Have you or someone you know contemplated suicide over a female?


Jun 14, 2012
I've thought about it numerous times. Never seriously I don't like to think but just as a jerk reaction/thought to bad shyt that's gone on. But I keep coming back to the same thought.

I don't want the last time I saw my momma's face to be the last time ever. I think about the last time I saw her cry and how bad I felt when she was crying and I couldn't make it stop. I don't want to be the cause of her agony and pain. So I maintain and persevere because shyt will eventually get better. You'll eventually have another good day. Eventually meet another chick. There's too many people out there who would be hurt or let down if you did that. That's enough to stop me from thinking of doing some foolishness like suicide. Family.


May 1, 2012

fukk no, your life must be pathetic :wtf:

you seriously need to reconsider every aspect of your life if at one point that ever happened to you

seriously, if you don't have so much more things in your life that one little bump on the road pulls you away from all of this get some counseling for real

:laugh: at "your life must be pathetic, get counseling." Nothing like a little hyperbole before bed, eh?

My life is actually pretty fantastic.

But when I was young, I had a couple bad years back to back and I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel. When you're in a fukked up place, you contemplate all options, including suicide. It wasn't something I seriously considered, but you sort of do "what if" scenarios in your head and try to figure out how things would play out. I hope you never have to find out what that's like, breh.


Have Fun Staying Poor
May 5, 2012
:laugh: at "your life must be pathetic, get counseling." Nothing like a little hyperbole before bed, eh?

My life is actually pretty fantastic.

But when I was young, I had a couple bad years back to back and I didn't see a light at the end of the tunnel. When you're in a fukked up place, you contemplate all options, including suicide. It wasn't something I seriously considered, but you sort of do "what if" scenarios in your head and try to figure out how things would play out. I hope you never have to find out what that's like, breh.


Fair enough, I get where you're coming from but right now my life is so :ahh: I have trouble grasping how someone would really contemplate this....

Again, I'm certain I prolly haven't been through half of what someone here might've had but shyttt


Evil b*stard
Aug 12, 2012
Hell on Earth
Suicide is for pussies.

I've been through some dark, dark times...but never ever considered wacking myself :wtf:


Jun 9, 2012
I had a very good friend go thru a terrible break up a few years back, the bytch tore his heart out and he confessed he was contemplating ending it. He eventually snapped out of it and last time we talked about it dude laughed at how stupid he was.

In my experience, people who are that torn up over a break-up (not speaking about wife and kids type stuff) usually have some other issues buried deep down and that type of thing is just a trigger or last straw type scenario. It's usually not about the girl, but about bigger issues. In my homie's case, his dad abandoned him and his mom when he was a little one and he never dealt with it, had abandonment issues and shyt.

Heartbreak sucks, but I truly believe it's something every man has to go through at least once as part of the maturation process, and you really do come out of that shyt a better and wiser person.

And let's be clear, no woman is ever worth killing yourself over. I don't care if she was a 10 who gave the best brain every night and cooked like a 5 star chef. fukk that.


May 18, 2012
My ex-roommate's brother shot himself in the chest over his gf of 5 years. He was 22.

This happened in June/July.

I pondered suicide after I got my heart broken last summer. I thought beimg dead would make her feel bad & realize what she lost.

I was young and dumb :manny: but I am still here

If I had kids, was married and caught my wife cheatimg, suicide-murder would be the route I take

:huhldup: nikkas like you and oj the reason I would never mess around with a married bytch. Hell I got shawty right now who got a bf in the navy we're just friends but I cant lie and say I've contemplated tryna get at her. One time we hung out and she called him on the phone and I couldnt hear what he's saying but he was sounding real jelly on some "why couldnt you have gone with someone else" (we had went to some random restaurant, not even serious we was on campus and she just wanted me to come so she didnt have to walk alone). After that I was like I know about those military types Ill just leave her alone.

Sure I have. Hasn't everyone thought about killing themselves for one reason or another at some point?

Breh a year and a half ago I had a bad anxiety disorder (caused by an incident involving heights) and when I tell you that shyt was bad it was bad, literally everyday I was stuck on permanent anxiety for like 7-8mnths, having pantic attacks everyday damn near feeling like a walking ghoul (I was on meds and everything). Throughout that entire ordeal when I tell you I never for a second contemplated harming myself in anyway cause I knew I was going make it out. You gotta have tougher skin man, my parents somewhat knew what was going on (not really they thought I was a drug addict but I digress) but seeing my pops cry because of the state I was in man it really made me want to get better for myself, I would even lie and tell them I was good eventhough I wasnt just so they wouldnt worry about me, so I couldnt imagine doing some shyt like taking my own life man,nobody should have to bury a child. Suicide man is really some selfish ass shyt and is a bytch way to go out. Next time anything happens to you man just hold your nuts throughout the entire ordeal and keep looking forward to the next day. You know there was some pint where you were happy and perfectly normal and at some point its going revert back to that.


All Star
May 2, 2012
I've said this in previous threads but I'll say it again. Getting your heart broken by a woman you love is one of the toughest parts of growing up. However it's a necessary part of becoming a man. I say that because that's the time when you learn the true nature of females. The key is to take that experience and learn from it, so that in the future women won't b able to manipulate/take advantage of u. We've all been there n im
Sure most real dudes wouldn't take back that first soul crushing ether if they could bc it taught them a valuable life lesson.

Now KILLING yourself over a girl? That's just dumb and SELFISH. It's something ppl fantasize about on some "she's gonna regret she ever did this to me when she finds out I'm
Dead". C'mon man, stop it...you're gonna let some tramp whose replaceable get you that depressed??? Trust me, ppl who r truly suicidal have mental issues. A woman breaking your heart is never a valid reason to end it all.

From my experience, all women r the same. I've caught some Ls in my day just like the next man but I've always pushed forward. And u know what ? It's amazing because they ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS want to come crawling back. YOU just gotta b strong enough to move on and trust me that day will come when u receive that text, VM, Facebook message etc n it will b the greatest feeling in the world. This happened to me yesterday ironically :smugdraper: . It's all how u carry urself, if you get dumped or shytted on the best thing u can do is sever ties, move on , and focus on YOU (your career, dreams, aspirations) n the funny thing will b that when ur finally over her, w somebody else, doing good etc THAT'S when she'll pop up. N u don't give that Ho shyt! Lol I'm
Tellin u it's happened too many times


dirty sprite and autotune
Jun 15, 2012
:huhldup: nikkas like you and oj the reason I would never mess around with a married bytch. Hell I got shawty right now who got a bf in the navy we're just friends but I cant lie and say I've contemplated tryna get at her. One time we hung out and she called him on the phone and I couldnt hear what he's saying but he was sounding real jelly on some "why couldnt you have gone with someone else" (we had went to some random restaurant, not even serious we was on campus and she just wanted me to come so she didnt have to walk alone). After that I was like I know about those military types Ill just leave her alone.

Breh a year and a half ago I had a bad anxiety disorder (caused by an incident involving heights) and when I tell you that shyt was bad it was bad, literally everyday I was stuck on permanent anxiety for like 7-8mnths, having pantic attacks everyday damn near feeling like a walking ghoul (I was on meds and everything). Throughout that entire ordeal when I tell you I never for a second contemplated harming myself in anyway cause I knew I was going make it out. You gotta have tougher skin man, my parents somewhat knew what was going on (not really they thought I was a drug addict but I digress) but seeing my pops cry because of the state I was in man it really made me want to get better for myself, I would even lie and tell them I was good eventhough I wasnt just so they wouldnt worry about me, so I couldnt imagine doing some shyt like taking my own life man,nobody should have to bury a child. Suicide man is really some selfish ass shyt and is a bytch way to go out. Next time anything happens to you man just hold your nuts throughout the entire ordeal and keep looking forward to the next day. You know there was some pint where you were happy and perfectly normal and at some point its going revert back to that.

dont fukk another niccas bytch then :mjpls:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
These hoes are cold blooded my dude. Trust me, she wouldnt have given a flying fukk. Ive seen it man. Ive seeeeeeeen it :ld: , bytches straight up laughing at their man while their ignorning his call sucking on another nikkas dikk. :mindblown:

N*ggas be thinking she a hoe or gotta be a hoe but your girl could be a good girl and everyone even her friends think so but if you not around 24/7, something could pop off. Any girl too.

Red Omega

May 1, 2012
New York
I've said this in previous threads but I'll say it again. Getting your heart broken by a woman you love is one of the toughest parts of growing up. However it's a necessary part of becoming a man. I say that because that's the time when you learn the true nature of females. The key is to take that experience and learn from it, so that in the future women won't b able to manipulate/take advantage of u. We've all been there n im
Sure most real dudes wouldn't take back that first soul crushing ether if they could bc it taught them a valuable life lesson.

Now KILLING yourself over a girl? That's just dumb and SELFISH. It's something ppl fantasize about on some "she's gonna regret she ever did this to me when she finds out I'm
Dead". C'mon man, stop it...you're gonna let some tramp whose replaceable get you that depressed??? Trust me, ppl who r truly suicidal have mental issues. A woman breaking your heart is never a valid reason to end it all.

From my experience, all women r the same. I've caught some Ls in my day just like the next man but I've always pushed forward. And u know what ? It's amazing because they ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS want to come crawling back. YOU just gotta b strong enough to move on and trust me that day will come when u receive that text, VM, Facebook message etc n it will b the greatest feeling in the world. This happened to me yesterday ironically :smugdraper: . It's all how u carry urself, if you get dumped or shytted on the best thing u can do is sever ties, move on , and focus on YOU (your career, dreams, aspirations) n the funny thing will b that when ur finally over her, w somebody else, doing good etc THAT'S when she'll pop up. N u don't give that Ho shyt! Lol I'm
Tellin u it's happened too many times
