hmm: I don't apologize for my novel.


Oct 17, 2012

this part :russ:

Knight makes a clutch jumper just before all the Monstars pile on him, flattening the poor sap into a giant pancake. The Tunes inflate him, and as Knight floats through the air farting out excess gas, we see a glimpse of the scoreboard — with the Tunes down by 10

About 25 seconds of actual movie time goes by as Knight deflates. There is no game action during those 25 seconds; everyone just stands around, talking about Knight’s predicament. The movie then cuts back up to the scoreboard, to reveal a 9-0 run that never occurred



All Star
May 14, 2012
New Planet of the Apes: So society collapses, FEMA camps over run, military bases abandoned....but the humans had a nice, organized, tidy, arsenal, carefully "left behind" by FEMA?? :stopitslime: FOH

I get that Koba hates humans. They tortured the fukk out of him. But goddamn kill them instead of becoming an ape-killing traitorous b*stard!

Son of Batman: Why even make Slades goons have guns in the beginning of the movie?? They can't even hit shyt!! How are a half dozen goons running up on R'as FIRING machine guns...all at once...and this old mufukka with no powers that I know of, is just blocking all that shyt with his sword like :rudy:


All Star
May 14, 2012
Batman Trilogy: How the fukk does all the shyt Lucius makes for Bruce get to the Batcave? Nobody asked why the fukk are we shipping this tumbler to Wayne Manor? Do they paint that shyt black before shipping or does Bruce do that after Fedex drops it off? Nobody is like "yo this look like Batman shyt." :patrice: Who does construction at the Batcave? Bruce and Alfred did all that shyt? Computers out the ass. Rotating car platform? :stopitslime: