So here you are again talking about how you read the book, I didn't. Yes, that was established on pg.1
It is getting tiring of you constantly deflecting the questions I've asked you. So have fun changing the topic cuz you furious

Oh wait, I asked too many questions. So how about you tell us how you read the book again!!!
When your done screaming that, how about you reply to what was asked? You obviously been here all day
You don't find it weird that your soul feels awkward when you see questions asked?
You acting like my questions are holy water and you a vampire? Just answer the questions, reply to them
Deflecting them tells a story too buddy. You've deflected enough times to the point that story is glaringly clear
I know, stupid christians who believe anything. Only issue is you have failed to explain why this story is false
Or why this story is just exploitation. My view is if GOD wanted a movie to be popular? Thats what it'll be
And you have not supported you "angle" this entire time. That's why you keep getting upset, trying to pull rank/etc.
You don't need to pull anything but your own memory. From your vastly superior otherwordly knowledge. Why bruh
Why is a 12yr old not sufficient enough for you?
Because he's 12, impressionable, he had a routine surgery and because his story seeks to fill any holes by saying "God erased that part from my memory." Why are you so quick to defend a 12 year old's story that you don't know the first thing about?
Do you know what astral projection is, does that count?
Count toward what exactly? Assuming that you mean the boy used astral projection to get into heaven, it would still count as human presence in Heaven since the soul would do the travelling...and that's not something that should happen according to John.
How is this exploitation, because its based on a best seller?
This is simple marketing. They can see that the story has a built in audience from book readers. They play up the Christian message and it's confirmation of Christian beliefs so that they become the rallying cry for the product. It's really not even complicated. There have been a ton of accounts of near death experiences (or past life experience from children would fit similarly into this discussion), including ones where a children were aware of information that they shouldn't be aware of. However, many of those stories don't fit perfectly into a specific religion's description. There's nothing unique about this one, except that it proved it could sell and had a clear niche market that could be targeted and exploited. I could explain why it won't translate onto the big screen well but you'd have to know the book that we're discussing to understand
You have consistently dodged all those questions everytime. So unless you wanna tackle at least ONE of those. No need to quote my post. No need to keep the deflections going bruh...