This is what I'm tryna tell Originalinternetgangsta he look mad fruity runnin round this site beggin men includin me for workout videos even after I already told him I ain't doin that gay shyt.
Says the fakkit who got ridiculously emotional in that thread where nikkas were criticizin "Luck" for those comments about wantin to watch a baby's brains get blown out, like
@itsyoung!! pointed out you were bouncin up and down like a sissy all excited when "Luck" was unbanned claimin people were scared of a username just cause "Luck" says he's 6'6 275

showin you take this site way too serious like it's real life (which is the way an autistic loser would treat a message board). And now "Luck" is in here capin for you in return

there's no reason for two nikkas who never met to be that invested in each other so either that's your alias or your boyfriend.
You mean he's your alias/boyfriend which is why you givin him a pass for not showin his face yet are in here bytchin at me cause I won't upload workout videos for you to beat off to.