HBCU Alumni Giving Rates


Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
As a living Morehouse alum, I don't feel "stunted on" at all. I feel appreciative and overjoyed by Mr. Smith's generosity.

Hopefully those Morehouse grads pay it forward by making annual contributions to the endowment as opposed to just spending money on white owned luxuries to stunt for homecoming. :francis:

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
New Morehouse Program Addresses Student Loan Debt
August 8, 2019 | : by LaMont Jones

Morehouse College is launching a fundraising and research initiative to help graduates pursue advanced degrees, start careers and build wealth without being burdened by undergraduate student loan debt.

Morehouse College graduate

The Student Success Program will solicit donations made specifically to reduce or eliminate the student loan debt of students, creating an opportunity for greater financial freedom for new alumni and their families.

Morehouse will study the impact of the cost of higher education on students and the freedom of choice that alumni experience in their careers when their student loan balances are paid in full or reduced to manageable levels.

Morehouse president Dr. David A. Thomas said the program “will provide students with a liberating gift that will wipe away or greatly reduce their student loans, allowing them to pursue their dreams and lead lives of leadership and service immediately after graduation.”

He added that it is “an important step toward improving outcomes for our graduates and addressing the income disparities that people of color experience when they are overburdened by debt.”

According to United Negro College Fund Research, 80 percent of HBCU students use federal loans to fund their education, compared to 55 percent of their peers at other private and state institutions. HBCU graduates also borrow nearly twice as much—$26,266 on average — than non-HBCU students. While one in four HBCU students borrows $40,000 or more to attend college, the student loan debt threshold of Morehouse students at graduation is between $35,000 and $40,000.

Dr. Michael L. Lomax, UNCF president and CEO, called the Student Success Program “a fund-raising opportunity that should be studied and duplicated nationally. The impact of such a gift, particularly for minority or economically disadvantaged families, could accelerate the growth of a more diverse and robust middle class.”

In May, Black billionaire investor Robert F. Smith, when receiving an honorary degree at the Morehouse commencement, announced that he would create a grant fund to pay off the student loan debt for the entire graduating class. Based on almost 70 percent of students taking out loans and average debt after graduation of about $26,000, the gift total may exceed $7 million.


We dog out the poor performing and poorly lead schools, so we have to highlight the HBCUs with STRONG forward thinking leaders.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
article from Inside Philanthropy magazine/website

In a Higher Ed Landscape Flush with Cash, Are More Big Gifts Starting to Reach HBCUs?
October 03, 2019/ Mike Scutari

Featuring a controversial donor and corporate intrigue, a recent Inside Philanthropy piece on ex-Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter and his previous employer’s gifts to two universities made for breathless reading. Yet from a purely financial perspective, the three donations in question totaled less than $2 million—chump change in a higher ed fundraising space that saw American universities raise a record $46.7 billion in fiscal 2018.

Why such a hullabaloo over donations that amount to less money than Harvard University raises on an average day? The answer is simple. The gifts flowed to two historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs)—Kentucky’s Simmons College and North Carolina’s Bennett College. This is newsworthy because at a time when higher ed donors profess an interest in equity, and many institutional funders are focusing more attention on race, such schools continue to receive scant support as money continues to flow to more affluent public and private universities.

HBCUs aren’t alone in waiting for big checks that rarely materialize. In 2016, I asked if Herb Alpert’s $10.1 million donation to Los Angeles City College would focus donors’ attention on woefully underfunded community colleges. Two years later, I pondered the possibility that Michael Bloomberg’s gift of $1.8 billion in financial aid to Johns Hopkins University would make alumni reconsider their love affair with tuition-busting capital projects. (In each case, the answer has been a resounding “no.”)

In 2017, donors made 462 gifts of $1 million or more to higher education. HBCUs received just two of them.

Last year, when Ronda Stryker and William Johnston made a $30 million gift to Atlanta’s Spelman College, I wondered if mega-donors would finally give HBCUs a second look. I wasn’t alone. Nonprofit Quarterly’s Debby Warren called the Stryker/Johnston gift an “inflection point,” and asked if other donors would “step up” to support HBCUs that haven’t recovered from the Great Recession and were disproportionately affected by a 2011 change to the PLUS federal student loan program.

It’s been nine months since the Stryker-Johnson gift. Have donors stepped up? As you’d expect, it depends on the definition of “stepping up.” Citing data from the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s database of large charitable gifts, The Atlantic’s Adam Harris found that more than a dozen donations of $5 million or more were made to universities in the first month of 2019 alone. None of these gifts went to an HBCU.

However, HBCUs’ prospects improved as the year progressed, thanks to Robert F. Smith’s pledge to pay off student loans for Morehouse College’s graduating class of 2019 and UnitedHealth Group’s $8.25 million partnership with the Atlanta University Center Consortium (AUCC), the oldest and largest consortium of HBCUs, to launch a data science initiative.

Obstacles to Support

There are many reasons that HBCU fundraisers lag behind their predominantly white institution (PWI) counterparts. Most obviously, these schools, like community colleges and trade schools, don’t have a lot of rich alums, in contrast to Ivy League schools, which reap most of their mega-gifts from incredibly wealthy graduates.

Also, HBCUs have historically been at a disadvantage in large philanthropic gifts from non-alumni. On the surface, this isn’t that surprising. It’s less likely that a donor will give money to a school where he or she has no direct connection. While this tendency also applies to PWIs, it’s far more acute for HBCUs. Why?

For starters, non-alumni donors may be reluctant to support HBCUs that have a six-year degree-completion rate of 32 percent, according to a recent report from the Education Trust, compared with a 45 percent rate for black students at all kinds of institutions. But these findings, said Ray Franke, an assistant professor of higher education at the University of Massachusetts at Boston, don’t take into account systemic differences between students, like socioeconomic status or institutional disparities in revenues and wealth.

Marybeth Gasman, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education, speaking to Bloomberg, pointed to another reason that non-alumni skip over HBCUs. “There's racism involved in acquiring funds.” In the past, “funders did not trust African Americans to manage their money, so they didn't give.” As a result, HBCUs can’t gain access to the kinds of investment strategies available to schools with multibillion-dollar endowments. “Wealth begets wealth,” Gasman said. “This is the same thing that happens with HBCUs.”

This reality is compounded by the fact that although African Americans tend to give a larger share of their discretionary income to charity than do white Americans, they also tend to have less accumulated wealth, even at similar levels of educational attainment. According to the New York Times, for every $100 in white family wealth, black families hold just $5.04. HBCUs are also facing challenges endemic to other small private universities, like dwindling enrollment, deteriorating infrastructure, student defaults and rising pension costs.

Add it all up, and it’s hard to fault HBCUs for accepting support from unlikely funders like the Koch brothers, who, critics argue, have bankrolled an implicitly racist agenda. As Dillard University President Walter Kimbrough said when asked about receiving Koch cash, “I'll still fight for things important to the African-American community, and I’ll use their money to do it.”

continued in next post
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get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
part 2

Two Steps Forward

While certainly a cause for celebration, the biggest recent HBCU gift also underscored the severity of the challenges facing these schools. Back in May, billionaire businessman Robert F. Smith announced that he would pay off student loans for every member of the graduating class of 2019 at the all-male historically black Morehouse College in Atlanta. The gift is a part of the college’s Student Success Program, which will now accept donations with the purpose of reducing and eliminating loans of Morehouse students.

At the time, outlets mostly framed the gift through the larger lens of escalating student debt, and understandably so. As the New York Times reported, “The announcement came at a time of growing calls across the country to do something about the mounting burden of student loan debt, which has more than doubled in the past decade. Presidential candidates like Elizabeth Warren have made debt cancellation a key plank in their campaign platforms, and some states and institutions are moving to make college tuition-free.”

The student loan crisis is so vast and extreme that lost in the coverage surrounding Smith’s announcement was the fact that, according to the United Negro College Fund, the average debt for graduates of HBCUs is $26,266, double that of non-HBCU students. The takeaway here is self-evident. While many donors have turned their attention to student debt, under-resourced HBCUs will have to work twice as hard to provide comparable relief for their students. (In late September, Smith got the final tab for his gift to Morehouse: $34 million.)

In July, UnitedHealth Group announced a five-year, $8.25 million partnership with the AUCC to launch a data science initiative. The AUCC Data Science Initiative will offer technical classes and certificate programs at AUCC member institutions—Clark Atlanta University, Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine and Spelman College—for students seeking to specialize in data science or apply data analysis in their own fields.

The gift comes as private and corporate donors like UnitedHealth Group, attuned to rising demand for next-generation jobs, have donated tens of millions of dollars for data science initiatives across the country. Given the fact that these gifts have flowed to large, private public institutions, it’s refreshing to see UnitedHealth Group support a consortium of HBCUs, which have historically served as a significant pipeline for black STEM degree holders.

Additional Gifts to Morehouse

A search of Philanthropy News Digest’s grants database yields other gifts flowing to HBCUs over the past nine months. Again, the dollar amounts may not be particularly stunning, but given the challenges facing HBCUs, every little bit helps.

In April, Morehouse announced that Eugene McGowan Jr. left $4.6 million to establish the Eugene McGowan Jr. endowed scholarship. McGowan was a prominent Delaware psychologist and former Atlanta Public Schools teacher. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Morehouse and a Ph.D. in psychology in the 1940s. He died in 2017 at 100.

In late September, Dr. William F. Pickard and Judson W. Pickard Jr. donated $2 million to Morehouse to fund a new scholarship for students who live in three Midwestern cities and LaGrange, Georgia, their childhood hometown. William is a philanthropist, CEO of Bearwood Management McDonald’s, a co-managing partner for MGM Grand Detroit Casino, and chairman and founder of the multi-billion-dollar business enterprise GAA Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management and GAA New Ventures. Judson and his family own and operate a number of McDonald’s franchises in the greater Cincinnati area.

“We are committed to helping African American men thrive as leaders, scholars and future businessmen,” said Judson W. Pickard on behalf of the Pickard Family. “Morehouse College’s mission is focused on developing men who are committed to academic excellence, community service, and leadership. This partnership aligns with our family’s vision and values on the impact of historically black colleges on student success.”

Causes for (Cautious) Optimism

In the absence of a significant economic downturn, can HBCUs sustain this momentum, however halting, in the future? Two factors suggest it’s possible. First, consider the data. While it’s irrefutable that a deeply entrenched racial wealth gap helps to explain the relative lack of support for HBCUs, we’ve reported often on a rising tide of giving by well-heeled African-American donors. As Morehouse College president emeritus Robert Franklin recently said, “With all of the black wealth out there and the huge gifts some colleges have received from African-Americans, one would think that our institutions, also, should receive these gifts.”

Second, a growing body of research and commentary argues that the current higher education system exacerbates inequality. (Check out recent examples here, here and here.) Equity-minded donors can attempt to change the system from within, or instead pivot toward HBCUs, which, according to a recent survey from the Rutgers Center for Minority Serving Institutions, are producing more upwardly mobile graduates than PWIs. (Community colleges have made a similarly compelling argument.) A growing focus on racial equity by institutional funders is another reason for optimism

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Oprah Winfrey Donates $13 million to Morehouse College

Oprah Winfrey at Morehouse (photo via twitter.com)
According to cnn.com, Oprah Winfrey now has the largest endowment ever at all-male HBCU Morehouse College in Atlanta after donating $13 million.

Winfrey visited Morehouse on Monday for the 30th anniversary of the Oprah Winfrey Scholars Program, the release said. The program started in 1989 and the fund stands at $12 million. Monday’s donation of $13 million pushed her total investment to $25 million.

“Seeing you young Oprah Winfrey scholars here today has moved me deeply,” Winfrey said Monday before announcing her donation. “I am so proud of you, I’m proud of everybody in attendance at this school who is seeking to know more clearly who you are, the value you hold and how you will share that value with the rest of the world.”

Oprah Winfrey returned to Morehouse College to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Oprah Winfrey Scholars Program. Her $12 million donation to the scholarship program over the years has paid for the education of nearly 600 scholars. A portrait was unveiled in her honor today. pic.twitter.com/AE3Qell0Mk

— Morehouse College (@Morehouse) October 7, 2019

Winfrey’s donation comes after billionaire Robert Smith promised to pay off the student loan debt of the 2019 Morehouse graduates in May. Smith donated $34 million to the school last month, making good on his promise.

“I’m grateful to Oprah Winfrey for her generosity,” said Morehouse President David A. Thomas

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Wilberforce University Receives $1.2M Anonymous Donation
September 24, 2019 | : by Sarah Wood


Dr. Elfred Anthony Pinkard

An anonymous donor gifted $1.2 million to Wilberforce University in order to launch a matching donation initiative.

The campaign, #WilberforceUnite, has a goal of reviving the school’s fundraising efforts, according to the university.

With the funding, Wilberforce will look to improve its student aid, facility and academic programs as well as support faculty and staff development.

“As a university community, we are absolutely committed to the hard work required for institutional transformation,” said President Dr. Elfred Anthony Pinkard. “Our work has begun in earnest and this gift serves as an urgent reminder that we must remain vigilant and focused on excellence and high performance. We challenge everyone to donate today and show your support for the nation’s oldest private [historically Black college and university] (HBCU), Wilberforce University.”


Aug 6, 2015
The conversations never mention the wealth gap or how HBCU grads are doing financially compared to their white counter parts, whether they actually have the extra money to give.


Dec 12, 2012
I find the concept of "giving back" to universities hilarious.

If you're gettin' it like that, attribute it to your university & want that school to thrive, I guess. But that's not the case for most. Many are still payin' for that education long after they graduate.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
‘This Kind of Action Is So Necessary’: Charlamagne Tha God Gifts S.C. HBCU $250K During Homecoming
Kiersten Willis
October 21, 2019

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Charlamagne Tha God recently returned to his home state of South Carolina to give back to a local historically Black university in time for homecoming.

The Moncks Corner, South Carolina, native visited S.C. State University over the weekend to give the Orangeburg HBCU a sizable donation. His $250,000 scholarship award was presented to the S.C. State University Alumni Association for student scholarships, The T&D reported. The gift to The Ford Family Endowed Scholarship Fund was given on behalf of Charla’s mother, Julie Ford McKelvey, who is an alum of S.C. State, class of 1975.


Charlamagne Tha God (left) and an unidentified friend. (Photo: @cthagod/Instagram)
“Dear Black People like I said yesterday an investment into an HBCU is an investment into the future of our people,” “The Breakfast Club” host wrote on Instagram Sunday, Oct. 20. “Salute to everyone who did their part yesterday at @scstate1896 homecoming. The SC State Club donated 215,889 dollars to @scstateathletics and OG @whipclyburn stunted on us all with his 1.7 million dollar endowment that will fund S.C. State honors college scholarships.

“The SC State University Honors college is named after his late wife Dr. Emily England Clyburn who is also a Moncks Corner native and the reason Congressman Clyburn always tells me I’m the SECOND best thing to come out of Moncks Corner… which would actually push me further down the list because I’m putting my wife before me,” he continued. “Anyway just always remember if you really rooting for everybody black the next time an HBCU ask for money, open your wallet!!!! It’s a blessing to be a blessing. GOD IS EVERYTHING!!! #WeFightDifferent.”

Charlamagne, whose real name is Lenard McKelvey, included a series of photos of those who appeared at the homecoming game against Morgan State during halftime to give their various donations. Charla gave a quarter of a million dollars through his local nonprofit Third Eye Awareness, which gives back to the community.

“SCSUNAA is proud to host a son of South Carolina who is doing remarkable things that change the temperature of our society. He is respected for his viewpoints and his outstanding accomplishments,” said S.C. State National Alumni Association president John J. Funny to The T&D. Funny had invited Charla to homecoming after speaking with him.

Upon seeing Charlamagne’s donation, many of the radio and TV personality’s Instagram followers applauded him.

“We appreciate you ✊

“This kind of action is so necessary ”

“Someone give @cthagod a honorary degree already.. my mans done paid more than all of us..”

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Charlamagne Tha God recently returned to his home state of South Carolina to give back to a local historically Black university in time for homecoming.

“Dear Black People like I said yesterday an investment into an HBCU is an investment into the future of our people,” “The Breakfast Club” host wrote on Instagram Sunday, Oct. 20. “Salute to everyone who did their part yesterday at @scstate1896 homecoming. The SC State Club donated 215,889 dollars to @scstateathletics and OG @whipclyburn stunted on us all with his 1.7 million dollar endowment that will fund S.C. State honors college scholarships.

Clyburn: $1.7M endowment will fund S.C. State honors college scholarships
  • Special to The T&D
  • Aug 4, 2019

Pictured, from left, are Dr. Harriett Roland of South Carolina State University Honors College, Congressman James E. Clyburn and Rodney Jenkins, vice chair of S.C. State's Board of Trustees.

SANTEE – U.S. House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn, D-S.C., announced at his annual Rudolph Canzater Memorial Classic this weekend in Santee that he and his wife, Emily, are designating the $1.7 million they have raised and contributed to South Carolina State University over the years to fund honors college scholarships.

Clyburn pushing for rural broadband; congressman wants internet in infrastructure bill

Joined by S.C. State Honors College Dean Dr. Harriet Roland and S.C. State Board of Trustees vice chair Rodney Jenkins, Clyburn said his family has decided they would like the funds in the James E. and Emily E. Clyburn Endowment to support the Emily England Clyburn Honors Scholarship program they established in 2016 at the couple’s alma mater. Clyburn also committed to increasing the total funds in the endowment to $2 million.

Clyburn: Candidates can learn in Orangeburg; congressman doubts city will host debate

“We want the school to know that but for its existence and the friendship of the students we met there, we would not be who and what we are today,” Clyburn said. “I want to thank the school and the administrators for all they are doing to make the future better for young people. All we need to do is to provide an opportunity and these young people can make it.”

The announcement was welcomed by South Carolina State University officials.

150 to receive scholarships; Clyburn Foundation plans health fair, golf tournament, more

“Thank you, Jim, and thank you, Emily, for what you all have done, are doing and will continue to do for South Carolina State,” Jenkins said. “We know we have a large job to prepare, and we are going to do that. South Carolina State is alive and well.”

“On behalf of the Honors College staff and honors students, we are indebted to you,” Roland said. “There is great need, and this money will be put to good use. We will continue to make you proud.”

U.S. House Majority Whip Clyburn announces office staff

Seven students have already received $10,000 Emily England Clyburn Honors College Scholarships from the Clyburns’ initial $70,000 donation. Transferring the balance of the Clyburn endowment to the scholarship program will ensure it continues permanently.

Jim and Emily Clyburn are both 1961 graduates of South Carolina State and are among the most loyal donors and advocates of their alma mater, according to a statement from S.C. State.

she passed away in Sept. 2019


get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
Howard U. receives $10M donation to fund STEM scholarships


Jan 23, 2020 |

More scholarships in science and technology will be offered to students at Howard University, the private Washington D.C. university announced Wednesday, thanks to a $10 million donation — the largest in Howard University’s more than 150-year history.

Gifted by the the Karsh Family Foundation — whose mission is to support educational equity and opportunity — the endowment will fund full scholarships, research internships, opportunities to study abroad and professional mentoring for about 30 students to earn their Ph.D. or combined M.D./Ph.D.s in science, technology, engineering and math subjects. The funds will also be used to create new scholarships for graduates of the Knowledge is Power Program, a nationwide network of high performing public schools in underserved communities.

“Thanks to this generous gift, the Karsh STEM Scholars Program will realize its full potential to cultivate a workforce pipeline of talented students from underrepresented communities who are well equipped to become leaders in the global STEM community,” KSSP program director Ronald Smith, said in a statement.

Between 2013 and 2017, Howard University awarded 130 science and engineering doctoral degrees — the most of any historically black college or university — according to data from the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, and subsequently has contributed significantly to black students’ increased attainment of advanced degrees in STEM.

“When we created this program, with the support of the Board of Trustees, we envisioned building a model program to demonstrate how higher education can serve as a pipeline to diversify STEM fields nationally, but we knew it wouldn’t be sustainable without external resources,” Howard University President Wayne Frederick, said in a press release. “This gift will ensure that Howard can train the nation’s brightest students who desire to obtain their Ph.D. or combined M.D./Ph.D. for generations to come.”

Since 1988, the Karsh Family Foundation has committed more than $200 million for education and scholarships.


Cali born Cali bred
Jun 8, 2012
So. Cal
The average in the country is 11% breh. Stop hating on your own. :stopitslime:

Shot out to the ladies of Spelman:myman: