Have any of ya'll ever found out something you weren't supposed to know? Dark Secret?


Mar 19, 2015
Theres way more Down low dudes than you realize. First time had a cool ass roommate. Was playing spades on his computer and got on a tab and it was all gay porn. :hhh:

Most recent is this breh who's an mc at the clubs. Some woman told me that dude gay. I've seen him fukking another dude. :sas2:

I was like nah. Then one day he got really drunk and his mannerism was very sassy and questionable. I hit the :gucci:
There might be something to this. But kept it to myself. Then yesterday some girl starts telling me. I think this dude is gay. He's gay right? And I'm like :manny:

But In my head I'm like so are some of those dudes in his table.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
I know someone in RL who masquerades as a Christian but really is an actual witch/ voodoo practitioner. Saw them a few times coming in and out of a botanica. This individual is overly nice too, never suspect that if you ever crossed them they are vindictive as hell and will put a root on you.

Clayton Endicott

Jul 11, 2015
A lodge of the Saints John of Jerusalem
Saw some nudes and vids of a supervisor that everyone wanted to fukk. My boy used to flirt with her on the low, and it went up a notch. She started sending him nudes and video of her fingering herself. She wanted him to hit, but he turned it down because he knew shyt would get messy.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Have any of you all ever found out something you weren't supposed to know? Or maybe became aware of it when you started to put two and two together? For example maybe something at work or a religious organization like illegal or immoral practices, a dark family secret, or something about your friend or partner. What did you do with that information? Keep it a secret? What if the party or person you found the secret out about knows you know about their secret? How did they react?


And Tagging @General Mills cuz I feel like you got a story.

When I was a kid one of my friends (Jay) lived down the street. He was a cool cac. If he was outside we would ride bikes or skateboard or other kid shyt.

Welllllll. Frequently his cousin (Shelly) who lived in the next town over would visit. She was about two years older than us. At this time me and the cac had to be 8 and she was 10/11. When she would come over she was always friendly & talked her girl shyt but was not overly annoying.

One day she came over to visit and me and Jay was bragging about our dads.

Jay - "My dad is a Hundredaire":hubie:

Me dumfounded - "What is a Hundredaire???":patrice:

Jay replied smugly- "Every time I look in his wallet he has a 100 bill in there. If he had a million he would be a millionaire.":ehh:

I could do nothing but marvel at his logic at 8 years old. I was also mad that he seemingly one upped me.:scust: This simply will not do. I had just beat him three times in a row in racing to the end of the driveway. This was his redemption.

Before he could rub it in I decided to buy some time by deflecting.:francis: I turned to his cousin who just walked up and said how rich is your dad??

Shelly looked momentarily confused.:skip: Like it never really occurred to her. I took that time to dive in because my only intent was to drag the convo there so Jay could not ask me specifically how much money my dad has in his wallet. The reason I did not want him to do that was because I truly had no idea. No way I was looking in my dads wallet. I could lie but knowing Jay he would ask my brother. He would lie for me but my sister would NOT. She would c00n in a heartbeat and tell Jay I was lying. :why: So my only play was to run down this rabbit hole.

Shelly was stammering and looking thoughtful. I cut her off and stated matter of factly that I never heard you talk about your dad before. Is he the man who drops you off all the time?:ohhh:

Shelly - No that is my grandfather.

Jay - Yeah that is our grandfather. Our mothers are sisters. He is my moms dad.

Me - :leon: Are you SURRREE?? Yall look exactly alike. Matter of fact he looks like he could be your dad I said.:sas1:

Jay kept trying to steer the convo back to how much money my dad has and I smoothly kept my foot on Shelly's neck, I kept asking about her real dad and kept stating that she looked just like her grandfather ( which she did coincidentally ). Eventually even Jay had to admit he never heard about her real dad and by the end of my 5 minute rambling horseshyt even Jay was questioning if his grandfather was her real dad.

The whole time Shelly was just standing there looking perplexed as fukk. :huh: I was peppering her with mad questions about her pops and she had NO answers. By the time they left I was thoroughly satisfied that I had avoided the verbal L to Jay and went home and slept well that night. :dead:

I guess after they went back to Jay's house Shelly and Jay made a big stink about who her dad was. Not sure how it all came out but. . .The Grandfather had slept with his own fukking daughter and Shelly was his granddaughter/ daughter.:what::sitdown:

The way Jay told me later was that he and his cousin were just trying to get to the bottom of things. They kept asking his mom and I guess she got emotional and it came out. When she blurted it out her husband had just came home and heard it and was :huhldup: He started then asking if her father molested her too and she said yeah.:wow:

He then went nuclear and drove over to the grandfathers house and kicked his ass and he got locked up for a few days.

After he told me all of that I slowly digested it. .. . Tasted the fukkery and foolishness in the air. I then turned to my friend and said my dad has never been to jail.:manny: He is better than your dad.

Jay was :yeshrug: By the 8 year old rules he had to eat that L.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
I guess after they went back to Jay's house Shelly and Jay made a big stink about who her dad was. Not sure how it all came out but. . .The Grandfather had slept with his own fukking daughter and Shelly was his granddaughter/ daughter.:what::sitdown:

The way Jay told me later was that he and his cousin were just trying to get to the bottom of things. They kept asking his mom and I guess she got emotional and it came out. When she blurted it out her husband had just came home and heard it and was :huhldup: He started then asking if her father molested her too and she said yeah.:wow:

He then went nuclear and drove over to the grandfathers house and kicked his ass and he got locked up for a few days.
Jay was :yeshrug: By the 8 year old rules he had to eat that L.
Rare W for GM! :wow:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA

Rare W for GM! :wow:
It was indeed a sweet dub.:ahh: I ate off that singular W for a whole year. No matter what argument or debate we were having I would always pull my dad is not a Jail Bird card. :wow:

Sadly a year later my dad DID go to jail overnight. I told about it at the end of this story. https://www.thecoli.com/threads/the-general-mills-chronicles.23522/page-16#post-936427

When Jay heard about it my advantage was gone. I did not realize back then that the real Dub was that my grandfather did not rape my moms. :ohlawd:

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA

I was helping a friend's :flabbynsick: uncle "speed up his phone" (clearing the 50+ tabs on both his browsers, deleting duplicate files, etc. for $30

The motherfukker likes armpit and fisting porn, a lot, I've come to find out :skip:

That's his business, I never told him or my friend/his nephew, but I ain't gonna shake buddy's hand again, that's for certain
Armpit Porn??? :skip::skip:

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Theres way more Down low dudes than you realize. First time had a cool ass roommate. Was playing spades on his computer and got on a tab and it was all gay porn. :hhh:

Most recent is this breh who's an mc at the clubs. Some woman told me that dude gay. I've seen him fukking another dude. :sas2:

I was like nah. Then one day he got really drunk and his mannerism was very sassy and questionable. I hit the :gucci:
There might be something to this. But kept it to myself. Then yesterday some girl starts telling me. I think this dude is gay. He's gay right? And I'm like :manny:

But In my head I'm like so are some of those dudes in his table.
gay Africans run to cities like Toronto to do their dirt a lot.


Mar 19, 2015
When I was a kid one of my friends (Jay) lived down the street. He was a cool cac. If he was outside we would ride bikes or skateboard or other kid shyt.

Welllllll. Frequently his cousin (Shelly) who lived in the next town over would visit. She was about two years older than us. At this time me and the cac had to be 8 and she was 10/11. When she would come over she was always friendly & talked her girl shyt but was not overly annoying.

One day she came over to visit and me and Jay was bragging about our dads.

Jay - "My dad is a Hundredaire":hubie:

Me dumfounded - "What is a Hundredaire???":patrice:

Jay replied smugly- "Every time I look in his wallet he has a 100 bill in there. If he had a million he would be a millionaire.":ehh:

I could do nothing but marvel at his logic at 8 years old. I was also mad that he seemingly one upped me.:scust: This simply will not do. I had just beat him three times in a row in racing to the end of the driveway. This was his redemption.

Before he could rub it in I decided to buy some time by deflecting.:francis: I turned to his cousin who just walked up and said how rich is your dad??

Shelly looked momentarily confused.:skip: Like it never really occurred to her. I took that time to dive in because my only intent was to drag the convo there so Jay could not ask me specifically how much money my dad has in his wallet. The reason I did not want him to do that was because I truly had no idea. No way I was looking in my dads wallet. I could lie but knowing Jay he would ask my brother. He would lie for me but my sister would NOT. She would c00n in a heartbeat and tell Jay I was lying. :why: So my only play was to run down this rabbit hole.

Shelly was stammering and looking thoughtful. I cut her off and stated matter of factly that I never heard you talk about your dad before. Is he the man who drops you off all the time?:ohhh:

Shelly - No that is my grandfather.

Jay - Yeah that is our grandfather. Our mothers are sisters. He is my moms dad.

Me - :leon: Are you SURRREE?? Yall look exactly alike. Matter of fact he looks like he could be your dad I said.:sas1:

Jay kept trying to steer the convo back to how much money my dad has and I smoothly kept my foot on Shelly's neck, I kept asking about her real dad and kept stating that she looked just like her grandfather ( which she did coincidentally ). Eventually even Jay had to admit he never heard about her real dad and by the end of my 5 minute rambling horseshyt even Jay was questioning if his grandfather was her real dad.

The whole time Shelly was just standing there looking perplexed as fukk. :huh: I was peppering her with mad questions about her pops and she had NO answers. By the time they left I was thoroughly satisfied that I had avoided the verbal L to Jay and went home and slept well that night. :dead:

I guess after they went back to Jay's house Shelly and Jay made a big stink about who her dad was. Not sure how it all came out but. . .The Grandfather had slept with his own fukking daughter and Shelly was his granddaughter/ daughter.:what::sitdown:

The way Jay told me later was that he and his cousin were just trying to get to the bottom of things. They kept asking his mom and I guess she got emotional and it came out. When she blurted it out her husband had just came home and heard it and was :huhldup: He started then asking if her father molested her too and she said yeah.:wow:

He then went nuclear and drove over to the grandfathers house and kicked his ass and he got locked up for a few days.

After he told me all of that I slowly digested it. .. . Tasted the fukkery and foolishness in the air. I then turned to my friend and said my dad has never been to jail.:manny: He is better than your dad.

Jay was :yeshrug: By the 8 year old rules he had to eat that L.


69 others

May 2, 2012
It was indeed a sweet dub.:ahh: I ate off that singular W for a whole year. No matter what argument or debate we were having I would always pull my dad is not a Jail Bird card. :wow:

Sadly a year later my dad DID go to jail overnight. I told about it at the end of this story. https://www.thecoli.com/threads/the-general-mills-chronicles.23522/page-16#post-936427

When Jay heard about it my advantage was gone. I did not realize back then that the real Dub was that my grandfather did not rape my moms. :ohlawd:
Bro do you write professionally. If not you should i could see you easily blowing up writing short stories with a good voice over on SM