Have any of ya'll ever found out something you weren't supposed to know? Dark Secret?

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Bro do you write professionally. If not you should i could see you easily blowing up writing short stories with a good voice over on SM
Thanks man! I read a lot. I also listen to audiobooks all day when I’m working or driving. I really thought about writing.

My girl is a writer and has a few books published. She has been encouraging me also. I think I am going to give it a shot


Mar 19, 2015
You could probably write some type of hit tv show like an Atlanta or something. or some coming of age shyt just based off of your stories here alone

Thanks man! I read a lot. I also listen to audiobooks all day when I’m working or driving. I really thought about writing.

My girl is a writer and has a few books published. She has been encouraging me also. I think I am going to give it a shot

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Aye yo GM you're an amazing storyteller and truth-teller. Have you ever run into people trying to shame you, deflect, gaslight you, hate on, and attack you for your abilities? Or do you tend to get support in real life as well?
To be honest. I am pretty introverted. I don’t talk a lot. Other than to my girl and my parents occasionally I am just fine being by myself

I think most people who know me do not know that I have stories on deck because I rarely share. My girl is just finding out about me writing now and is mad because I didn’t let her know :mjlol:

This is why I love the Coli. I can chime in on threads and share my life from time to time. It’s really therapeutic for me.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
This is why I love the Coli. I can chime in on threads and share my life from time to time. It’s really therapeutic for me.
Yeah, we got love for you bruh. It's therapeutic to be able to release these stories and not be shamed or gaslighted into not telling them. And I know I appreciate the stories. Always able to learn or relate to something. REPPED!
Apr 3, 2014
Theres way more Down low dudes than you realize. First time had a cool ass roommate. Was playing spades on his computer and got on a tab and it was all gay porn. :hhh:

Most recent is this breh who's an mc at the clubs. Some woman told me that dude gay. I've seen him fukking another dude. :sas2:

I was like nah. Then one day he got really drunk and his mannerism was very sassy and questionable. I hit the :gucci:
There might be something to this. But kept it to myself. Then yesterday some girl starts telling me. I think this dude is gay. He's gay right? And I'm like :manny:

But In my head I'm like so are some of those dudes in his table.

There's this dude who works at the hardware store me and my dad go to. I know him through my dad even tho he's around my age cause my dad and him would always talk about sports. Dude has like 3 or 4 children. I would see him in the gym all the time cause he was a gymhead breh and we would speak (what's up breh) when we saw each other.

Anyway one day I was talking to these 2 chics that I know and somehow we got on the topic of not the hardware store dude but his baby mama. I told them the baby mama (who was a customer of mine) was always acting mean when she came in my office. They start snickering and then they look at each other. I'm like what :dahell:

They tell me of course she's mean. Her baby daddy is a fzggot. I'm like what? :dahell: the hardware store breh? The dude i always see in the gym. No way :wtf:

They tell me its true and they got video proof cause his gay lover recorded it and put it on Facebook. Then they start pulling it up to show me and I hit the :whoa: :damn: I'll take yalls word for it!

But dude was apparently getting his culo blasted by @Another Man and got outed. I never looked at him the same after that.

And dude seemed like a normal breh. I couldn't believe it. :dahell:


Lv 100 Bold natured
Sep 2, 2014
gif really making the vibe feel like this

i cant get down with it

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
I know someone in RL who masquerades as a Christian but really is an actual witch/ voodoo practitioner. Saw them a few times coming in and out of a botanica. This individual is overly nice too, never suspect that if you ever crossed them they are vindictive as hell and will put a root on you.
Coach Greg adams had a show about this. How suburban Christian housewives have a witch network, how women in general have a witchcraft network men are not supposed to find out about. And how mothers teach daughters this shyt in secret and how your fate is determined depending on if when your mom came into to your room at night to bless you or do witch shyt on you.


Sep 4, 2014
Kgn 876
The sins of the father shall fall on the child.

I have been able to live long enough to see this come to pass; this is about 4 generations of women.

The story starts In the 60s; my Grandpa was best friend with a man that married a woman that was fast in the ass from another country. He brought her here when she was already pregnant for someone else; he decides to bring up the child as his own.

Years later Grandpa was smashing besties wife one day and his bestfriend comes home, smells the budussy in the air and catches them in the act. He proceeds to beat the dog shyt out of his wife, while grandpa hurry’s home to grandma. His friend beat his wife into a concussion. She had a throbbing head ache for a couple days till he took her to a doctor. The doctor gave her an injection that caused her to bleed to death. Leaving behind the man and this pre teen daughter that wasn’t his.

Daughter over time grew into a stunning young woman who like her mom, was fast in the ass as a way of survival. She ends up having a daughter for her sugar daddy as a means to secure a long term pay cheque. The plan backfires and she’s left to her own devices with this child. She needs another long term pay cheque and gets with a drug dealer.

She’s living the high life, till the drug dealer dies suddenly. So she decides to get into the drug game herself and becomes a mule to settle her now deceased boyfriends debt and to continue the game. She is successful for a time as she’s travelling with children and maintains the highlife. She Instils in her daughter that men are only good for one thing; money.

shyt hits the fan and she’s caught coming back from overseas with drugs in her suitcase. She is arrested over seas, serves her time there, then is deported back here and is incarcerated for a number of years. In that time her children are scattered and have to be saved from the care system by extended family.

The die is cast, drug dealers don’t forget. She’s got to get them their money or their product. Shes unemployable so is caught up in the cycle and has several successful and unsuccessful mule trips.

Her daughter has grown up seeing this and embodies the ideology that men are only good for money. She eventually gets with some drug dealer, has a baby for him and he gives her a House In Virginia. Years later her children are in and out of the care system or Juvie.

Till her eldest child had a baby at 12 for someone who was giving her money in exchange for sexual favours. That baby is now in and out of care, hopefully the cycle gets broken with this child.
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Rev Leon Lonnie Love

damned mine eyes, DAMNED mine eyes!!
Nov 11, 2017
The sins of the father shall fall on the child.

I have been able to live long enough to see this come to pass; this is about 4 generations of women.

Te story starts In the 60s; my Grandpa was best friend with a man that married a woman that was fast in the ass from another country. He brought her here when she was already pregnant for someone else; he decides to bring up the child as his own.

Years later Grandpa was smashing besties wife one day and his bestfriend comes home, smells the budussy in the air and catches them in the act. He proceeds to beat the dog shyt out of his wife, while grandpa hurry’s home to grandma. His friend beat his wife into a concussion. She had a throbbing head ache for a couple days till he took her to a doctor. The doctor gave her an injection that caused her to bleed to death. Leaving behind the man and this pre teen daughter that wasn’t his.

Daughter over time grew into a stunning young woman who like her mom, was fast in the ass as a way of survival. She ends up having a daughter for her sugar daddy as a means to secure a long term pay cheque. The plan backfires and she’s left to her own devices with this child. She needs another long term pay cheque and gets with a drug dealer.

She’s living the high life, till the drug dealer dies suddenly. So she decides to get into the drug game herself and becomes a mule to settle her now deceased boyfriends debt and to continue the game. She is successful for a time as she’s travelling with children and maintains the highlife. She Instils in her daughter that men are only good for one thing; money.

shyt hits the fan and she’s caught coming back from overseas with drugs in her suitcase. She is arrested over seas, serves her time there, then is deported back here and is incarcerated for a number of years. In that time her children are scattered and have to be saved from the care system by extended family.

The die is cast, drug dealers don’t forget. She’s got to get them their money or their product. Shes unemployable so is caught up in the cycle and has several successful and unsuccessful mule trips.

Her daughter has grown up seeing this and embodies the ideology that men are only good for money. She eventually gets with some drug dealer, has a baby for him and he gives her a House In Virginia. Years later her children are in and out of the care system or Juvie.

Till her eldest child had a baby at 12 for someone who was giving her money in exchange for sexual favours. That baby is now in and out of care, hopefully the cycle gets broken with this child.
fascinating and sad story.......but I dont think it fits the theme of this thread quite well :patrice:


Sep 4, 2014
Kgn 876
fascinating and sad story.......but I dont think it fits the theme of this thread quite well :patrice:
It was all a secret, nobody knew the whole story, only the piece that they had. That’s why it was a secret. It wasn’t till a few years back we all put the pieces together. For example nobody knew why the mom kept disappearing, nobody knew about the house in Virginia and we still aren’t sure of the identity of the father of the 12 year olds baby.