This guy is in completel denial.
That's you b.
Hopefully the Most High takes you out if that's NOT me.
This guy is in completel denial.
That's you b.
Cause the slaves that came over here were pretty much all jet black brothers and sisters b. They were mainly muslim converts and local tribesmen and women of west africa. The Ashante, the Dahomeans etc.
Alotta those people had kids with their white slavemasters and produced mulatto children. Hence folks like Frederick Douglass and Sally Hemings, who coincidentally had kids with Thomas Jefferson.
Again, if you gotta problem with that, don't blame me, blame history.
So the Jews you wanna claim so bad actually helped sell our real kin (who were hamitic) into slavery....
Now I'd like to direct a couple questions at you PoPimp84
1. Why weren't the Jews confused for Negros by the Spaniards?
2. Why weren't they called black by the Greeks or Romans?
3. Why did those same expelled Jews get into the slave trade?
4. Why didn't any of them recognize the local population in West Africa as brothers and sisters of the same ethnicity? Instead they converted them to Judaism.
5. Notice I said Judaism... cause they DIDN'T accept Jesus/Yeshua as the Messiah.
everyone shown on those paintings in the hieroglyphs were black folks...every last one of them.
I'm glad you know about The Naked Archaeologist you are coming on home to the point I've been trying to make to you since the beginning![]()
Where are the records of Hebrew being written or spoken in anywhere in Africa (prior to contact with Euros and Arabs) and even after?
if there were "Hebrews" in these places why no documentation of them writing and speaking the language?
Where are the records of Hebrew being written or spoken in anywhere in Africa (prior to contact with Euros and Arabs) and even after?
if there were "Hebrews" in these places why no documentation of them writing and speaking the language?
First off in that video the Hieroglyphs of the Hyksos look like those of black people. You are shooting the shyt outta your feet. Second im going to post a couple of historical facts about the people of the African diaspora that contradict the notion of them not being the chosen people.
- After Rome seized destroyed Jerusalem in around 70 CE Hebrews that werent captured and enslaved by Rome, fled all throughout Africa. Including Beta Yisrael (House of Israel) from the Tribe of Dan. They fled to E. Africa Ethopia
- There is the Lemba Tribe who fled all the way to South Africa via the East African coast to sum it up the dude visited them and came to the conclusion that they are one of the lost tribes because there oral history is backed up by DNA AND archaeological evidence. Despite his initial skepticism.
- The majority of Hebrews went to W. Africa. The Arab slave trade started well before the Euro slave trade. Over time they informed the Portuguese of "the people of the book".The Portuguese of course were the first Europeans to get involved in the African Slave trade. The Arabs called them "a cursed people of God and predestines as slaves". All of this went down a couple decades after Jesus and sounds just like He prophesied in the Bible. They also called them Yahoodee which means Tribes of Israel.
- Something I learned from this thread in a video posted by @LionofJudah (post that joint again it wont embed for me) was a slave port founded in the late 16 century on the west coast of Africa by the name Ouidah. (Ajudá) in Portuguese, which means Judah. Why would a slave port be named after one of the tribes of Israel?
- Slaves were called "Eboes/Heebos" by the British initially and later by other Europeans. Heebo is a corruption of the word "Hebrew"
- Another fact is people especially whites, are quick to point out that Africans sold other Africans to Europeans. This is true but they knew as well they were in fact selling Hebrews to the white man. The Ashanti tribe, perhaps the most well known tribe to sell slaves and many other tribes(Grebo, Akin, Yoruba to name a few) inhabiting Western Sudan, Senegal, Nigeria, etc practice Hebrew customs such as dietary laws of no pork or eating milk with dairy, circumcision, divisions in the tribe by 12 and the list goes on.
There are numerous versions of their myths of origin, but they generally tell of migrating from the North (which is common to many African ethnicities.) According to Lemba tradition, their male ancestors were Near Eastern Jewswho left Judea about 2,500 years ago and settled in a place called Senna in the Arabian peninsula (present-day Yemen). Much later, they migrated intoNorth East Africa.
By the first century A.D., an estimated 1 million Jews were living in Egypt including Philo, a renowned philosopher of Alexandria.
Igbo Jews are said to have originated from Syrian,Portuguese and Libyan Israelite migrants into West Africa.
Some Non-Jewish Igbos claim their ancestry is not Israelite or Jewish at all but in fact is an indigenousNigerian one. One critic, Catherine Acholonu, attributes Jewish identification among the Igbo as a result of Christianity brought by missionaries, since most Igbo people are Christians.
At the same time, the monarchies of Spain and Portugalexpelled all of their Jewish subjects. As a result, Jews began participating in all sorts of trade on the Atlantic, including the slave trade.
Jews were allowed to engage in trade, including the slave trade, as long as they did not compete with the Portuguese trading monopolies.
Chapter 9, Section 2
Josephus: and as for the rest of the multitude that were above seventeen years old, he put them into bonds, and sent them to the Egyptian mines.
Chapter 9, Section 2
Titus also sent a great number into the provinces, as a present to them, that they might be destroyed upon their theaters, by the sword and by the wild beasts; but those that were under seventeen years of age were sold for slaves.