Hebrew Israelite videos


Jun 28, 2013
*Edit. I deleted the pics since they're Irrelevant to the topic of this thread.
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All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
:dahell: Cause the slaves that came over here were pretty much all jet black brothers and sisters b. They were mainly muslim converts and local tribesmen and women of west africa. The Ashante, the Dahomeans etc.

Alotta those people had kids with their white slavemasters and produced mulatto children. Hence folks like Frederick Douglass and Sally Hemings, who coincidentally had kids with Thomas Jefferson.

Again, if you gotta problem with that, don't blame me, blame history.

First off in that video the Hieroglyphs of the Hyksos look like those of black people. You are shooting the shyt outta your feet. Second im going to post a couple of historical facts about the people of the African diaspora that contradict the notion of them not being the chosen people.
  • After Rome seized destroyed Jerusalem in around 70 CE Hebrews that werent captured and enslaved by Rome, fled all throughout Africa. Including Beta Yisrael (House of Israel) from the Tribe of Dan. They fled to E. Africa Ethopia
  • There is the Lemba Tribe who fled all the way to South Africa via the East African coast to sum it up the dude visited them and came to the conclusion that they are one of the lost tribes because there oral history is backed up by DNA AND archaeological evidence. Despite his initial skepticism.
  • The majority of Hebrews went to W. Africa. The Arab slave trade started well before the Euro slave trade. Over time they informed the Portuguese of "the people of the book".The Portuguese of course were the first Europeans to get involved in the African Slave trade. The Arabs called them "a cursed people of God and predestines as slaves". All of this went down a couple decades after Jesus and sounds just like He prophesied in the Bible. They also called them Yahoodee which means Tribes of Israel.
  • Something I learned from this thread in a video posted by @LionofJudah (post that joint again it wont embed for me) was a slave port founded in the late 16 century on the west coast of Africa by the name Ouidah. (Ajudá) in Portuguese, which means Judah. Why would a slave port be named after one of the tribes of Israel?
  • Slaves were called "Eboes/Heebos" by the British initially and later by other Europeans. Heebo is a corruption of the word "Hebrew" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6zd4NgOxC5I
  • Another fact is people especially whites, are quick to point out that Africans sold other Africans to Europeans. This is true but they knew as well they were in fact selling Hebrews to the white man. The Ashanti tribe, perhaps the most well known tribe to sell slaves and many other tribes(Grebo, Akin, Yoruba to name a few) inhabiting Western Sudan, Senegal, Nigeria, etc practice Hebrew customs such as dietary laws of no pork or eating milk with dairy, circumcision, divisions in the tribe by 12 and the list goes on.
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Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
yo I don't have time for semantics. I go by scripture....and scripture states that the OG people were like 'fine brass', ruddy (which I have proven means reddish brown-darkskinned) with woolly hair. I don't care what country you were born in, I don't care what culture you practice, I don't care what set you claim...if that fits your description YOU ARE A BLACK PERSON. Just because they were 'mixed' doesn't mean they aren't black...heck every black person in America is mixed with something...but we are still considered BLACK.

I'm not saying every jew fit that description...but the people that were described in the bible....did.

Until you can show me a white person whose visage darkens like coal when sick and malnutritioned...I have no choice but to believe what the Word Says. Until you can find some way to twist that word, manipulate it to mean something else that makes sense...i have no choice but to believe THIER FACE/visage and or appearance was black. You are going to have a time dealing with this word. It will bother you all day and night because deep down you know those folks described in that bible were black folks. You can laugh, get daps, joke...I don't care because I am standing firm to what scripture says.

Lamentations 4:8 will haunt you every time you spew this faulty logic of the word.

Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.





all of these images support the adjectives that are used to describe the children of Israel at one point in time in the bible.

So the Jews you wanna claim so bad actually helped sell our real kin (who were hamitic) into slavery....

I do not claim them and if you reference the Jewish guys involved in Slavery...you should do it right. Anything after 740AD and even once the Romans came and crushed Jerusalem I don't really deal with too much because something happened to that religion at that time. It was confiscated, translated, and used for power by people who weren't the OG Hebrews. More than likely these guys were the descendants of pharisees and scribes whom Jesus had major problems with during his day since they 'claimed' to be of royal stock. These are the same people who said 'their people had never been in bondage' yet claimed to be from the seed of Israel :wtf:

John 8:33
King James Version (KJV)

33 They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

Jesus chided them for that & then NAMED who their father was

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because
I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

accept the word or not...the word is the WORD :manny:

and here they are doing the work of their ungodly father...

So my question to you is... if these Scribes and Pharisees who are descendants of Abraham but not of Jacob; who are they descendants of? :smugfavre:

What's funny about the scripture is the Jews were speaking literally while Jesus meant spiritually...but what does the Scribes & Pharisees mean when they say they were never in bondage when its clear that Moses, a descendant of Abraham..lead the Hebrews out of bondage in Egypt?
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Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012

everyone shown on those paintings in the hieroglyphs were black folks...every last one of them. :mindblown:
I'm glad you know about The Naked Archaeologist you are coming on home to the point I've been trying to make to you since the beginning :myman:


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
Now I'd like to direct a couple questions at you PoPimp84

1. Why weren't the Jews confused for Negros by the Spaniards?
2. Why weren't they called black by the Greeks or Romans?
3. Why did those same expelled Jews get into the slave trade?
4. Why didn't any of them recognize the local population in West Africa as brothers and sisters of the same ethnicity? Instead they converted them to Judaism.
5. Notice I said Judaism... cause they DIDN'T accept Jesus/Yeshua as the Messiah.

  1. Not exactly sure what you mean by this. Was there a particular event you are referencing with Hebrews and Spaniards?
  2. From Tacitus the famous Roman historian, he was trying to ascertain the origin of the Hebrews (109 AD) after they seized Jerusalem wrote Many, again, say that they were a race of Ethiopian origin, who in the time of king Cepheus were driven by fear and hatred of their neighbours to seek a new dwelling-place. Hmmm why is that can possibly be of Ethopian origin? Cant rule out maybe they were black as well.
  3. The Hebrews were the ones being enslaved. The persecution of the Romans, the Arab slave trade popped off, Eventually the Europeans joined the fun with assistance from some indigenous african tribes. Just like the curses of Deuteronomy and Leviticus foretold.
  4. &5 In my last post I touched on this. This construct of black we have today didnt exist then. No different from how all Native Americans are locked up into one homogeneous group while to them there were differences in in the tribes and nationality despite how outsiders lumped them together. Despite this many of the tribes of West Africa practice Hebrew customs today. Many share linguistics with Hebrews hell look at the Ashanti...
From the book HEBREWISM OF WEST AFRICA By Joseph J Williams:
PAGE 22 In the first place, many Hebrewism were discovered in the ASHANTI tribal customs. Then, several ASHANTI words were found to have a striking resemblance to those of equivalent Hebrew meaning. finally the supreme being of the ASHANTI gave a strong indication of being the "Yahweh" (YHWH) of the "old testament".

PAGE 23, It was indeed surprising how many HEBREWISM, either real or at least apparent, were to be found among the unislamised tribes.

PAGE 52 In both ASHANTI and Hebrew the traditional vowel sound is equally important for the true signification of words.

PAGE 56, Thus in conjugation of the verb the ASHANTI prefix the personal pronouns to the verb stem, the same as it is found in the imperfect of Hebrew.

PAGE 61, One cannot help being impressed by the number of customs and practices there described that find their counter part among the ancient Hebrews. Thus, for example the Mosaic law of intra-tribal-marriages, which was devised expressly to preserve the inheritance of the daughters in the tribe and family of their father (NUMBERS 36:12) finds a close verification among the ASHANTI of today. And the cross-cousin marriages, so characteristic of the latter, are strictly similar to that of the daughter of salphadd who wedded the sons of their uncle by their father (NUMBERS 36:2). Again the preserving of certain names in a family is as much sought after by the ASHANTI as it was of old among the Hebrews, as shown in the case of naming of John the Baptist when the objection was made, "there is none of your Kindred that is called by this name" (Luke 1:61).

PAGE 62, So also the remarkable simplicity of the ASHANTI marriage and the distinctive part that wine plays in the ceremonial reminds one of the ancient Hebrews.

PAGE 63, Not only in the marriage ceremony itself but also in after marriage customs there is a strange similarity between the ASHANTI and the Hebrews. Thus, for example, for 8 days after the birth of a child the ASHANTI "mother is considered as unclean". It is only on the 8th day, at the Ntetea that the child receives its personal name, and on the 40th day a still further ceremony has to be observe. In all this we are certainly reminded of Hebrew customs. Further, the ASHANTI women at the menstrual period, even to the retirement to the bara hut, read like a page borrowed from the book of Leviticus, (15:19-20). And the system of ASHANTI ablution to prevent legal uncleanness constantly brings to mind similar practices which were common among Hebrews.

PAGE 66, Thus far, however, we have shown certain cultural elements common to the ASHANTI and the ancient Hebrews, such as the ob cult, religious dances, use of "Amen", vowel value, patriarchal system, parallel symbolism of Authority in "stool" and "chair", endogamy, cross-cousin marriages, familiar names, exogamy, simplicity of marriage rite and the part wine plays in the ceremony, uncleanness after child birth, purification ceremony, Menstrual seclusion. and ceremonial ablutions; besides ASHANTI loan words of apparent Hebrew origin.

PAGE 70, For they ascribe to god the attributes of omnipresence, omniscience, and Invisibility, besides which they believe that he governs all things by providence. By reason god is invisible, they say it would be absurd to make any corporeal representation of him. Wherefore they have such multitude of Images of their Idol gods which they take to be subordinate deities to the supreme god.

PAGE 72, In the very fact that the Hebrews, despite their service of the true god frequently relapsed into idolatry. Captain Rattray, finds a parallelism with the ASHANTI, where, as Bosman noted, one finds a belief in a supreme being side by side with multitudes of their idol Gods.

PAGE 78, And there is a common saying among the ASHANTI: no priest may look upon the face of his God and live which sounds remarkably like an echo of "Yahweh's" (YHWH) warning to Moses at Mount Sinai "Thou canst see my face for man shall not see me and live".

PAGE 80, The supreme being of the ASHANTI is identical with the god of the Christians, the Yahweh of the old testament: and further that their tribal worship is strangely parallel to that of the divided worship that existed in Jerusalem immediately prior to the Babylonian exile, as we will see later in more detail.

PAGE 82, The breastplate on the central figure, the Herald (Osene), who is called by Stanley the Town-Crier, is strikingly similar to the breast plate of the High Priest among the Ancient Hebrews, even to its division into twelve parts. The head dress of the Herald, too with its gold disc in front satisfies the description of the miznefet as given in the Jewish Encyclopedia. "A tiara, or perhaps a peculiarly wound turban, with a peak, the front of which bore a gold plate with inscription "Holy unto YHWH". However, the division of the breast plate into twelve parts is certainly distinctive. So also is the head dress with gold disc in front.

PAGE 83, The ASHANTI Myth might thus record progressive stages in the manifestation of "Yahweh" (YHWH) to the Hebrews; the burning bush; Sinai and the Covenant, that established the Nation as God's Chosen People. :ohhh::lolbron::yeshrug::sadcam::whoa::camby:


custom user title
May 9, 2012
Where are the records of Hebrew being written or spoken in anywhere in Africa (prior to contact with Euros and Arabs) and even after?

if there were "Hebrews" in these places why no documentation of them writing and speaking the language?


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
Where are the records of Hebrew being written or spoken in anywhere in Africa (prior to contact with Euros and Arabs) and even after?

if there were "Hebrews" in these places why no documentation of them writing and speaking the language?

just because you don't know or haven't found the info doesn't mean it isn't so


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
Where are the records of Hebrew being written or spoken in anywhere in Africa (prior to contact with Euros and Arabs) and even after?

if there were "Hebrews" in these places why no documentation of them writing and speaking the language?

shyt got destroyed with those conquest point blank. It was a wrap when Jerusalem got got. A lot of those ancient empires' history was whipped out and to the victor go the spoils. We know very little about the Phoenicians and Mesopotamians because of this as well. Egypt is an exception because folks have been trying to white wash it for centuries instead of blotting it out. And its no coincidence that there was and is a conscientious effort to erase the slaves history and conceal the truth from the ancestors


Jun 28, 2013
First off in that video the Hieroglyphs of the Hyksos look like those of black people. You are shooting the shyt outta your feet. Second im going to post a couple of historical facts about the people of the African diaspora that contradict the notion of them not being the chosen people.
  • After Rome seized destroyed Jerusalem in around 70 CE Hebrews that werent captured and enslaved by Rome, fled all throughout Africa. Including Beta Yisrael (House of Israel) from the Tribe of Dan. They fled to E. Africa Ethopia
  • There is the Lemba Tribe who fled all the way to South Africa via the East African coast to sum it up the dude visited them and came to the conclusion that they are one of the lost tribes because there oral history is backed up by DNA AND archaeological evidence. Despite his initial skepticism.
  • The majority of Hebrews went to W. Africa. The Arab slave trade started well before the Euro slave trade. Over time they informed the Portuguese of "the people of the book".The Portuguese of course were the first Europeans to get involved in the African Slave trade. The Arabs called them "a cursed people of God and predestines as slaves". All of this went down a couple decades after Jesus and sounds just like He prophesied in the Bible. They also called them Yahoodee which means Tribes of Israel.
  • Something I learned from this thread in a video posted by @LionofJudah (post that joint again it wont embed for me) was a slave port founded in the late 16 century on the west coast of Africa by the name Ouidah. (Ajudá) in Portuguese, which means Judah. Why would a slave port be named after one of the tribes of Israel?
  • Slaves were called "Eboes/Heebos" by the British initially and later by other Europeans. Heebo is a corruption of the word "Hebrew" http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6zd4NgOxC5I
  • Another fact is people especially whites, are quick to point out that Africans sold other Africans to Europeans. This is true but they knew as well they were in fact selling Hebrews to the white man. The Ashanti tribe, perhaps the most well known tribe to sell slaves and many other tribes(Grebo, Akin, Yoruba to name a few) inhabiting Western Sudan, Senegal, Nigeria, etc practice Hebrew customs such as dietary laws of no pork or eating milk with dairy, circumcision, divisions in the tribe by 12 and the list goes on.

I never said there weren't black Jews. I said Israel (Kingdom, 12 tribes) was NOT a black nation.

There is a huge difference between black communities (such as Igbo, Lemba & Beta Israel) and black nations.

Let's look at some facts.

1. The claim that one million jews fled into Africa during the siege of 70 AD originated in From Bablyon to Timbutktu, which has alot of historical inaccuracies (Book was written in 1969). He also grossly underestimated the prospect of intermixing. He calls anyone even remotely affiliated with being a Jew, black. Even people who clearly weren't black lol.

2. Beta Israel (Along with the now defunct Solomonic Dynasty) claimed to be the descendants of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. They've never claimed to be the biproduct of any Jerusalem refugee fleeing into their country.

3. The Lemba Jews came from Yemen.

There are numerous versions of their myths of origin, but they generally tell of migrating from the North (which is common to many African ethnicities.) According to Lemba tradition, their male ancestors were Near Eastern Jewswho left Judea about 2,500 years ago and settled in a place called Senna in the Arabian peninsula (present-day Yemen). Much later, they migrated intoNorth East Africa.

4. The largest presence of Jews in Africa was in Alexandria, which was a multicultural city. You already seen what the people of Fayum looked like.

By the first century A.D., an estimated 1 million Jews were living in Egypt including Philo, a renowned philosopher of Alexandria.

5. Eboes/Heebos is not a corruption of the word Hebrew, It's a corruption of the word Igbo. Moreover, theere were Igbo people waaaaay before there was ever a Igbo Jew.

Igbo Jews are said to have originated from Syrian,Portuguese and Libyan Israelite migrants into West Africa.

Some Non-Jewish Igbos claim their ancestry is not Israelite or Jewish at all but in fact is an indigenousNigerian one. One critic, Catherine Acholonu, attributes Jewish identification among the Igbo as a result of Christianity brought by missionaries, since most Igbo people are Christians.

6. All Jewish communities formed in West Africa were the result of migrant Jews in the region. Particularly those from Western Asia, Morroco and the Iberian Peninsula.


7. There were Jews involved in the slave trade.

At the same time, the monarchies of Spain and Portugalexpelled all of their Jewish subjects. As a result, Jews began participating in all sorts of trade on the Atlantic, including the slave trade.

Jews were allowed to engage in trade, including the slave trade, as long as they did not compete with the Portuguese trading monopolies.

8. The prophecy of Deuteronomy 28:68 was completed when the Jews were sent by ship into literal Egypt.

Chapter 9, Section 2
Josephus: and as for the rest of the multitude that were above seventeen years old, he put them into bonds, and sent them to the Egyptian mines.

9. Deuteronomy 28:64 was fulfilled when the jews were sent all over the place, From Europe to Africa, and expelled from each nation they went to.

Chapter 9, Section 2
Titus also sent a great number into the provinces, as a present to them, that they might be destroyed upon their theaters, by the sword and by the wild beasts; but those that were under seventeen years of age were sold for slaves.



10. Many of the slaves sent to the americas were muslim converts of the local population.

www.youtube.com/watch?v= 0xzzwgbZKko

^Join that link together & watch.

Now were there some some slaves who mighta intermixed with the Sephardic & North Jews, or had a distant ancestor from the 12 tribes that married into their bloodline? Sure. Were all the slaves from the 12 tribes of Israel, or the "true jews"? :stopitslime: No

To answer a question you posed earlier. Gaius Turranius was the ruler of Egypt when Jesus was born. Rome had already set up shop in Egypt prior to his birth.

As for the Hyksos... Ashra Kwesi seems to believe otherwise.

While I've never agreed with his viewpoint concerning the bible, we do agree that the Hyksos were not black folk. This is something reputable scholars also acknowledge.

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