Is this true?
Its on the innanetz so it must be true.
Is this true?
So what. We dont even sleep the correct way so fukk it.
Out of the eight hours adults are supposed to have, they're supposed to be two 4 hour shifts of sleep. Not one long ass 8 hour coma
Good info.. people really undervalue how important sleep is. I'm in grad school and these people do not sleep at all in my program. shyt is weird and they walking like zombies; I refuse to sacrifice my sleep for anything
Yea, in my major there is plenty of late nights studying and working against the deadline as well. But at least it's not physical or 110 degrees out there patrolling in the sun.
I agree with you though, I perform worse on my exams if I don't sleep properly.
I call B.S.
My Grandparents used to say that when they were growing up, they went to bed shortly after sunset and rose at the crack of dawn......Now that's about 9 hours right there, and they were adults....This was a common practice.......
Don't really know how you UK cats got down.....