I didn't know Originalinternetgangsta had so many groupies on here

muhfukkas musta believed his prison ducktales saw that same 30 second video of a random black dude doin weak pull ups and got stuck.

@ that spin, he stay creatin threads callin out half the site yet NOW when someone pulls his card he "marches to the beat of his own drum".

Funny you weren't sayin that in all the threads where he was demandin nikkas post workout videos, you didn't pop up outta nowhere tellin him he was crazy for thinkin errbody had to follow his orders when he was sayin they pussies for ignorin him but you immediately rushed in here to throw on the cape for him and play that "well yall didn't have to listen to him yall chose to do it" shyt.
You sayin that now but I seriously doubt thats your response to every one of these threads and I ain't notice you in his thread when he was tryna press dozens of posters.

He seems shook or he woulda dropped a arm pic as proof that he definitely at least a black man, HE was on some "DO IT NOW MUTHAfukkA!" in his call out thread which he made cause he was tight nikkas were callin him a cac so he tried to deflect by puttin the spotlight on everyone else but when cats threw it back at him he bytched up cause he can dish it out but can't take it.
You clearly have a horse and its that perpetratin cac otherwise you woulda said the same shyt in his thread and told him they ain't gotta jump like he they massa but you conveniently were quiet as a church mouse until ya man got cornered in, I mean I told his punkass from jump I never do what a random nikka tells me but if he playin that game of "proof pic now or you a p*ssy" then he can't go

when its turned back around on him he the one who made those rules but now he copin pleas.
:michaeljordanlaugh:@ That blatantly scripted video, like I said dude sounds like he don't even know the context behind the shyt he rattlin off as if you told him the list of names you gathered from that thread and he recited them back, nikka can barely pronounce the names look like he readin a paper out of camera view and even the way he says "Coli" is awkward. He ain't sayin it like he talkin he sayin it like he readin/memorized the shyt, it doesn't help that you stalled for 5 days but now that your big brother dropped by you jumpin bad like "TODAY I GOT TIME CUZ!".:mmmhmmiseeyou:

Look at you gettin all giddy over your boyfriend/alias finally puttin out a response but I ain't impressed by those videos, it might've meant somethin if he dropped that arm pic when challenged but that "wait til Thursday" shyt confirmed my suspicion that the nikka in the video is someone he knows and not actually him.

You a true attention whore I can tell these clowns dappin you up and co-signin your shyt is givin your bytchass life, just shows you a loser who created a fake persona on here of a muscular black ex con and are ecstatic that so many gullible negroes bought into it so now your corny ass feels like the popular kid in High School that you never were.