I wouldn't leave NYC yet. I too plan to leave NYC, but I want to take advantage of the opportunities before I leave. Plus NYC is excellent for a degree like mines. What I always say is that if we blacks lose NYC it would be a lose but not a HUGE lose. However if we lose the metro(the Hasidics in my town of Spring Valley are trying to take it over since its so close to the city) then we are fukkED and better start packing our bags for the south.
Also I'll tell you a quick story my sister told me when she went to this Nyack reunion thing. She met a rich BLACK contractor for the Tappen Zee bridge who actually helps develops it. That man told my sister that he kept telling blacks in Brooklyn to buy their properties but they never did and so they are getting pushed out. He also said that he hated being the view black contractors for the Tappen Zee and wished he could hire more blacks. Its crazy.
@Poitier can explain it better than I can.