Heat wave in Spain and Portugal has killed over 1000 people temperature's reaching over 117 degrees


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Back to the same redundant temperature crap.

Did global warming also end the Ice Age 11,000 years ago?

Once you understand that the planet goes through different phases, you’ll get a better understanding about the scam associated with the climate change crap.

Funnily enough, western countries which are the biggest offenders when it comes to co2 emissions and the biggest consumers of fossil fuels are the ones pushing the climate change agenda due to how industrialised they’re. However, the countries being forced to adopt climate change policies are 3rd world countries that still need to industrialise to move to the next level of societal development. And you can’t industrialise without fossil fuel. So, why’s that? That alone should explain what the agenda is about to discerning eyes.

A couple of years ago, Sri Lanka was convinced to go green by IMF and World Bank due to climate change. The gullible president, who’s as impressionable as a lot of you educated illiterates on here embraced it whilst thinking he’s a post-modern and futuristic brainiac. Look at where his country ended up. It ended up being bust within 2yrs with debts it won’t be able to pay back in at least 2 generations.

England experienced heat wave in 1906 and temperature peaked at 35.6 (link: Weather in History 1900 to 1949 AD ). Did climate change cause all that?

Also, in 1636 in England, there was also a heat wave in England during summer and there was no rain from March until September (in case you don’t know, in England it’s always cloudy and it rains all the time). And during winter, the Thames River was frozen. Did climate change also cause that since it was before the industrial revolution?

This is the weather in England in the 1600s: Weather in History 1600 to 1649 AD

^ If it were today, neo-liberal c*nts would call it “climate change” due to how disastrous it was. And that was way before industrial revolution and all the nonsense they’re claiming is the cause of climate change.
Glad I took college-level meteorology, geology, paleontology, volcanology and won awards in environmental science describing how melting polar ice will effect the gulf stream to be told it’s all a ruse because you talked to some :flabbynsick: dudes who said England used to be hot in the 1970s :mjlol:

The answer to all your questions is yes climate change did cause that. You’re trying to say did man made emissions contribute. Again, 1900 is after the industrial era. The Victorian era was so brutal in London that the Thames was full of waste and a constant “pea soup fog” used to cling to the ground, and this lead to the west end being more expensive because the east end is downwind. The mini-ice age occurred in the medieval ages because of the cooling effect caused by volcanic activity, you idiot, again showing how theories of climate change results from gasses and emissions relation to the atmosphere. :mjlol:

Go back and hang out with the braindead idiots and climate science deniers over at r/conservative :camby:
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Animal House

May 28, 2012
And 3rd world countries would be stupid to buy into that crap.

Sri Lanka bought into the climate change nonsense and decided to go green hence the country went bust and it’s currently indebted so bad that it will take generations to clear the debt. And the 1st world countries that influenced it to go green are back to using coal and nuclear power.

The whole thing is a big scam - a ponzi to keep certain countries from industrialisation. Al Gore got stupidly rich for selling climate change. You will always need fossil fuel for full industrialisation.

We’re just in a new age and while some regions would be affected, some would benefit from it.
Well part of the reason they fukked up is they implemented a change basically overnight


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
Not climate change.

It was as hot as this all over Europe in 1976. Hence a lot of Old Heads that I’ve met in the pub in London who lived through it have been laughing off the scare mongering.

Interestingly, the bogeyman “Climate Change” wasn’t born then, so they couldn’t blame him.

White people die due to heat every summer in Europe anyway. Nothing new.

Sucks to be pale and pasty :bryan:


Jan 3, 2017
Not climate change.

It was as hot as this all over Europe in 1976. Hence a lot of Old Heads that I’ve met in the pub in London who lived through it have been laughing off the scare mongering.

Interestingly, the bogeyman “Climate Change” wasn’t born then, so they couldn’t blame him.

White people die due to heat every summer in Europe anyway. Nothing new.
Volcano eruptions have greater potential to cause accelerated climate change than man made activities.

When a volcano erupts, its ash reaches high into the atmosphere and can spread to cover the whole earth. The ash cloud blocks out solar radiation, which leads to worldwide cooling for up to two years after an eruption.

This is what happened in the "little ice age" between 1275 and 1300. In Europe, rivers and lakes and harbors froze, birds iced up and fell from the sky, people died of hypothermia, there was a long-term agricultural crisis, There were panics and uprisings, food riots and rebellions, and a spike in witch trials.

Below is a painting of the frozen River Thames in London (with visible glaciers) during the mini ice age.



Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
Smart dumb git, that’s what you deduced from my post? I guess all the Ice Age and the subsequent melting that have happened in the history of this planet for millennia was caused by global warming, no? LOL

You and your fellow useful idiots can stay falling for the nonsense. That’s the reason why Sri Lanka went bust. And the fact that you’re African even made it more pitiful.

If you want to get lashed - create a thread to discuss the climate change fallacy, so I can educate your dumb arse.
I'd literally pistol whip you in person for dumbass statements like this, this planet needs to prioritize getting rid of everybody with this dumbass mentality. Y'all need to be put down, along with every corporate piece of garbage that's responsible for this shyt.

You think yo dumbass knows more than professional fukking scientists you fukkin idiot. nikka go sit yo bytch ass down. When shyt gets bad, I'm going on a killing spree of nikkas like you. I put that shyt on God.