Hamites are Caucasian Africans
Hamites are descendants of Ham, who fathered all the nations of Africa.
Hamites are Caucasian Africans
You East Indians are going into slavery too. Stop leaving yourself out, we didn't forget you.
Hamitic is an historical term for the peoples supposedly descended from Noah's son Ham, paralleling Semitic and Japhetic. It was formerly used for grouping the non-Semitic Afroasiatic languages (which for this reason were described as "Hamito-Semitic"). However, since, unlike the Semitic branch, these have not been shown to form an exclusive (monophyletic) phylogenetic unit on their own, the term is obsolete in this sense.
In the 19th century, as an application of scientific racism, Europeans classified the "Hamitic race" as a sub-group of the Caucasian race, alongside the Semitic race, grouping the non-Semitic populations native to North Africa, the Horn of Africa and South Arabia, including the Ancient Egyptians. According to their Hamitic theory, this "Hamitic race" was superior to or more advanced than Negroid populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. In its most extreme form, in the writings of C. G. Seligman, it asserted that all significant achievements in African history were the work of "Hamites" who migrated into central Africa as pastoralists, bringing technologies and civilizing skills with them. In the early twentieth century, theoretical models of Hamitic languages and of Hamitic races were intertwined.
Btw, I have a serious question.
Do you have a reading comprehension disability?
cause you seem convinced that I said the OG Hebrews were white.
When I've been saying they were MIXED.
I heard someone mention spain, so I want to drop this medieval spain they differentiated between moors (morenos) and blacks (negros)
look at this picture of french montana (arabo-berber) and akon (wolof from senegal)...the former would be a moor and the latter would be a black
notice the skin complexion difference
So the white man is who determines who YOU are?They classified y'all as Caucasians so they could claim y'all achievements dummy. And even if you take a look at this bullshyt Hamitic Theory, it shows that they know the Negro is not African.
Sorry to break this to you but when they were differentiating between Hamites and Negros, they were differentiating between North (Maghrebis) and North East Africans (Horners) from Sub-Saharan Africans. SSAs were considered evil godless pagans worthy of slavery and N/NE Africans were considered civilized as a result of their contact with non-Africans. This is partly why your ancestors were enslaved and brought to the Americas. Black Americans are not descendents of Jews, Christians or ARE descendents of pagan agrarian agriculturalists that lived on the coast of West and Central Africa who were brought to the new world to work as free labour on sugar and cotton plantations. I know this is a crushing blow to your ego, but it is what it is.
shyt got destroyed with those conquest point blank. It was a wrap when Jerusalem got got. A lot of those ancient empires' history was whipped out and to the victor go the spoils. We know very little about the Phoenicians and Mesopotamians because of this as well. Egypt is an exception because folks have been trying to white wash it for centuries instead of blotting it out. And its no coincidence that there was and is a conscientious effort to erase the slaves history and conceal the truth from the ancestors
Real shyt..they even won't release the Dead Sea scrolls cuz they know our history is in there..not that I believe in the bible since I never read it..but it's prob some truth in there..
I want you Negroes to take a good look at this guys posts, and tell me if you still want to be considered African. This filthy beast actually thinks that YOU are beneath him. All because the white man has assured him of this, of course.
You catching feelings because I told you the real and you can't stomach it.
You guys out of shame created all these false identities and ideologies....look how many there are. Yall are a confused people.
Your an American, that is your citizenship, that is what it says on your passport. You need to accept this.
No, I know what you're saying is full of shyt. My point is the negro in America isn't African, and your pompous attitude and love of the white man's acceptance is proof of that. You're going into slavery with the white man.