i mean, i go hard at everything i think... so I respect that your going hard for what u think n shyt....
but i am curious... what happened to u when u were a part,

They robbed me and everyone else blind and pretty much discouraged us from researching any of the stuff we were being taught. Not to mention the utter poverty they had us living in.
People don't realize that the camps are designed to keep regular members and lower ranking elders/priests good and broke. They hit you with fees for just about everything. If they use the "traditional garments" you gotta pay a fee to rock em. You gotta pay a priest fee (which they gotta pay to the elders), a fee to enter their synagogue, a fee to study at a school, a soldier fee if you're in the army, a fee to attend the feasts, a concert fee if you go to watch any of the elders teach, a fee to street preach, etc. Then you STILL gotta pay a tithe and in the case of ICGJC, you gotta pay it TWICE!
And since most members are either ex cons or high school dropouts, a part time, minimum wage job is the only thing you can grab sometimes. Especially since they have you street preaching ALOT. Priests are not allowed to work fwiw. Only ones making guap outta that scam are the high ranking elders and priests.
Almost all of those brothers you see on youtube live in shelters, or with their parents, or with their ladies who actually work and support them finacially. The brother I mentioned earlier, Shabar, killed himself due to not being able to afford health care for his medical condition. Sad thing is, none of high ranking elders ever stepped up to help him.
Speaking of elders, you cannot question anything they teach you either. If one of them says "The sky is red as blood" you gotta accept it. If they claim to be "the Apostle Paul or John the revelator reincarnated" or "the Comforter/Holy Spirt" you gotta "receive it".
I just basically woke up, did the research and realized how much of my life I had wasted with them.