Heaven is for Real: Based on a True Story :heh:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
LOL. I'm laughing at the fact that the guy says it with certainty. 100% there is something after death. Uhhhhh...no. Regardless of what this little retard cac thinks he saw when he flatlined. :umad:[DOUBLEPOST=1397580699][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah. Literally wasting my time even responding to you. You reply to everything with a half retarded argument full of shytty paragraphs that make no sense, all ending in a retarded smiley. I'm going to just put you on ignore and improve my Coli experience tenfold. :ahh:
Maybe you should reply to post that are directed at you, that might help you calm down :manny:
As for belief, you don't believe. Cool. I don't care what a "retarded cac" thinks. I care what I think
I think you don't sound very intelligent by the way you converse. So I feel good that I don't agree with you :win:
the only account of someone dying then coming back that seemed legit to me was the one about dude dying going to heaven but going back for his family, Then when he came back to life after a few weeks he went crazy because paradise was so beautiful that everything on earth seemed ugly to him, he wound up commiting suicide just to try to go back
That sounds like some Looper 2 type of shyt :whew:

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
Apparently, they said that kid's room below had some early signs of other worldly phenomenon


Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
This is a way more interesting topic than the movie tbh. Do you think that's a permanent state or are you on the reincarnation or "awakening" tip?
A friend of the family had a hear attack over a year ago and he flatlined at the hospital. He told us that he knew his heart had stopped and in his head he said "oh shyt I'm dead".

He knew he had died and could think. I guess until your brain shuts off. Scary shyt.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
A friend of the family had a hear attack over a year ago and he flatlined at the hospital. He told us that he knew his heart had stopped and in his head he said "oh shyt I'm dead".

He knew he had died and could think. I guess until your brain shuts off. Scary shyt.
I don't no, I personally didn't believe in reincarnation. But I once a a revelation :manny:
I was told that these types of questions isn't something to be told. I know the answer
But lets say it was told, taught, understood there was a reincarnation. People would check out of this life early probably every time :manny:

Logically speaking you can understand that, so you can then begin to understand why too many questions.. well, too many answers is not a good thing. Life is short, and we have a short time to figure things out
That's the idea, so its best to focus on that. Recalling thoughts from a previous life, now that is something I think we all can comment on. You ever just know stuff, and you don't know how/why you know it?
Happens to me all the time honestly. But its like a faint understanding of "something"
I can't articulate it well this moment, I'll try again later...


May 23, 2012
Bruh, you can put a condescending spin on it if you like. Your act has been exposed, so thats all you got left :umad:
You did quote the kid... 15 post in :stopitslime:
I'm not even gonna ask you again. You tried to touch on it, but you still dodged the real question.
What is YOUR issue with it. None you say? Just that you KNOW its for exploitation purposes
Why choose a best seller book? Why is the book a best seller is a better question
Is it a good read? You read it, you felt the need to read it. But yet here you are trying to throw shade on christians? You know, the people the movie is designed for followed by :heh:
Why would YOU read a book like that? Did you read it, then YOU felt exploited
And now you made they taking there show to the big screen?

Too man things don't add up with you. I don't expect you to say "you got me" I expect you to deflect and sidestep :tu:

You ask hella questions that have nothing to do with my point. It's an exploitation of the naive branch of Christians...not all Christians...just the dumb ones that will accept anything that will reinforce their belief, even if it's dictated to them by a child who was getting his appendix out. This whole convo is jokes to me fam, watching you take it hella serious is half the fun. You actually goin' in to defend a product you have no experience with. It was one of 50 odd books I read last year, nothing special whatsoever. Here's the simple math on this ish...I read the book...you didn't...Somehow you feel the book and it's movie need to be defended while I laugh at you because you don't even know what's in the book. The cycle has gotten tired though, so I'm moving on to more interesting discussions since the comic relief has gotten stale.[DOUBLEPOST=1397583960][/DOUBLEPOST]
A friend of the family had a hear attack over a year ago and he flatlined at the hospital. He told us that he knew his heart had stopped and in his head he said "oh shyt I'm dead".

He knew he had died and could think. I guess until your brain shuts off. Scary shyt.

Kinda reminds me of the whole urban legend (I'm not sure if it's true or not tbh) that people who had their heads cut off would still blink for a while. It's pretty foul.

I think it's permanent. That may be a bit too bleak for a lot of people though but I prefer that to the Christian afterlife of either living eternally "happy" or burning in everlasting fire.

@Fury616 was right about the body dispersing energy when you die. Maybe all that is recycled to make another person, making reincarnation plausible. I'd prefer that too.

Yeah, the law of conservation of energy says that energy isn't destroyed or created right? So there's some sort of continuation...whether it's a conscious existence or just happens is the real question. I'm at a point of thinking, there's so much we don't understand fully that there's no way to know for sure one way or the other so I'ma just be cautiously optimistic that something else picks up where the body leaves off.

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
I don't no, I personally didn't believe in reincarnation. But I once a a revelation :manny:
I was told that these types of questions isn't something to be told. I know the answer
But lets say it was told, taught, understood there was a reincarnation. People would check out of this life early probably every time :manny:

Logically speaking you can understand that, so you can then begin to understand why too many questions.. well, too many answers is not a good thing. Life is short, and we have a short time to figure things out
That's the idea, so its best to focus on that. Recalling thoughts from a previous life, now that is something I think we all can comment on. You ever just know stuff, and you don't know how/why you know it?
Happens to me all the time honestly. But its like a faint understanding of "something"
I can't articulate it well this moment, I'll try again later...
There are a lot of different theories. One is that our DNA is passed on from our ancestors and their memories are possibly passed on to us. So we get a glimpse of our ancestors memories or feelings or thoughts in speratic random moments.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
You ask hella questions that have nothing to do with my point. It's an exploitation of the naive branch of Christians...not all Christians...just the dumb ones that will accept anything that will reinforce their belief, even if it's dictated to them by a child who was getting his appendix out. This whole convo is jokes to me fam, watching you take it hella serious is half the fun. You actually goin' in to defend a product you have no experience with. It was one of 50 odd books I read last year, nothing special whatsoever. Here's the simple math on this ish...I read the book...you didn't...Somehow you feel the book and it's movie need to be defended while I laugh at you because you don't even know what's in the book. The cycle has gotten tired though, so I'm moving on to more interesting discussions since the comic relief has gotten stale.[DOUBLEPOST=1397583960][/DOUBLEPOST]
So here you are again talking about how you read the book, I didn't. Yes, that was established on pg.1
It is getting tiring of you constantly deflecting the questions I've asked you. So have fun changing the topic cuz you furious :umad:
Oh wait, I asked too many questions. So how about you tell us how you read the book again!!!
When your done screaming that, how about you reply to what was asked? You obviously been here all day
You don't find it weird that your soul feels awkward when you see questions asked?
You acting like my questions are holy water and you a vampire? Just answer the questions, reply to them
Deflecting them tells a story too buddy. You've deflected enough times to the point that story is glaringly clear
I know, stupid christians who believe anything. Only issue is you have failed to explain why this story is false
Or why this story is just exploitation. My view is if GOD wanted a movie to be popular? Thats what it'll be
And you have not supported you "angle" this entire time. That's why you keep getting upset, trying to pull rank/etc.
You don't need to pull anything but your own memory. From your vastly superior otherwordly knowledge. Why bruh

Why is a 12yr old not sufficient enough for you?

Do you know what astral projection is, does that count?

How is this exploitation, because its based on a best seller? Explain

You have consistently dodged all those questions everytime. So unless you wanna tackle at least ONE of those. No need to quote my post. No need to keep the deflections going bruh...


May 23, 2012
So here you are again talking about how you read the book, I didn't. Yes, that was established on pg.1
It is getting tiring of you constantly deflecting the questions I've asked you. So have fun changing the topic cuz you furious :umad:
Oh wait, I asked too many questions. So how about you tell us how you read the book again!!!
When your done screaming that, how about you reply to what was asked? You obviously been here all day
You don't find it weird that your soul feels awkward when you see questions asked?
You acting like my questions are holy water and you a vampire? Just answer the questions, reply to them
Deflecting them tells a story too buddy. You've deflected enough times to the point that story is glaringly clear
I know, stupid christians who believe anything. Only issue is you have failed to explain why this story is false
Or why this story is just exploitation. My view is if GOD wanted a movie to be popular? Thats what it'll be
And you have not supported you "angle" this entire time. That's why you keep getting upset, trying to pull rank/etc.
You don't need to pull anything but your own memory. From your vastly superior otherwordly knowledge. Why bruh

Why is a 12yr old not sufficient enough for you? Because he's 12, impressionable, he had a routine surgery and because his story seeks to fill any holes by saying "God erased that part from my memory." Why are you so quick to defend a 12 year old's story that you don't know the first thing about?

Do you know what astral projection is, does that count? Count toward what exactly? Assuming that you mean the boy used astral projection to get into heaven, it would still count as human presence in Heaven since the soul would do the travelling...and that's not something that should happen according to John.

How is this exploitation, because its based on a best seller? This is simple marketing. They can see that the story has a built in audience from book readers. They play up the Christian message and it's confirmation of Christian beliefs so that they become the rallying cry for the product. It's really not even complicated. There have been a ton of accounts of near death experiences (or past life experience from children would fit similarly into this discussion), including ones where a children were aware of information that they shouldn't be aware of. However, many of those stories don't fit perfectly into a specific religion's description. There's nothing unique about this one, except that it proved it could sell and had a clear niche market that could be targeted and exploited. I could explain why it won't translate onto the big screen well but you'd have to know the book that we're discussing to understand :camby:

You have consistently dodged all those questions everytime. So unless you wanna tackle at least ONE of those. No need to quote my post. No need to keep the deflections going bruh...

See, I made it really simple for you to see exactly where the answers are and made them direct as hell. If you're still upset after this one :manny:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
See, I made it really simple for you to see exactly where the answers are and made them direct as hell. If you're still upset after this one :manny:
So then your reasoning for why the movie is being made contradicts what you believe the end result will be
You nor myself believes this movie will be a blockbuster smash hit
So logically speaking, the cash grab angle doesn't make sense.

Right now, point for me. :win:

Next point.. 12yr old, easily impressionable. Ok, so fukk THAT LIL nikka :banderas: next point?
If thats all you got to say as to why it shouldn't be. Well, point me again :win: :win:
You can't just rule a person out like how you did.

Final talking point.. Bible saying you can't go to heaven, can't see God.
Well, the bible talks about Moses seeing GOD on top of Mt.Sinai
This kid described how GOD appeared to him, correct. I understand you read the book and all
But do you understand what I am saying to you now sir?

I understand you feel there are other stories more deserving. But that doesn't automatically make any other story invalid
If there is something else about this story that I need to read/see, I'm certain you would have mentioned that
Or you will in your reply :manny:


Jun 14, 2012
Atheists are just as hypocritical as religious nuts :manny: so desperate to spread your non-beliefs while discrediting others
I'm not an atheist. Agnostic here. My main issue with christians in instances like thiis are their snide little passive aggresive remarks like, "Well we'll see who's right when judgment comes for you :mjpls:

Like nikka, spare me. The burden of proof isn't on the discreditor. I'll be more than happy to accept any religion's God as soon as they show me proof as to his all knowing all powerfullness or whatever. Skepticism is healthy, if you ask me. To just submit to the first religion you're introduced to as a child and accept it as fact seems foolish

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I'm not an atheist. Agnostic here. My main issue with christians in instances like thiis are their snide little passive aggresive remarks like, "Well we'll see who's right when judgment comes for you :mjpls:

Like nikka, spare me. The burden of proof isn't on the discreditor. I'll be more than happy to accept any religion's God as soon as they show me proof as to his all knowing all powerfullness or whatever. Skepticism is healthy, if you ask me. To just submit to the first religion you're introduced to as a child and accept it as fact seems foolish
It would be foolish to think that is all there is to the equation :stop:
You left out personal enlightenment. You riding with a religion is just the first step in the path to spiritual enlightenment young grasshippie
There are evil and deceitful people all around us. You have done too little on your part
You talking like if GOD should come crawling to you. Nah bruh, it is up to you to find out about him
Just like its up to you to find out about education. So you on the sidelines yellin "I'm Agnostic" which is a word made up by a homosexul bruh
Straight men don't claim they anything but Down or Out. This "Well I'm a chameleon" shyt don't fly buddy
But you are free to carry it however you want. I feel you never have tried this before?